RR Interval Time Series Modeling: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2002 1.0.0

File: <base>/generators/prob-142.h (62,836 bytes)
/* file: prob-142.h

[This file is included by rrgen-142.c]

     Author(s)     :   Albert C-C. Yang, Cheng-Hsi Chang, Huey-Wen Yien
     Organization  :   Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
                       School of medicine, National Yang-Ming Univeristy, Taiwan
     email address :   s841016 at ym.edu.tw


/* Probability table of long fluctuation symbolic transition (minute to minute)
   Each column defines probility of each word '11' '10' '00' '01' in different rr ( 100 ms / row )
   eg. 1(0) can transit to (0)1 or (0)0

                                                   SUM( abs (RR increment) of 01 )
   thus Prob_short[sequence(n)][RR / 100]=------------------------------------------------------    
                                               SUM( abs (RR increment) of 01 or 00 ) 

float Prob_long[4][20]=

/* Probability table of short fluctuation symbolic transition (beat to beat)
   Each column defines probility of each word (a set of binary between 0 and 2^8 - 1) in different rr ( 20 ms / row )

   eg. 1(1110010) can transit to (1110010)1 or (1110010)0

                                                   SUM( abs (RR increment) of 11100101 )
   thus Prob_short[sequence(n)][RR / 100]=------------------------------------------------------    
                                             SUM( abs (RR increment) of 11100101 or 11100100 ) 
float Prob_short[256][100]=
#endif /* _PROBABILITY_H */