/docutils.nodesdocument)}}( attributes}(backrefs]ids]classes]source7D:\Mariano\misc\ecg-kit\help\sphinx\source\examples.rstnames]dupnames]uids}(id2hsection)}}(expect_referenced_by_name}argument_parsinghtarget)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]refidargument-parsingutagnamehsourcehhh rawsource.. _Argument_parsing:lineKNchildren]parenth)}}(h}function_prototypeh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*function-prototypeuh,hh-hhhh... _Function_prototype:h0K:h1]h3h)}}(h}(h]contentsah]h ]contentsah ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.h0K&h1](htitle)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.Contentsh0K&h1]hTextContents}}(h.h]h3hUubah3hFubh bullet_list)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]bullet-h]uh,hfh-hhhh.hPh0K)h1](h list_item)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh..:ref:`Function prototype `h0Nh1]h paragraph)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.hh0K)h1]sphinx.addnodes pending_xref)}}(h}(h]refwarnh ]h ]reftyperefrefdocexamplesh] refexplicith] refdomainstd reftargetfunction_prototypeuh,hh-hh.hh0K)h1]hinline)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](xrefhstd-refeh]uh,hh.hh1]h`Function prototype}}(h.hPh3hubah3hubah3hubah3hwubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.*:ref:`Argument parsing `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.hh0K*h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhargument_parsinguh,hh-hh.hh0K*h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hhٌstd-refeh]uh,hh.hh1]h`Argument parsing}}(h.hPh3hubah3hubah3hubah3hubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.8:ref:`QRS automatic detection `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.hh0K+h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhqrs_automatic_detectionuh,hh-hh.hh0K+h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjstd-refeh]uh,hh.hh1]h`QRS automatic detection}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3hubah3hubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.R:ref:`QRS visual inspection and correction `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.R:ref:`QRS visual inspection and correction `h0K,h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdh$qrs_visual_inspection_and_correctionuh,hh-hh.j5h0K,h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjDstd-refeh]uh,hh.j5h1]h`$QRS visual inspection and correction}}(h.hPh3jHubah3j8ubah3j-ubah3j"ubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.8:ref:`PPG/ABP pulse detection `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.j`h0K.h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhppg_abp_pulse_detectionuh,hh-hh.j`h0K.h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjystd-refeh]uh,hh.j`h1]h`PPG/ABP pulse detection}}(h.hPh3j}ubah3jmubah3jcubah3jXubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.f:ref:`PPG/ABP waves visual inspection and correction `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.f:ref:`PPG/ABP waves visual inspection and correction `h0K/h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdh.ppg_abp_waves_visual_inspection_and_correctionuh,hh-hh.jh0K/h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjstd-refeh]uh,hh.jh1]h`.PPG/ABP waves visual inspection and correction}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3jubah3jubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.<:ref:`ECG automatic delineation `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.jh0K1h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhecg_automatic_delineationuh,hh-hh.jh0K1h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjstd-refeh]uh,hh.jh1]h`ECG automatic delineation}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3jubah3jubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.f:ref:`Visual inspection of the detection/delineation `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.f:ref:`Visual inspection of the detection/delineation `h0K2h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdh.visual_inspection_of_the_detection_delineationuh,hh-hh.j h0K2h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjstd-refeh]uh,hh.j h1]h`.Visual inspection of the detection/delineation}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3jubah3jubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.N:ref:`Automatic Heartbeat classification `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.N:ref:`Automatic Heartbeat classification `h0K4h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdh"automatic_heartbeat_classificationuh,hh-hh.jAh0K4h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjPstd-refeh]uh,hh.jAh1]h`"Automatic Heartbeat classification}}(h.hPh3jTubah3jDubah3j9ubah3j.ubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.H:ref:`Visual inspection of the signal `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.H:ref:`Visual inspection of the signal `h0K6h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhvisual_inspection_of_the_signaluh,hh-hh.jwh0K6h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjstd-refeh]uh,hh.jwh1]h`Visual inspection of the signal}}(h.hPh3jubah3jzubah3joubah3jdubah3hiubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.?:ref:`Other user-defined tasks ... ` h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.>:ref:`Other user-defined tasks ... `h0K8h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhother_user-defined_tasksuh,hh-hh.jh0K8h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjstd-refeh]uh,hh.jh1]h`Other user-defined tasks ...}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3jubah3jubah3hiubeh3hFubh:eh3h)}}(h}(h]another exampleah]h ]another-exampleah ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.hPh0Kh1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.Another exampleh0Kh1]h`Another example}}(h.jh3jubah3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.This script exemplifies the use of the ECGkit in a multimodal cardiovascular recording which includes arterial blood pressure (ABP), plethysmographic (PPG) and electrocardiogram signals. The following tasks will be performed in this example:h0Kh1]h`This script exemplifies the use of the ECGkit in a multimodal cardiovascular recording which includes arterial blood pressure (ABP), plethysmographic (PPG) and electrocardiogram signals. The following tasks will be performed in this example:}}(h.jh3jubah3jubhg)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]hphqh]uh,hfh-hhhh.hPh0K h1](hu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.8:ref:`Heartbeat/QRS detection `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.jh0K h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhqrs_automatic_detectionuh,hh-hh.jh0K h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hj'std-refeh]uh,hh.jh1]h`Heartbeat/QRS detection}}(h.hPh3j+ubah3jubah3jubah3jubah3jubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.8:ref:`ABP/PPG pulse detection `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.jCh0K h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhppg_abp_pulse_detectionuh,hh-hh.jCh0K h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hj\std-refeh]uh,hh.jCh1]h`ABP/PPG pulse detection}}(h.hPh3j`ubah3jPubah3jFubah3j;ubah3jubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.7:ref:`ECG wave delineation `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.jxh0K h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhecg_automatic_delineationuh,hh-hh.jxh0K h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjstd-refeh]uh,hh.jxh1]h`ECG wave delineation}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3j{ubah3jpubah3jubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.D:ref:`Heartbeat classification `h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.jh0K h1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdh"automatic_heartbeat_classificationuh,hh-hh.jh0K h1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjstd-refeh]uh,hh.jh1]h`Heartbeat classification}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3jubah3jubah3jubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.;:ref:`Report generation ` h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.::ref:`Report generation `h0Kh1]h)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftyperefhhh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhvisual_inspection_of_the_signaluh,hh-hh.jh0Kh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjstd-refeh]uh,hh.jh1]h`Report generation}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3jubah3jubah3jubeh3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XEach automatic step is followed by a manual verification step in order to verify the algorithm's results. The script is prepared to run locally without arguments, as well as in a cluster environment by using "pid\_str" argument. The pid\_str argument is a char with format 'N/M', being N <= M with default value '1/1'. You can partition a big job into M pieces in cluster architecture, by starting M processes with N ranging from 1 to M.h0Kh1]h`XEach automatic step is followed by a manual verification step in order to verify the algorithm's results. The script is prepared to run locally without arguments, as well as in a cluster environment by using "pid_str" argument. The pid_str argument is a char with format 'N/M', being N <= M with default value '1/1'. You can partition a big job into M pieces in cluster architecture, by starting M processes with N ranging from 1 to M.}}(h.XEach automatic step is followed by a manual verification step in order to verify the algorithm's results. The script is prepared to run locally without arguments, as well as in a cluster environment by using "pid\_str" argument. The pid\_str argument is a char with format 'N/M', being N <= M with default value '1/1'. You can partition a big job into M pieces in cluster architecture, by starting M processes with N ranging from 1 to M.h3jubah3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.You can watch a typical run of this script for small, local ECG recording on `YouTube `__.h0Kh1](h`MYou can watch a typical run of this script for small, local ECG recording on }}(h.MYou can watch a typical run of this script for small, local ECG recording on h3j!ubh reference)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]refuriShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lJtkGhrqFw&list=PLlD2eDv5CIe9sA2atmnb-DX48FIRG46z7h]h]nameYouTubeuh,j1h.a`YouTube `__h1]h`YouTube}}(h.hPh3j4ubah3j!ubh`.