
Database Restricted Access

DREAMT: Dataset for Real-time sleep stage EstimAtion using Multisensor wearable Technology

Ke Wang, Jiamu Yang, Ayush Shetty, Jessilyn Dunn

Dataset for Real-time sleep stage EstimAtion using Multisensor wearable Technology

biomedical time series classification wearable sleep disorders

Published: Sept. 13, 2024. Version: 1.0.1

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-IV-Ext-MDS-ED: Multimodal Decision Support in the Emergency Department - a Benchmark Dataset for Diagnoses and Deterioration Prediction in Emergency Medicine

Juan Miguel Lopez Alcaraz, Nils Strodthoff

MIMIC-IV-ext-MDS-ED proposes a dataset to benchmark multimodal decision support in the emergency department. It features multimodal input (including ECG waveforms) and a comprehensive set of prediction targets (diagnoses and deterioration prediction)

emergency department ecg multimodal benchmark diagnoses prediction deterioration prediction

Published: Sept. 12, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Restricted Access

Organ Retrieval and Collection of Health Information for Donation (ORCHID)

Hammaad Adam, Vinith Suriyakumar, Tom Pollard, Benjamin Moody, Jennifer Erickson, Greg Segal, Brad Adams, Diane Brockmeier, Kevin Lee, Ginny McBride, Kelly Ranum, Matthew Wadsworth, Janice Whaley, Ashia Wilson, Marzyeh Ghassemi

Multi-center dataset on organ procurement in the United States

organ procurement organizations organ transplantation

Published: June 27, 2024. Version: 2.0.0

Database Open Access

ScientISST MOVE: Annotated Wearable Multimodal Biosignals recorded during Everyday Life Activities in Naturalistic Environments

João Areias Saraiva, Mariana Abreu, Ana Sofia Carmo, Hugo Plácido da Silva, Ana Fred

Multimodal (ECG, EMG, EDA, PPG, TEMP, ACC) biosignal dataset of everyday activities. Created with 3 wearable devices based on ScientISST Sense and Empatica E4.

greet lift uncontrolled environments run jump gesticulate walk multimodal wearable

Published: March 25, 2024. Version: 1.0.1

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-CXR-JPG - chest radiographs with structured labels

Alistair Johnson, Matthew Lungren, Yifan Peng, Zhiyong Lu, Roger Mark, Seth Berkowitz, Steven Horng

Chest x-rays in JPG format with structured labels derived from the associated radiology report.

computer vision radiology deep learning mimic chest x-ray

Published: March 12, 2024. Version: 2.1.0

Database Credentialed Access

EchoNotes Structured Database derived from MIMIC-III (ECHO-NOTE2NUM)

Gloria Hyunjung Kwak, Dana Moukheiber, Mira Moukheiber, Lama Moukheiber, Sulaiman Moukheiber, Neel Butala, Leo Anthony Celi, Christina Chen

A structured echocardiogram database derived from 43,472 observational notes obtained during echocardiogram studies conducted in the intensive care unit at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center between 2001 and 2012.

Published: Feb. 23, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

CHIFIR: Cytology and Histopathology Invasive Fungal Infection Reports

Vlada Rozova, Anna Khanina, Jasmine Teng, Joanne Teh, Leon Worth, Monica Slavin, karin thursky, Karin Verspoor

A corpus of cytology and histopathology reports annotated for terminology relevant to fungal infections. Ideal for validation of named entity recognition and relation extraction methods.

nlp clinical documentation information extraction invasive fungal infections

Published: Feb. 20, 2024. Version: 1.0.2

Database Credentialed Access

EHR-DS-QA: A Synthetic QA Dataset Derived from Medical Discharge Summaries for Enhanced Medical Information Retrieval Systems

Konstantin Kotschenreuther

Dataset consisting of question and answer pairs synthetically generated from medical discharge summaries, designed to facilitate the training and development of large language models specifically tailored for healthcare applications

mimic-iv clinical question-answering medical discharge summaries large language models

Published: Jan. 11, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Challenge Open Access

Heart Murmur Detection from Phonocardiogram Recordings: The George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2022

Matthew Reyna, Yashar Kiarashi, Andoni Elola, Jorge Oliveira, Francesco Renna, Annie Gu, Erick Andres Perez Alday, Nadi Sadr, Sandra Mattos, Miguel Coimbra, Reza Sameni, Ali Bahrami Rad, Zuzana Koscova, Gari Clifford

2022 Physionet Challenge is devoted to detecting the presence or absence of murmurs from multiple heart sound recordings from multiple auscultation locations, as well as detecting the clinical outcomes.

challenge competition cardiac auscultation congenital heart diseases

Published: Sept. 28, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Electroencephalogram and eye-gaze datasets for robot-assisted surgery performance evaluation

Somayeh B Shafiei, Saeed Shadpour, James Mohler, Mehdi Seilanian Toussi, Philippa Doherty, Zhe Jing

The brain activity and eye gaze data were recorded from 25 participants performing surgical tasks using a robot simulator. The performance score was created by the simulator. Data can be used to evaluate surgical performance.

Published: July 14, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Visualize waveforms