
Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-IV-Ext Clinical Decision Making: A MIMIC-IV Derived Dataset for Evaluation of Large Language Models on the Task of Clinical Decision Making for Abdominal Pathologies

Paul Hager, Friederike Jungmann, Daniel Rueckert

A curated set of ED clinical decision making cases for four abdominal pathologies. Each case contains the exams required to diagnose including HPI, physical examination, laboratory tests, and imaging. Relevant treatment information is also included.

clinical decision making abdominal pathologies large language models treatment plan emergency room diagnosis

Published: July 8, 2024. Version: 1.1

Database Credentialed Access

Annotated Question-Answer Pairs for Clinical Notes in the MIMIC-III Database

Xiang Yue, Xinliang Frederick Zhang, Huan Sun

Annotated Question Answering Pairs for Clinical Notes in the MIMIC-III Database

clinical question answering clinical nlp clinical reading comprehension

Published: Jan. 15, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Wearable-based signals during physical exercises from patients with frailty after open-heart surgery

Daivaras Sokas, Monika Butkuvienė, Egle Tamulevičiūtė-Prascienė, Aurelija Beigienė, Raimondas Kubilius, Andrius Petrėnas, Birutė Paliakaitė

A data collection contains a wearable-based electrocardiogram and triaxial acceleration signals of 80 elderly patients with frailty after an open-heart surgery. The signals were collected while the patients were performing a series of exercise tests.

heart rate response frailty posture veloergometry timed up and go stair climbing physical exercise heart rate reserve rehabilitation accelerometer aging gait walk test heart rate balance wearable electrocardiogram

Published: March 31, 2022. Version: 1.0.0

Visualize waveforms

Database Open Access

Wearable-based signals during physical exercises from patients with frailty after open-heart surgery

Daivaras Sokas, Monika Butkuvienė, Egle Tamulevičiūtė-Prascienė, Aurelija Beigienė, Raimondas Kubilius, Andrius Petrėnas, Birutė Paliakaitė

A data collection contains a wearable-based electrocardiogram and triaxial acceleration signals of 80 elderly patients with frailty after an open-heart surgery. The signals were collected while the patients were performing a series of exercise tests.

heart rate response frailty posture veloergometry timed up and go stair climbing physical exercise heart rate reserve rehabilitation accelerometer aging gait walk test heart rate balance wearable electrocardiogram

Published: March 31, 2022. Version: 1.0.0

Visualize waveforms

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-IV-Ext Clinical Decision Making: A MIMIC-IV Derived Dataset for Evaluation of Large Language Models on the Task of Clinical Decision Making for Abdominal Pathologies

Paul Hager, Friederike Jungmann, Daniel Rueckert

A curated set of ED clinical decision making cases for four abdominal pathologies. Each case contains the exams required to diagnose including HPI, physical examination, laboratory tests, and imaging. Relevant treatment information is also included.

clinical decision making abdominal pathologies large language models treatment plan emergency room diagnosis

Published: July 8, 2024. Version: 1.1

Database Credentialed Access

AMR-UTI: Antimicrobial Resistance in Urinary Tract Infections

Michael Oberst, Soorajnath Boominathan, Helen Zhou, Sanjat Kanjilal, David Sontag

AMR-UTI is a freely accessible dataset, derived from electronic health record (EHR) information on over 100,000 urinary tract infections (UTI) treated at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, MA, USA.

antibiotic resistance causal inference policy learning antimicrobial resistance urinary tract infection clinical decision support machine learning

Published: Nov. 4, 2020. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

RadGraph2: Tracking Findings Over Time in Radiology Reports

Adam Dejl, Sameer Khanna, Patricia Therese Pile, Kibo Yoon, Steven QH Truong, Hanh Duong, Agustina Saenz, Pranav Rajpurkar

RadGraph2 is a dataset of 800 chest radiology reports annotated using a fine-grained entity-relationship schema, which captures key findings as well as mentions of changes that occurred in comparison with the previous radiology studies.

chest x-rays relation extraction disease progression information extraction radiology reports named entity recognition

Published: Aug. 8, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-III Clinical Database

Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard, Roger Mark

MIMIC-III is a large, freely-available database comprising deidentified health-related data associated with over forty thousand patients who stayed in critical care units of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center between 2001 and 2012. The databas…

clinical intensive care critical care natural language processing machine learning

Published: Sept. 4, 2016. Version: 1.4

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-III Clinical Database

Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard, Roger Mark

MIMIC-III is a large, freely-available database comprising deidentified health-related data associated with over forty thousand patients who stayed in critical care units of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center between 2001 and 2012. The databas…

clinical intensive care critical care natural language processing machine learning

Published: Sept. 4, 2016. Version: 1.4

Challenge Credentialed Access

SNOMED CT Entity Linking Challenge

Will Hardman, Mark Banks, Rory Davidson, Donna Truran, Nindya Widita Ayuningtyas, Hoa Ngo, Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard

272 discharge notes from the MIMIC-IV-Note dataset annotated with SNOMED CT concepts.

snomed entity linking clinical annotation

Published: Dec. 19, 2023. Version: 1.0.0