
Database Open Access

In-Gauge and En-Gage: Understanding Occupants' Behaviour, Engagement, Emotion, and Comfort Indoors with Heterogeneous Sensors and Wearables

Nan Gao, Max Marschall, Jane Burry, Simon Watkins, Flora Salim

The project aims to understand occupants’ behaviour, engagement, emotion, and comfort indoors with heterogeneous sensors and wearables.

electrodermal activity heart rate physiological signals environmental sensing thermal comfort modelling occupant behaviour sensing emotion sensing human behavoural modelling smart building

Published: Feb. 13, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

A Wearable Exam Stress Dataset for Predicting Cognitive Performance in Real-World Settings

Md Rafiul Amin, Dilranjan Wickramasuriya, Rose T Faghih

The data contains electrodermal activity, heart rate, blood volume pulse, skin surface temperature, inter beat interval and accelerometer data recorded during three exam sessions (midterm 1, midterm 2 and finals) as well as their corresponding grades


Published: May 26, 2022. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Behavioral and autonomic dynamics during propofol-induced unconsciousness

Sandya Subramanian, Patrick Purdon, Riccardo Barbieri, Emery Brown

Multimodal point process indices for heart rate variability and electrodermal activity for 9 subjects who are undergoing a controlled propofol sedation experiment where the concentration was increased and then decreased in stages.

autonomic nervous system anesthesia propofol heart rate variability electrodermal activity

Published: July 30, 2021. Version: 1.0

Database Open Access

Non-EEG Dataset for Assessment of Neurological Status

Non-EEG physiological signals collected using non-invasive wrist worn biosensors and consists of electrodermal activity, temperature, acceleration, heart rate, and arterial oxygen level.

acceleration multiparameter electrodermal activity heart rate temperature

Published: July 19, 2017. Version: 1.0.0

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