MIMIC-IV is now available!

Aug. 17, 2020

We are delighted to announce that MIMIC-IV has been published on PhysioNet! MIMIC-IV, the latest version of MIMIC, is a database comprising comprehensive clinical information on hospital stays for patients admitted to a tertiary academic medical center in Boston, MA, USA.

Major changes from MIMIC-III include: (1) a modular structure that links core hospital data to multiple data sources, including chest x-ray images; (2) an approach to date shifting that provides approximate year of admission; (3) new sources of data; such as the electronic medicine administration record.

The dataset is available from PhysioNet, and access is managed in the same way as MIMIC-III. If you already have access to MIMIC-III, then you will be granted access after signing the Data Use Agreement in the "Files" section of the project. New users will need to complete the credentialing process first (see: https://mimic-iv.mit.edu/docs/access/ for more details). For detailed guidelines on using MIMIC-IV, see the documentation!