Predicting Acute Hypotensive Episodes: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2009 1.0.0

File: <base>/entry-2.txt (1,458 bytes)
PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2009 Event 2 Entry Form

        Name:  ____________________________

Organization:  ____________________________

       Email:  ____________________________

 Open source:  [ ] yes     [ ] no

Your score will be returned to the email address you enter above;
please be sure you can read email sent to that address!

For each record in test set B, replace the letter x next to the record
name below with the letter H if your algorithm predicts an acute
hypotensive episode within an hour after the end of the record, or
with the letter C otherwise.  You must classify no fewer than 10 and
no more than 16 records as H in order to receive a score.

When your entry is complete, send it in plain text format (not HTML,
not as a word processor attachment) to with
the subject line "Challenge 2009 Event 2 entry".


Record    Classification

201       x
202       x
203       x
204       x
205       x
206       x
207       x
208       x
209       x
210       x
211       x
212       x
213       x
214       x
215       x
216       x
217       x
218       x
219       x
220       x
221       x
222       x
223       x
224       x
225       x
226       x
227       x
228       x
229       x
230       x
231       x
232       x
233       x
234       x
235       x
236       x
237       x
238       x
239       x
240       x