}}(h..h3j!ubeh3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.!Example of how to run this scripth0Kh1]h`!Example of how to run this script}}(h.jVh3jNubah3jubh literal_block)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]codeah]h] xml:spacepreserveuh,j]h-hhhh.examples() examples('1/1', 'C:\Your_preferred_local_path\', 'arbitrary_string') examples('1/10', '/Your_preferred_path_in_cluster/', 'arbitrary_string')h0K$h1]h`examples() examples('1/1', 'C:\Your_preferred_local_path\', 'arbitrary_string') examples('1/10', '/Your_preferred_path_in_cluster/', 'arbitrary_string')}}(h.examples() examples('1/1', 'C:\Your_preferred_local_path\', 'arbitrary_string') examples('1/10', '/Your_preferred_path_in_cluster/', 'arbitrary_string')h3j`ubah3jubhFh5hh)}}(h}qrs_automatic_detectionh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*qrs-automatic-detectionuh,hh-hhhh... _QRS_automatic_detection:h0Kh1]h3hubsh}(h](qrs automatic detectionjweh]h ](jid3eh ]h]uh,hexpect_referenced_by_id}jjysh-hhhh.hPh0Kh1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.QRS automatic detectionh0Kh1]h`QRS automatic detection}}(h.jh3jubah3jtubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.In this example the first step is the location of each heartbeat, or QRS complexes detection. To achieve this, the kit includes the following algorithms:h0Kh1]h`In this example the first step is the location of each heartbeat, or QRS complexes detection. To achieve this, the kit includes the following algorithms:}}(h.jh3jubah3jtubhg)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]hphqh]uh,hfh-hhhh.hPh0Kh1](hu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.Wavedeth0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.jh0Kh1]h`Wavedet}}(h.jh3jubah3jubah3jubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.Pan & Tompkinsh0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.jh0Kh1]h`Pan & Tompkins}}(h.jh3jubah3jubah3jubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.gqrsh0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.jh0Kh1]h`gqrs}}(h.jh3jubah3jubah3jubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.sqrsh0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.jh0Kh1]h`sqrs}}(h.jh3jubah3jubah3jubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.wqrsh0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.j*h0Kh1]h`wqrs}}(h.j*h3j-ubah3j"ubah3jubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh. ecgpuwave h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh. ecgpuwaveh0Kh1]h` ecgpuwave}}(h.jOh3jGubah3j<ubah3jubeh3jtubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XThe way of performing QRS detection (or almost any other task in this ECGkit) is through an :doc:`ECGwrapper ` object. The objective of this object is to abstract or separate any algorithm from the particular details of the ECG signal. This object is able to invoke any kind of algorithm through the interface provided of other object, called :doc:`ECGtask ` objects.h0Kh1](h`\The way of performing QRS detection (or almost any other task in this ECGkit) is through an }}(h.\The way of performing QRS detection (or almost any other task in this ECGkit) is through an h3jWubh)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftypedochhh] refexplicith] refdomainhPh ECGwrapperuh,hh-hh.:doc:`ECGwrapper `h0Kh1]hliteral)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjoeh]uh,jwh.juh1]h` ECGwrapper}}(h.hPh3jzubah3jhubah3jWubh` object. The objective of this object is to abstract or separate any algorithm from the particular details of the ECG signal. This object is able to invoke any kind of algorithm through the interface provided of other object, called }}(h. object. The objective of this object is to abstract or separate any algorithm from the particular details of the ECG signal. This object is able to invoke any kind of algorithm through the interface provided of other object, called h3jWubh)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftypedochhh] refexplicith] refdomainhPhECGtaskuh,hh-hh.:doc:`ECGtask `h0Kh1]jx)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjeh]uh,jwh.jh1]h`ECGtask}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3jWubh` objects.}}(h. objects.h3jWubeh3jtubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XThe :doc:`ECGtask ` objects actually perform specific task on the ECG signal, in this case, the QRS complex detection. Each task have general properties such as *user\_string*, *progress\_handle* (see :doc:`ECGtask ` class properties for more details) and other specific for a certain task, such as *detectors*, *only\_ECG\_leads*, *wavedet\_config*, *gqrs\_config\_filename* (see others in :doc:`QRS detection task `).h0Kh1](h`The }}(h.The h3jubh)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftypedochhh] refexplicith] refdomainhPhECGtaskuh,hh-hh.:doc:`ECGtask `h0Kh1]jx)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjeh]uh,jwh.jh1]h`ECGtask}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3jubh` objects actually perform specific task on the ECG signal, in this case, the QRS complex detection. Each task have general properties such as }}(h. objects actually perform specific task on the ECG signal, in this case, the QRS complex detection. Each task have general properties such as h3jubhemphasis)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh.*user\_string*h1]h` user_string}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubh`, }}(h., h3jubj)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh.*progress\_handle*h1]h`progress_handle}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubh` (see }}(h. (see h3jubh)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftypedochhh] refexplicith] refdomainhPhECGtaskuh,hh-hh.:doc:`ECGtask `h0Kh1]jx)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjeh]uh,jwh.j%h1]h`ECGtask}}(h.hPh3j(ubah3jubah3jubh`S class properties for more details) and other specific for a certain task, such as }}(h.S class properties for more details) and other specific for a certain task, such as h3jubj)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh. *detectors*h1]h` detectors}}(h.hPh3j=ubah3jubh`, }}(h., h3jubj)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh.*only\_ECG\_leads*h1]h`only_ECG_leads}}(h.hPh3jSubah3jubh`, }}(h., h3jubj)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh.*wavedet\_config*h1]h`wavedet_config}}(h.hPh3jiubah3jubh`, }}(h., h3jubj)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh.*gqrs\_config\_filename*h1]h`gqrs_config_filename}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubh` (see others in }}(h. (see others in h3jubh)}}(h}(h]hh ]h ]reftypedochhh] refexplicith] refdomainhPh QRS_detectionuh,hh-hh.):doc:`QRS detection task `h0Kh1]jx)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hjeh]uh,jwh.jh1]h`QRS detection task}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubah3jubh`).}}(h.).h3jubeh3jtubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.X8     % go through all files     ECG_all_wrappers = [];     jj = 1;     for ii = 1:lrecnames         rec_filename = [examples_path recnames{ii}];         % task name, %         ECGt_QRSd = 'QRS_detection';         % or create an specific handle to have more control         ECGt_QRSd = ECGtask_QRS_detection(); %         % select an specific algorithm. Default: Run all detectors %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'wavedet'; % Wavedet algorithm based on %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'pantom';  % Pan-Tompkins alg. %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'gqrs';    % WFDB gqrs algorithm. % % Example of how you can add your own QRS detector. %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:example_worst_ever_QRS_detector'; %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:your_QRS_detector_func_name';    % %         "your_QRS_detector_func_name" can be your own detector.         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = {'wavedet' 'gqrs' 'wqrs' 'user:example_worst_ever_QRS_detector'};         % you can individualize each run of the QRS detector with an         % external string         ECGt_QRSd.user_string = user_str;         % or group by the config used %         ECGt_QRSd.user_string = ECGt_QRSd.detectors; %         ECGt_QRSd.only_ECG_leads = false;    % consider all signals ECG         ECGt_QRSd.only_ECG_leads = true;    % Identify ECG signals based on their header description.         ECG_w = ECGwrapper( 'recording_name', rec_filename, ...                             'this_pid', pid_str, ...                             'tmp_path', tmp_path, ...                             'output_path', output_path, ...                             'ECGtaskHandle', ECGt_QRSd);         try             % process the task             ECG_w.Run;             % collect object if were recognized as ECG recordings.             if( jj == 1)                 ECG_all_wrappers = ECG_w;             else                 ECG_all_wrappers(jj) = ECG_w;             end             jj = jj + 1;         catch MException             if( strfind(MException.identifier, 'ECGwrapper:ArgCheck:InvalidFormat') )                 disp_string_framed('*Red', sprintf( 'Could not guess the format of %s', ECG_w.recording_name) );             else                 % report just in case                 report = getReport(MException);                 fprintf(2, '\n%s\n', report);             end         end     end     % recognized recordings     lrecnames = length(ECG_all_wrappers);     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     endh0Kh1]h`X8     % go through all files     ECG_all_wrappers = [];     jj = 1;     for ii = 1:lrecnames         rec_filename = [examples_path recnames{ii}];         % task name, %         ECGt_QRSd = 'QRS_detection';         % or create an specific handle to have more control         ECGt_QRSd = ECGtask_QRS_detection(); %         % select an specific algorithm. Default: Run all detectors %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'wavedet'; % Wavedet algorithm based on %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'pantom';  % Pan-Tompkins alg. %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'gqrs';    % WFDB gqrs algorithm. % % Example of how you can add your own QRS detector. %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:example_worst_ever_QRS_detector'; %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:your_QRS_detector_func_name';    % %         "your_QRS_detector_func_name" can be your own detector.         