function [] = wavex(caseid,indir,outf) % WAVEX Arterial blood pressure waveform extractor. % WAVEX(CASEID,INDIR,OUTF) extracts entire ABP waveform of CASEID in the % directory INDIR, then store as MAT-file named OUTF. % % In: CASEID (integer) e.g. caseid=3784; % INDIR (string) e.g. indir='170/'; % OUTF (string) e.g. outf='/tmp/p170'; % % Out: OUTF.mat Within this MAT-file, there are variables: % abp* --- continuous abp waveform segments % t0 --- col 1: initial time of each ABP segment % 2: # of samples of each ABP segment % source_file --- cell array containing WFDB file name of ABP segs % % Usage: % - Make sure wfdb package is installed for linux % - wfdb_tools for MATLAB is required % % Written by James Sun ( on Nov 19, 2005. % - v1.1 - 12/20/05 - 3rd input arg is now a filename % - v1.2 - 01/19/06 - code review update %% input checks if nargin~=3 error('3 arguments required, try wavex(170,''170/'',''/tmp/'');'); end if ~exist('WFDB_isigopen','file') error('WFDB_tools for MATLAB, a required component, is not in MATLAB search path'); end % 1st arg (caseid) checks if ~isequal(size(caseid),[1 1]) || ~isnumeric(caseid) error('caseid (1st arg) must be an integer, try wavex(170,''170/'',''/tmp/'');'); end if caseid<100 || caseid>219 error('caseid (1st arg) out of range'); end if ~isequal(caseid,round(caseid)) error('invalid caseid (1st arg)'); end % 2nd arg checks if ~ischar(indir) error('2nd arg must be a string, try wavex(170,''170/'',''/tmp/'');'); end if ~isequal('/',indir(end)) indir = [indir '/']; end caseidstr = num2str(caseid,'%05.0f'); fname = sprintf('%s%s',indir,caseidstr); [e,b] = system(['wfdbdesc ' fname]); if e~=0 error('The following failed to execute in your unix: \n ''wfdbdesc %s'' \n Either ''wfdbdesc'' is not installed, \n or the directory ''%s'' is invalid', fname,fname); end % 3rd arg checks if ~ischar(outf) error('3rd arg must be a string, try wavex(170,''170/'',''/tmp/p170'');'); end try save(outf); delete(outf); catch error('Invalid save directory (3rd arg)'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MAIN CODE ind=0; i=0; % loops to find abp segments from each WFDB file while 1 i=i+1; %%% open waveform segment file, if exists caseidstr = num2str(caseid,'%05.0f'); segstr = num2str(i-1,'%06.0f'); fname = sprintf('%s%s_%s',indir,caseidstr,segstr); [e,b] = system(['wfdbdesc ' fname]); % wfdbdesc tests existence if e~=0 % terminate while loop if no more WFDB files exist break end % WFDB_isigopen is a MEX "wfdb_tools for matlab" function hea = WFDB_isigopen(fname); %%% determine ABP availability chanABP = []; for k=1:length(hea) if isequal(hea(k).desc,'ABP') chanABP = k-1; break % terminate if channel is found end end %%% if ABP channel is available and has >=1 min of data, grab all using rdsamp if chanABP n = hea(chanABP+1).nsamp; if n >= 7500 % 7500 samples = 1 min ind = ind+1; % t0 stores initial time, and # of samples t0(ind,1) = datenum(WFDB_timstr(0), '[HH:MM:SS dd/mm/yyyy]'); t0(ind,2) = n; % abpK is the K-th segment of ABP extracted % rdsamp is a Linux wfdb command str = sprintf('!rdsamp -r %s -p -s %d > /tmp/data.txt',fname,chanABP); eval(str); load /tmp/data.txt str = sprintf('abp%d = single(data(:,2));',ind); eval(str); clear data !rm /tmp/data.txt % source_file is the original file name source_file{ind,1} = fname; end end WFDB_wfdbquit; end save(outf,'abp*','t0','source_file'); disp(sprintf('ABP waveform successfully written to %s.mat',outf));