function [nums, signals,dims]=lerconfigs(folder) %folder como 'b31' %numother e o numero de sinais usados para reconstruir o target %%return values: % %nums is the order of each signal (others and aim) in val % %signals is a cell array of strings each one contains the name of one signal, the last is the aim % %dims contains on each line the layer dimensions for the autoencoder for each signal nome=strcat('../',folder,'/config.txt'); %disp(nome); fid = fopen (nome, 'r'); numother=fscanf (fid,'%d',1); others=zeros(1,numother); others=fscanf (fid,'%d',numother); target=fscanf (fid,'%d',1); nums=[numother,others(:)',target]; signals=cell(numother+1,1); dims=zeros(numother+1,3); for i=1:numother+1 signals{i,1}=fscanf (fid,'%s',1); dims(i,:)=fscanf (fid,'%d',3); end