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = {'wavedet' 'gqrs' 'wqrs' 'user:example_worst_ever_QRS_detector'};         % you can individualize each run of the QRS detector with an         % external string         ECGt_QRSd.user_string = user_str;         % or group by the config used %         ECGt_QRSd.user_string = ECGt_QRSd.detectors; %         ECGt_QRSd.only_ECG_leads = false;    % consider all signals ECG         ECGt_QRSd.only_ECG_leads = true;    % Identify ECG signals based on their header description.         ECG_w = ECGwrapper( 'recording_name', rec_filename, ...                             'this_pid', pid_str, ...                             'tmp_path', tmp_path, ...                             'output_path', output_path, ...                             'ECGtaskHandle', ECGt_QRSd);         try             % process the task             ECG_w.Run;             % collect object if were recognized as ECG recordings.             if( jj == 1)                 ECG_all_wrappers = ECG_w;             else                 ECG_all_wrappers(jj) = ECG_w;             end             jj = jj + 1;         catch MException             if( strfind(MException.identifier, 'ECGwrapper:ArgCheck:InvalidFormat') )                 disp_string_framed('*Red', sprintf( 'Could not guess the format of %s', ECG_w.recording_name) );             else                 % report just in case                 report = getReport(MException);                 fprintf(2, '\n%s\n', report);             end         end     end     % recognized recordings     lrecnames = length(ECG_all_wrappers);     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end}}(h.X8     % go through all files     ECG_all_wrappers = [];     jj = 1;     for ii = 1:lrecnames         rec_filename = [examples_path recnames{ii}];         % task name, %         ECGt_QRSd = 'QRS_detection';         % or create an specific handle to have more control         ECGt_QRSd = ECGtask_QRS_detection(); %         % select an specific algorithm. Default: Run all detectors %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'wavedet'; % Wavedet algorithm based on %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'pantom';  % Pan-Tompkins alg. %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'gqrs';    % WFDB gqrs algorithm. % % Example of how you can add your own QRS detector. %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:example_worst_ever_QRS_detector'; %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:your_QRS_detector_func_name';    % %         "your_QRS_detector_func_name" can be your own detector.         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = {'wavedet' 'gqrs' 'wqrs' 'user:example_worst_ever_QRS_detector'};         % you can individualize each run of the QRS detector with an         % external string         ECGt_QRSd.user_string = user_str;         % or group by the config used %         ECGt_QRSd.user_string = ECGt_QRSd.detectors; %         ECGt_QRSd.only_ECG_leads = false;    % consider all signals ECG         ECGt_QRSd.only_ECG_leads = true;    % Identify ECG signals based on their header description.         ECG_w = ECGwrapper( 'recording_name', rec_filename, ...                             'this_pid', pid_str, ...                             'tmp_path', tmp_path, ...                             'output_path', output_path, ...                             'ECGtaskHandle', ECGt_QRSd);         try             % process the task             ECG_w.Run;             % collect object if were recognized as ECG recordings.             if( jj == 1)                 ECG_all_wrappers = ECG_w;             else                 ECG_all_wrappers(jj) = ECG_w;             end             jj = jj + 1;         catch MException             if( strfind(MException.identifier, 'ECGwrapper:ArgCheck:InvalidFormat') )                 disp_string_framed('*Red', sprintf( 'Could not guess the format of %s', ECG_w.recording_name) );             else                 % report just in case                 report = getReport(MException);                 fprintf(2, '\n%s\n', report);             end         end     end     % recognized recordings     lrecnames = length(ECG_all_wrappers);     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     endh3jubah3jtubh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*$qrs-visual-inspection-and-correctionuh,hh-hhhh.).. _QRS_visual_inspection_and_correction:h0Kh1]h3jtubeh3jubh)}}(h}$qrs_visual_inspection_and_correctionjsh}(h]($qrs visual inspection and correctionjeh]h ](jid4eh ]h]uh,hj}jjsh-hhhh.hPh0Kh1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.$QRS visual inspection and correctionh0Kh1]h`$QRS visual inspection and correction}}(h.jh3jubah3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.This part of the example uses a graphical user interface (GUI) to allow the user correcting mistakes that the previous automatic algorithm eventually makes.h0Kh1]h`This part of the example uses a graphical user interface (GUI) to allow the user correcting mistakes that the previous automatic algorithm eventually makes.}}(h.jh3jubah3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XTAs can be seen in the following code, the first step is checking that the previous QRS detection task finished without problems. Then if no errors, the corrector will use as starting point the result of this same task, in case the user would like to edit a previously edited result, or if not available the result of the QRS detection task.h0Kh1]h`XTAs can be seen in the following code, the first step is checking that the previous QRS detection task finished without problems. Then if no errors, the corrector will use as starting point the result of this same task, in case the user would like to edit a previously edited result, or if not available the result of the QRS detection task.}}(h.jh3jubah3jubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.X if( bUseDesktop )     % other task can be performed on the same objects     for ii = 1:lrecnames         % last worker is the responsible of the visual correction.         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % if there are not any previous error.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Processed && ~ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Error )                 % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                 % if any available                 cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});                 % if no previous correction work, try the automatic                 % detection task                 % if any, do the correction                 if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )                     % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                     % if any available                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'QRS_corrector';                     % This task is supposed to be supervised, so only one pid is enough.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = '1/1';                     % user provided name to individualize each run                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;                     % to avoid loading cached results and exit, this flag                     % allows the re-editing of the current state of the                     % detections.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = false;                     % maybe in your application you should run this for                     % all files.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});                     % process the task                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;                     % restore the original pids configuration                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = pid_str;                     % As we changed for "QRS correction" task, we have to enable this                     % value again in order to avoid performing the following tasks every time.                     % If you want to recalculate any task, change it to false                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = true;                 end             end         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end endh0Mh1]h`X if( bUseDesktop )     % other task can be performed on the same objects     for ii = 1:lrecnames         % last worker is the responsible of the visual correction.         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % if there are not any previous error.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Processed && ~ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Error )                 % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                 % if any available                 cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});                 % if no previous correction work, try the automatic                 % detection task                 % if any, do the correction                 if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )                     % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                     % if any available                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'QRS_corrector';                     % This task is supposed to be supervised, so only one pid is enough.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = '1/1';                     % user provided name to individualize each run                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;                     % to avoid loading cached results and exit, this flag                     % allows the re-editing of the current state of the                     % detections.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = false;                     % maybe in your application you should run this for                     % all files.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});                     % process the task                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;                     % restore the original pids configuration                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = pid_str;                     % As we changed for "QRS correction" task, we have to enable this                     % value again in order to avoid performing the following tasks every time.                     % If you want to recalculate any task, change it to false                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = true;                 end             end         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end end}}(h.X if( bUseDesktop )     % other task can be performed on the same objects     for ii = 1:lrecnames         % last worker is the responsible of the visual correction.         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % if there are not any previous error.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Processed && ~ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Error )                 % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                 % if any available                 cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});                 % if no previous correction work, try the automatic                 % detection task                 % if any, do the correction                 if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )                     % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                     % if any available                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'QRS_corrector';                     % This task is supposed to be supervised, so only one pid is enough.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = '1/1';                     % user provided name to individualize each run                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;                     % to avoid loading cached results and exit, this flag                     % allows the re-editing of the current state of the                     % detections.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = false;                     % maybe in your application you should run this for                     % all files.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});                     % process the task                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;                     % restore the original pids configuration                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = pid_str;                     % As we changed for "QRS correction" task, we have to enable this                     % value again in order to avoid performing the following tasks every time.                     % If you want to recalculate any task, change it to false                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = true;                 end             end         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end endh3jubah3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.Then the task invoked by the wrapper object is changed to `QRS corrector task <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:edit('ECGtask_QRS_corrector.m')>`__ and the GUI is presented to the user.h0M h1](h`:Then the task invoked by the wrapper object is changed to }}(h.:Then the task invoked by the wrapper object is changed to h3j'ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:e../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:edit('ECGtask_QRS_corrector.m')h]h]nameQRS corrector taskuh,j1h.~`QRS corrector task <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:edit('ECGtask_QRS_corrector.m')>`__h1]h`QRS corrector task}}(h.hPh3j8ubah3j'ubh`& and the GUI is presented to the user.}}(h.& and the GUI is presented to the user.h3j'ubeh3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.|image4|h0M$h1]himage)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]uriQRS_corrector.PNG candidates}*jesh]h]altimage4uh,j[h-Nhhh.image:: QRS_corrector.PNGh0Nh1]h3jQubah3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XIn this example, the GUI have four plots to represent the RR interval series, the two in the top-left show the RR interval versus time at different time windows. The bigger in the top-right, shows a *Poincaré* plot, that is the current RR interval versus the following in the serie. The plot in the bottom shows the selected signal/s versus time. Then the user can interact with the plots according to the `QRS corrector documentation <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_QRS_corrector')>`__h0M&h1](h`In this example, the GUI have four plots to represent the RR interval series, the two in the top-left show the RR interval versus time at different time windows. The bigger in the top-right, shows a }}(h.In this example, the GUI have four plots to represent the RR interval series, the two in the top-left show the RR interval versus time at different time windows. The bigger in the top-right, shows a h3jpubj)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh. *Poincaré*h1]h` Poincaré}}(h.hPh3jubah3jpubh` plot, that is the current RR interval versus the following in the serie. The plot in the bottom shows the selected signal/s versus time. Then the user can interact with the plots according to the }}(h. plot, that is the current RR interval versus the following in the serie. The plot in the bottom shows the selected signal/s versus time. Then the user can interact with the plots according to the h3jpubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:b../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_QRS_corrector')h]h]nameQRS corrector documentationuh,j1h.`QRS corrector documentation <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_QRS_corrector')>`__h1]h`QRS corrector documentation}}(h.hPh3jubah3jpubeh3jubh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*ppg-abp-pulse-detectionuh,hh-hhhh... _PPG_ABP_pulse_detection:h0M.h1]h3jubeh3jubh)}}(h}ppg_abp_pulse_detectionjsh}(h](ppg/abp pulse detectionjeh]h ](jid5eh ]h]uh,hj}jjsh-hhhh.hPh0M1h1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.PPG/ABP pulse detectionh0M1h1]h`PPG/ABP pulse detection}}(h.jh3jubah3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XIn case the recording includes pulsatile signals, such as plethysmographic (PPG) or arterial blood pressure (ABP), this kit includes the `PPG/ABP automatic detector task <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_PPG_ABP_detector')>`__ which allows the use of two algorithms to perform peak detection, `WavePPG <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('PPG_pulses_detector')>`__ and `Physionet's wabp `__.h0M3h1](h`In case the recording includes pulsatile signals, such as plethysmographic (PPG) or arterial blood pressure (ABP), this kit includes the }}(h.In case the recording includes pulsatile signals, such as plethysmographic (PPG) or arterial blood pressure (ABP), this kit includes the h3jubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:e../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_PPG_ABP_detector')h]h]namePPG/ABP automatic detector taskuh,j1h.`PPG/ABP automatic detector task <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_PPG_ABP_detector')>`__h1]h`PPG/ABP automatic detector task}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubh`C which allows the use of two algorithms to perform peak detection, }}(h.C which allows the use of two algorithms to perform peak detection, h3jubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:`../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('PPG_pulses_detector')h]h]nameWavePPGuh,j1h.n`WavePPG <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('PPG_pulses_detector')>`__h1]h`WavePPG}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubh` and }}(h. and h3jubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:wabp-1.htm','-browser')h]h]namePhysionet's wabpuh,j1h..`Physionet's wabp `__h1]h`Physionet's wabp}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubh`.}}(h.jLh3jubeh3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh./other task can be performed on the same objectsh0M;h1]h`/other task can be performed on the same objects}}(h.j8h3j0ubah3jubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.Xfor ii = 1:lrecnames     % set the delineator task name and run again.     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'PPG_ABP_detector';     % user provided name to individualize each run     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;     % process the task     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run; end % at the end, report problems if happened. for ii = 1:lrecnames     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors; endh0MLh1]h`Xfor ii = 1:lrecnames     % set the delineator task name and run again.     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'PPG_ABP_detector';     % user provided name to individualize each run     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;     % process the task     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run; end % at the end, report problems if happened. for ii = 1:lrecnames     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors; end}}(h.Xfor ii = 1:lrecnames     % set the delineator task name and run again.     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'PPG_ABP_detector';     % user provided name to individualize each run     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;     % process the task     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run; end % at the end, report problems if happened. for ii = 1:lrecnames     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors; endh3j@ubah3jubh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*.ppg-abp-waves-visual-inspection-and-correctionuh,hh-hhhh.3.. _PPG_ABP_waves_visual_inspection_and_correction:h0MMh1]h3jubeh3jubh)}}(h}.ppg_abp_waves_visual_inspection_and_correctionjQsh}(h](.ppg/abp waves visual inspection and correctionj`eh]h ](jYid6eh ]h]uh,hj}jYjQsh-hhhh.hPh0MPh1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh..PPG/ABP waves visual inspection and correctionh0MPh1]h`.PPG/ABP waves visual inspection and correction}}(h.jth3jlubah3j]ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XdThe same manual verification made for automatic QRS detection algorithms can be performed with pulsatile signals. The `PPG/ABP corrector task <../../../../../../jsD:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_PPG_ABP_corrector')>`__ was designed to allow users the verification and correction of automatic detections through the same GUI.h0MRh1](h`vThe same manual verification made for automatic QRS detection algorithms can be performed with pulsatile signals. The }}(h.vThe same manual verification made for automatic QRS detection algorithms can be performed with pulsatile signals. The h3j|ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:g../../../../../../jsD:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_PPG_ABP_corrector')h]h]namePPG/ABP corrector taskuh,j1h.