function y = trendex(caseid,fname,trend) % TRENDEX MIMIC II trend extractor % Y = TRENDEX(CASEID,FNAME,TREND) extracts TREND of CASEID from file FNAME. % % In: caseid (integer) e.g. caseid=1234; % fname (string) e.g. fname='foo'; % trend e.g. trend='CO' or trend='HR' or trend='all'; % % Out: <1x1> struct % Y.caseid --- caseid % Y.t0 --- absolute starting time of record (datenum format) % Y.CO --- matrix containing time offset (minutes) from % beginning of record and corresponding CO (L/min) % Y... --- examine the struct for more possible trends % % Usage: % - Make sure wfdb package is installed for linux % - wfdb_tools for MATLAB is required % - if 3rd argument is 'all', then all trends of CASEID are obtained % % Written by James Sun ( on Nov 19, 2005. % - v2.0 - 01/03/06 - 3rd arg now takes input 'all' % - output is now a struct % - v2.1 - 01/19/06 - code review update %% input checks if nargin~=3 error('3 arguments required'); end if ~exist('WFDB_isigopen','file') error('WFDB_tools for MATLAB, a required component, is not in MATLAB search path'); end % 1st arg checks if ~isequal(size(caseid),[1 1]) || ~isnumeric(caseid) error('1st arg must be an integer'); end if ~isequal(caseid,round(caseid)) error('invalid caseid (1st arg)'); end % 2nd arg checks if ~ischar(fname) error('2nd arg must be a string');'); end if isequal('/',fname(end)) fname(end)=[]; end [e,b] = system(['wfdbdesc ' fname]); if e~=0 error('The following failed to execute in your unix: \n ''wfdbdesc %s'' \n Either ''wfdbdesc'' is not installed, \n or the directory ''%s'' is invalid', fname,fname); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MAIN CODE y=[]; % WFDB_isigopen is a MEX "wfdb_tools for matlab" function hea = WFDB_isigopen(fname); % Only extract if trend is found if isequal('all',trend) mofo = WFDB_getvec(length(hea)); % "wfdb_tools for matlab" function y.caseid = single(caseid); y.t0 = datenum(WFDB_timstr(0), '[HH:MM:SS dd/mm/yyyy]'); % t0 for i=1:length(hea) x = mofo(:,i); min_offset = find(x>0)-1; x = x(x>0)/hea(i).gain; % find positive and convert to physiologic units y = setfield(y,hea(i).desc, single([min_offset x])); end else for i=1:length(hea) if isequal(hea(i).desc,trend) x = WFDB_getvec(i); %pause(1); x = x(:,i); min_offset = find(x>0)-1; x = x(x>0)/hea(i).gain; % find positive and convert to physiologic units y.caseid = single(caseid); % caseid y.t0 = datenum(WFDB_timstr(0), '[HH:MM:SS dd/mm/yyyy]'); % t0 y = setfield(y,hea(i).desc, single([min_offset x])); % offset and co break end end end WFDB_wfdbquit;