Open Access Dataset and Toolbox of High-Density Surface Electromyogram Recordings 2.0.0

File: <base>/random_dataset/subject10_session2/random_force_sample3.hea (397 bytes)
random_force_sample3 5 100 2500
random_force_sample3.dat 16 249444.2753(12558)/V 0 0 9065 -17711 0 thumb
random_force_sample3.dat 16 164307.3837(-2714)/V 0 0 -14399 -25075 0 index
random_force_sample3.dat 16 181846.9393(757)/V 0 0 -9028 4675 0 middle
random_force_sample3.dat 16 180858.2862(13612)/V 0 0 12786 -12269 0 ring
random_force_sample3.dat 16 187138.4106(26664)/V 0 0 26491 2603 0 little