`PPG/ABP corrector task <../../../../../../jsD:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_PPG_ABP_corrector')>`__h1]h`PPG/ABP corrector task}}(h.hPh3jubah3j|ubh`j was designed to allow users the verification and correction of automatic detections through the same GUI.}}(h.j was designed to allow users the verification and correction of automatic detections through the same GUI.h3j|ubeh3j]ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.|image5|h0MXh1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]uriPPG-ABP_corrector.PNGjf}jhjsh]h]altimage5uh,j[h-Nhhh.image:: PPG-ABP_corrector.PNGh0Nh1]h3jubah3j]ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.The following code shows how to use this task. As you can note, the interface is almost the same used for the QRS correction task.h0MZh1]h`The following code shows how to use this task. As you can note, the interface is almost the same used for the QRS correction task.}}(h.jh3jubah3j]ubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.X if( bUseDesktop )     % other task can be performed on the same objects     for ii = 1:lrecnames         % last worker is the responsible of the visual correction.         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % if there are not any previous error.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Processed && ~ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Error )                 % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                 % if any available                 cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'PPG_ABP_corrector' 'PPG_ABP_detector'});                 % if no previous correction work, try the automatic                 % detection task                 % if any, do the correction                 if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )                     % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                     % if any available                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'PPG_ABP_corrector';                     % This task is supposed to be supervised, so only one pid is enough.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = '1/1';                     % user provided name to individualize each run                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;                     % to avoid loading cached results and exit, this flag                     % allows the re-editing of the current state of the                     % detections.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = false;                     % maybe in your application you should run this for                     % all files.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});                     % process the task                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;                     % restore the original pids configuration                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = pid_str;                     % As we changed for "QRS correction" task, we have to enable this                     % value again in order to avoid performing the following tasks every time.                     % If you want to recalculate any task, change it to false                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = true;                 end             end         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end endh0Mh1]h`X if( bUseDesktop )     % other task can be performed on the same objects     for ii = 1:lrecnames         % last worker is the responsible of the visual correction.         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % if there are not any previous error.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Processed && ~ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Error )                 % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                 % if any available                 cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'PPG_ABP_corrector' 'PPG_ABP_detector'});                 % if no previous correction work, try the automatic                 % detection task                 % if any, do the correction                 if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )                     % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                     % if any available                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'PPG_ABP_corrector';                     % This task is supposed to be supervised, so only one pid is enough.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = '1/1';                     % user provided name to individualize each run                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;                     % to avoid loading cached results and exit, this flag                     % allows the re-editing of the current state of the                     % detections.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = false;                     % maybe in your application you should run this for                     % all files.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});                     % process the task                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;                     % restore the original pids configuration                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = pid_str;                     % As we changed for "QRS correction" task, we have to enable this                     % value again in order to avoid performing the following tasks every time.                     % If you want to recalculate any task, change it to false                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = true;                 end             end         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end end}}(h.X if( bUseDesktop )     % other task can be performed on the same objects     for ii = 1:lrecnames         % last worker is the responsible of the visual correction.         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % if there are not any previous error.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Processed && ~ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Error )                 % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                 % if any available                 cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'PPG_ABP_corrector' 'PPG_ABP_detector'});                 % if no previous correction work, try the automatic                 % detection task                 % if any, do the correction                 if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )                     % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                     % if any available                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'PPG_ABP_corrector';                     % This task is supposed to be supervised, so only one pid is enough.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = '1/1';                     % user provided name to individualize each run                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;                     % to avoid loading cached results and exit, this flag                     % allows the re-editing of the current state of the                     % detections.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = false;                     % maybe in your application you should run this for                     % all files.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});                     % process the task                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;                     % restore the original pids configuration                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = pid_str;                     % As we changed for "QRS correction" task, we have to enable this                     % value again in order to avoid performing the following tasks every time.                     % If you want to recalculate any task, change it to false                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = true;                 end             end         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end endh3jubah3j]ubh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*ecg-automatic-delineationuh,hh-hhhh... _ECG_automatic_delineation:h0Mh1]h3j]ubeh3jubh)}}(h}ecg_automatic_delineationjsh}(h](ecg automatic delineationjeh]h ](jid7eh ]h]uh,hj}jjsh-hhhh.hPh0Mh1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.ECG automatic delineationh0Mh1]h`ECG automatic delineation}}(h.j h3jubah3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XmOnce the QRS complexes were detected, each heartbeat can be segmented or delineated into P-QRS-T waves. To achieve this the kit includes an `ECG delineation task <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation')>`__ to interface with the `wavedet `__ and others user-defined algorithms, as described in the `task help <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation')>`__. The interface follows the same guidelines described before, as is shown in the following code.h0Mh1](h`Once the QRS complexes were detected, each heartbeat can be segmented or delineated into P-QRS-T waves. To achieve this the kit includes an }}(h.Once the QRS complexes were detected, each heartbeat can be segmented or delineated into P-QRS-T waves. To achieve this the kit includes an h3j ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:d../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation')h]h]nameECG delineation taskuh,j1h.`ECG delineation task <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation')>`__h1]h`ECG delineation task}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh` to interface with the }}(h. to interface with the h3j ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:0articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=1275572','-browser')h]h]namewavedetuh,j1h.>`wavedet `__h1]h`wavedet}}(h.hPh3j7 ubah3j ubh`9 and others user-defined algorithms, as described in the }}(h.9 and others user-defined algorithms, as described in the h3j ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:d../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation')h]h]name task helpuh,j1h.t`task help <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation')>`__h1]h` task help}}(h.hPh3jP ubah3j ubh``. The interface follows the same guidelines described before, as is shown in the following code.