%% % Written by: Caiyun Ma, Chengyu Liu % School of Instrument Science and Engineering % Southeast University, China % chengyu@seu.edu.cn %% function predict_endpoints=Result(sample_name,sample_path,save_path) % Save the results generated by each sample. % % inputs % sample_name: The path to store the sample name and the sample name (RECORDS) % sample_path: The relative path where the recording is stored and refer to wfdb toolbox % save_path: The path where the results are stored % outputs % predict_endpoints: Predicted atrial fibrillation endpoints Records=importdata(sample_name); len=length(Records); for i=1:len Rrcord=char(Records(i)); sample_path_all=[sample_path,Rrcord] % [ann,anntype,subtype,chan,num,comments]=rdann('\data_0001', 'atr'); predict_endpoints = challenge(sample_path_all); filename = strcat(save_path,Rrcord, '.mat'); save (filename,'predict_endpoints'); end