bidmc43 5 125 60001 bidmc43.dat 16 65534(-32767)/pm 0 0 416 26854 0 RESP, bidmc43.dat 16 71320.5128(-38554)/NU 0 0 10457 16730 0 PLETH, bidmc43.dat 16 49488.8024(-41466)/mV 0 0 -17688 17844 0 II, bidmc43.dat 16 72469.5641(-23425)/mV 0 0 13942 13332 0 V, bidmc43.dat 16 70215.0003(-18586)/mV 0 0 23956 -2461 0 AVR, #: 19 : F : micu : : 2893-05-13-16-26: this is not a verbatim copy of an original file. Please see the accompanying LICENSE.txt file for further details.