}}(h.`. The interface follows the same guidelines described before, as is shown in the following code.h3j ubeh3jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh./other task can be performed on the same objectsh0Mh1]h`/other task can be performed on the same objects}}(h.jq h3ji ubah3jubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.X    for ii = 1:lrecnames         % this is to use previous cached results as starting point         cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName('QRS_corrector');         % if corrected QRS detections are not available, wavedet         % performs automatic QRS detection.         if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )             % this is to use previous result from the automatic QRS             % detection             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});         end         % set the delineator task name and run again.         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_delineation';         % user provided name to individualize each run         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;         % Identify ECG signals based on their header description and         % perform delineation in those leads.         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.only_ECG_leads = true; %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'wavedet'; % Wavedet algorithm based on %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:example_worst_ever_ECG_delineator'; %         % Example of how you can add your own ECG delineator. %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:your_ECG_delineator_func_name'; %         "your_ECG_delineator_func_name" can be your own delineator.         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.delineators = {'wavedet' 'user:example_worst_ever_ECG_delineator'};         % process the task         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     endh0Mh1]h`X    for ii = 1:lrecnames         % this is to use previous cached results as starting point         cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName('QRS_corrector');         % if corrected QRS detections are not available, wavedet         % performs automatic QRS detection.         if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )             % this is to use previous result from the automatic QRS             % detection             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});         end         % set the delineator task name and run again.         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_delineation';         % user provided name to individualize each run         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;         % Identify ECG signals based on their header description and         % perform delineation in those leads.         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.only_ECG_leads = true; %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'wavedet'; % Wavedet algorithm based on %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:example_worst_ever_ECG_delineator'; %         % Example of how you can add your own ECG delineator. %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:your_ECG_delineator_func_name'; %         "your_ECG_delineator_func_name" can be your own delineator.         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.delineators = {'wavedet' 'user:example_worst_ever_ECG_delineator'};         % process the task         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end}}(h.X    for ii = 1:lrecnames         % this is to use previous cached results as starting point         cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName('QRS_corrector');         % if corrected QRS detections are not available, wavedet         % performs automatic QRS detection.         if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )             % this is to use previous result from the automatic QRS             % detection             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});         end         % set the delineator task name and run again.         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_delineation';         % user provided name to individualize each run         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;         % Identify ECG signals based on their header description and         % perform delineation in those leads.         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.only_ECG_leads = true; %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'wavedet'; % Wavedet algorithm based on %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:example_worst_ever_ECG_delineator'; %         % Example of how you can add your own ECG delineator. %         ECGt_QRSd.detectors = 'user:your_ECG_delineator_func_name'; %         "your_ECG_delineator_func_name" can be your own delineator.         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.delineators = {'wavedet' 'user:example_worst_ever_ECG_delineator'};         % process the task         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     endh3jy ubah3jubh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*.visual-inspection-of-the-detection-delineationuh,hh-hhhh.3.. _Visual_inspection_of_the_detection_delineation:h0Mh1]h3jubeh3jubh)}}(h}.visual_inspection_of_the_detection_delineationj sh}(h](.visual inspection of the detection/delineationj eh]h ](j id8eh ]h]uh,hj}j j sh-hhhh.hPh0Mh1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh..Visual inspection of the detection/delineationh0Mh1]h`.Visual inspection of the detection/delineation}}(h.j h3j ubah3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XRThe same manual verification made for all the previous automatic tasks is repeated for ECG delineation. The `ECG delineation corrector task <../../../../../../jsD:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation_corrector')>`__ was designed to allow users the verification and correction of automatic delineation through the same GUI. The only difference with respect to the behaviour of the QRS or PPG/ABP correction GUI, is that addition of new events to the P-QRS-T series is not allowed, in order to keep the assosiation of a wave fiducial point to a heartbeat.h0Mh1](h`lThe same manual verification made for all the previous automatic tasks is repeated for ECG delineation. The }}(h.lThe same manual verification made for all the previous automatic tasks is repeated for ECG delineation. The h3j ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:o../../../../../../jsD:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation_corrector')h]h]nameECG delineation corrector taskuh,j1h.`ECG delineation corrector task <../../../../../../jsD:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation_corrector')>`__h1]h`ECG delineation corrector task}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh`XR was designed to allow users the verification and correction of automatic delineation through the same GUI. The only difference with respect to the behaviour of the QRS or PPG/ABP correction GUI, is that addition of new events to the P-QRS-T series is not allowed, in order to keep the assosiation of a wave fiducial point to a heartbeat.}}(h.XR was designed to allow users the verification and correction of automatic delineation through the same GUI. The only difference with respect to the behaviour of the QRS or PPG/ABP correction GUI, is that addition of new events to the P-QRS-T series is not allowed, in order to keep the assosiation of a wave fiducial point to a heartbeat.h3j ubeh3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.|image6|h0Mh1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]uriECG_delineator_corrector.pngjf}jhj sh]h]altimage6uh,j[h-Nhhh.$image:: ECG_delineator_corrector.pngh0Nh1]h3j ubah3j ubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.X( if( bUseDesktop )     % other task can be performed on the same objects     for ii = 1:lrecnames         % last worker is the responsible of the visual correction.         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % if there are not any previous error.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Processed && ~ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Error )                 % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                 % if any available                 cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName( {'ECG_delineation_corrector' 'ECG_delineation'} );                 % if no previous correction work, try the automatic                 % detection task                 % if any, do the correction                 if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )                     % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                     % if any available                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_delineation_corrector';                     % This task is supposed to be supervised, so only one pid is enough.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = '1/1';                     % user provided name to individualize each run                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;                     % to avoid loading cached results and exit, this flag                     % allows the re-editing of the current state of the                     % detections.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = false;                     % maybe in your application you should run this for                     % all files.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});                     % process the task                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;                     % restore the original pids configuration                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = pid_str;                     % As we changed for "QRS correction" task, we have to enable this                     % value again in order to avoid performing the following tasks every time.                     % If you want to recalculate any task, change it to false                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = true;                 end             end         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end endh0Mh1]h`X( if( bUseDesktop )     % other task can be performed on the same objects     for ii = 1:lrecnames         % last worker is the responsible of the visual correction.         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % if there are not any previous error.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Processed && ~ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Error )                 % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                 % if any available                 cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName( {'ECG_delineation_corrector' 'ECG_delineation'} );                 % if no previous correction work, try the automatic                 % detection task                 % if any, do the correction                 if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )                     % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                     % if any available                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_delineation_corrector';                     % This task is supposed to be supervised, so only one pid is enough.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = '1/1';                     % user provided name to individualize each run                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;                     % to avoid loading cached results and exit, this flag                     % allows the re-editing of the current state of the                     % detections.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = false;                     % maybe in your application you should run this for                     % all files.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});                     % process the task                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;                     % restore the original pids configuration                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = pid_str;                     % As we changed for "QRS correction" task, we have to enable this                     % value again in order to avoid performing the following tasks every time.                     % If you want to recalculate any task, change it to false                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = true;                 end             end         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end end}}(h.X( if( bUseDesktop )     % other task can be performed on the same objects     for ii = 1:lrecnames         % last worker is the responsible of the visual correction.         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % if there are not any previous error.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Processed && ~ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Error )                 % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                 % if any available                 cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName( {'ECG_delineation_corrector' 'ECG_delineation'} );                 % if no previous correction work, try the automatic                 % detection task                 % if any, do the correction                 if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )                     % this is to use previous saved results as starting point,                     % if any available                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_delineation_corrector';                     % This task is supposed to be supervised, so only one pid is enough.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = '1/1';                     % user provided name to individualize each run                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;                     % to avoid loading cached results and exit, this flag                     % allows the re-editing of the current state of the                     % detections.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = false;                     % maybe in your application you should run this for                     % all files.                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});                     % process the task                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;                     % restore the original pids configuration                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid = pid_str;                     % As we changed for "QRS correction" task, we have to enable this                     % value again in order to avoid performing the following tasks every time.                     % If you want to recalculate any task, change it to false                     ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cacheResults = true;                 end             end         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end endh3j ubah3j ubh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*"automatic-heartbeat-classificationuh,hh-hhhh.'.. _Automatic_Heartbeat_classification:h0Mh1]h3j ubeh3jubh)}}(h}"automatic_heartbeat_classificationj sh}(h]("automatic heartbeat classificationj eh]h ](j id9eh ]h]uh,hj}j j sh-hhhh.hPh0Mh1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh."Automatic Heartbeat classificationh0Mh1]h`"Automatic Heartbeat classification}}(h.j. h3j& ubah3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XMThe last task described in this example is the classification of heartbeats according to the `EC-57 AAMI recommendation `__. To achieve this task, the kit includes a `Heartbeat classification task <../../../../../../jsD:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_heartbeat_classifier')>`__ that interfaces with the `Argentino-Aragonés heartbeat classifier (a2hbc) <','-browser')>`__ project in order to classify heartbeats into the following classes:h0Mh1](h`]The last task described in this example is the classification of heartbeats according to the }}(h.]The last task described in this example is the classification of heartbeats according to the h3j6 ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:umatlab:web('http://marketplace.aami.org/eseries/scriptcontent/docs/Preview%20Files/EC57_1212_preview.pdf','-browser')h]h]nameEC-57 AAMI recommendationuh,j1h.`EC-57 AAMI recommendation `__h1]h`EC-57 AAMI recommendation}}(h.hPh3jG ubah3j6 ubh`+. To achieve this task, the kit includes a }}(h.+. To achieve this task, the kit includes a h3j6 ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:j../../../../../../jsD:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_heartbeat_classifier')h]h]nameHeartbeat classification taskuh,j1h.`Heartbeat classification task <../../../../../../jsD:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_heartbeat_classifier')>`__h1]h`Heartbeat classification task}}(h.hPh3j` ubah3j6 ubh` that interfaces with the }}(h. that interfaces with the h3j6 ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j: ','-browser')h]h]name0Argentino-Aragonés heartbeat classifier (a2hbc)uh,j1h.D`Argentino-Aragonés heartbeat classifier (a2hbc) <','-browser')>`__h1]h`0Argentino-Aragonés heartbeat classifier (a2hbc)}}(h.hPh3jy ubah3j6 ubh`D project in order to classify heartbeats into the following classes:}}(h.D project in order to classify heartbeats into the following classes:h3j6 ubeh3j ubhg)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]hphqh]uh,hfh-hhhh.hPh0Mh1](hu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh. **N** normalh0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.j h0Mh1](hstrong)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,j h.**N**h1]h`N}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh` normal}}(h. normalh3j ubeh3j ubah3j ubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.**S** supraventricularh0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.j h0Mh1](j )}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,j h.**S**h1]h`S}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh` supraventricular}}(h. supraventricularh3j ubeh3j ubah3j ubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.**V** ventricularh0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.j h0Mh1](j )}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,j h.**V**h1]h`V}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh` ventricular}}(h. ventricularh3j ubeh3j ubah3j ubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.'**F** fusion of normal and ventricular h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.&**F** fusion of normal and ventricularh0Mh1](j )}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,j h.**F**h1]h`F}}(h.hPh3j5 ubah3j* ubh`! fusion of normal and ventricular}}(h.! fusion of normal and ventricularh3j* ubeh3j ubah3j ubeh3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.The *a2hbc* algorithm can opperate automatically or assisted by the user, for more details check the `a2hbc documentation <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('a2hbc')>`__.h0Mh1](h`The }}(h.The h3jK ubj)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh.*a2hbc*h1]h`a2hbc}}(h.hPh3j\ ubah3jK ubh`Z algorithm can opperate automatically or assisted by the user, for more details check the }}(h.Z algorithm can opperate automatically or assisted by the user, for more details check the h3jK ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:R../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('a2hbc')h]h]namea2hbc documentationuh,j1h.l`a2hbc documentation <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('a2hbc')>`__h1]h`a2hbc documentation}}(h.hPh3jr ubah3jK ubh`.}}(h.jLh3jK ubeh3j ubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.X    for ii = 1:lrecnames         % this is to use previous cached results as starting point         cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});         % if corrected QRS detections are not available, wavedet         % performs automatic QRS detection.         if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_heartbeat_classifier';             % the heartbeat classifier uses the QRS detection performed             % before, if available the task will use the corrected             % detections.             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});             % modes of operation of the a2hbc algorithm             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.mode = 'auto'; %             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.mode = 'slightly-assisted'; %             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.mode = 'assisted';             % user provided name to individualize each run             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;             % process the task             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     endh0M3h1]h`X    for ii = 1:lrecnames         % this is to use previous cached results as starting point         cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});         % if corrected QRS detections are not available, wavedet         % performs automatic QRS detection.         if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_heartbeat_classifier';             % the heartbeat classifier uses the QRS detection performed             % before, if available the task will use the corrected             % detections.             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});             % modes of operation of the a2hbc algorithm             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.mode = 'auto'; %             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.mode = 'slightly-assisted'; %             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.mode = 'assisted';             % user provided name to individualize each run             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;             % process the task             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     end}}(h.X    for ii = 1:lrecnames         % this is to use previous cached results as starting point         cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});         % if corrected QRS detections are not available, wavedet         % performs automatic QRS detection.         if( ~isempty(cached_filenames) )             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_heartbeat_classifier';             % the heartbeat classifier uses the QRS detection performed             % before, if available the task will use the corrected             % detections.             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});             % modes of operation of the a2hbc algorithm             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.mode = 'auto'; %             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.mode = 'slightly-assisted'; %             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.mode = 'assisted';             % user provided name to individualize each run             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ECGtaskHandle.user_string = user_str;             % process the task             ECG_all_wrappers(ii).Run;         end     end     % at the end, report problems if happened.     for ii = 1:lrecnames         ECG_all_wrappers(ii).ReportErrors;     endh3j ubah3j ubh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*visual-inspection-of-the-signaluh,hh-hhhh.$.. _Visual_inspection_of_the_signal:h0M4h1]h3j ubeh3jubh)}}(h}visual_inspection_of_the_signalj sh}(h](visual inspection of the signalj eh]h ](j id10eh ]h]uh,hj}j j sh-hhhh.hPh0M7h1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.Visual inspection of the signalh0M7h1]h`Visual inspection of the signal}}(h.j h3j ubah3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XaFinaly a report is generated with the results of the previous tasks, either in a pdf document or several images. The report generated can be customized with the interface described in the `documentation <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('reportECG')>`__. The following are just three examples of a longer report:h0M9h1](h`Finaly a report is generated with the results of the previous tasks, either in a pdf document or several images. The report generated can be customized with the interface described in the }}(h.Finaly a report is generated with the results of the previous tasks, either in a pdf document or several images. The report generated can be customized with the interface described in the h3j ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:V../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('reportECG')h]h]name documentationuh,j1h.j`documentation <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('reportECG')>`__h1]h` documentation}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh`;. The following are just three examples of a longer report:}}(h.;. The following are just three examples of a longer report:h3j ubeh3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.|image7|h0M?h1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]uri*ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M_full_Pagina_01.pngjf}jhj sh]h]altimage7uh,j[h-Nhhh.2image:: ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M_full_Pagina_01.pngh0Nh1]h3j ubah3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.A snapshot of the centerh0MAh1]h`A snapshot of the center}}(h.j h3j ubah3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.|image8|h0MCh1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]uri*ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M_full_Pagina_05.pngjf}jhj- sh]h]altimage8uh,j[h-Nhhh.2image:: ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M_full_Pagina_05.pngh0Nh1]h3j ubah3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.8And finaly a snapshot of the last part of the recording.h0MEh1]h`8And finaly a snapshot of the last part of the recording.}}(h.j> h3j6 ubah3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.|image9|h0MGh1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]uri*ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M_full_Pagina_10.pngjf}jhjX sh]h]altimage9uh,j[h-Nhhh.2image:: ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M_full_Pagina_10.pngh0Nh1]h3jF ubah3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.-This is the code used to create a PDF report.h0MIh1]h`-This is the code used to create a PDF report.}}(h.ji h3ja ubah3j ubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.Xi    filename = []; % default setting. Let the report function decide. %     filename = 'container_filename'; % to put everything in one big file.     % other winlengths can be added to the array in order to further     % explore the recordings, and the algorithm results. %     winlengths = []; % default setting     winlengths = [ 7 ]; %seconds     % go through all files     for ii = 1:lrecnames         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % last worker is the responsible of the reporting.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)                 try                     reportECG(ECG_all_wrappers(ii), 'LowDetail', 'full', winlengths, 'pdf', filename );                 catch MException                     report = getReport(MException);                     fprintf(2, '\n%s\n', report);                 end             end         end     endh0Mah1]h`Xi    filename = []; % default setting. Let the report function decide. %     filename = 'container_filename'; % to put everything in one big file.     % other winlengths can be added to the array in order to further     % explore the recordings, and the algorithm results. %     winlengths = []; % default setting     winlengths = [ 7 ]; %seconds     % go through all files     for ii = 1:lrecnames         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % last worker is the responsible of the reporting.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)                 try                     reportECG(ECG_all_wrappers(ii), 'LowDetail', 'full', winlengths, 'pdf', filename );                 catch MException                     report = getReport(MException);                     fprintf(2, '\n%s\n', report);                 end             end         end     end}}(h.Xi    filename = []; % default setting. Let the report function decide. %     filename = 'container_filename'; % to put everything in one big file.     % other winlengths can be added to the array in order to further     % explore the recordings, and the algorithm results. %     winlengths = []; % default setting     winlengths = [ 7 ]; %seconds     % go through all files     for ii = 1:lrecnames         if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)             % last worker is the responsible of the reporting.             if( ECG_all_wrappers(ii).this_pid == ECG_all_wrappers(ii).cant_pids)                 try                     reportECG(ECG_all_wrappers(ii), 'LowDetail', 'full', winlengths, 'pdf', filename );                 catch MException                     report = getReport(MException);                     fprintf(2, '\n%s\n', report);                 end             end         end     endh3jq ubah3j ubh )}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]h]h*other-user-defined-tasksuh,hh-hhhh... _Other_user-defined_tasks:h0Mbh1]h3j ubeh3jubh)}}(h}other_user-defined_tasksj sh}(h](other user-defined tasks ...j eh]h ](j id11eh ]h]uh,hj}j j sh-hhhh.hPh0Meh1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.Other user-defined tasks ...h0Meh1]h`Other user-defined tasks ...}}(h.j h3j ubah3j ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.XQMaybe the most important and useful aspect of the kit, is that you can add your own algorithms. This can be done by following the interface documented through the several examples included above. The `QRS detection <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_QRS_detection')>`__ and `ECG delineation <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation')>`__ tasks already include a way to interface your own algorithms through the **user:function\_name** method. Check the above sections for more details.h0Mgh1](h`Maybe the most important and useful aspect of the kit, is that you can add your own algorithms. This can be done by following the interface documented through the several examples included above. The }}(h.Maybe the most important and useful aspect of the kit, is that you can add your own algorithms. This can be done by following the interface documented through the several examples included above. The h3j ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:b../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_QRS_detection')h]h]name QRS detectionuh,j1h.v`QRS detection <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_QRS_detection')>`__h1]h` QRS detection}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh` and }}(h. and h3j ubj2)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j:d../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation')h]h]nameECG delineationuh,j1h.z`ECG delineation <../../../../../../:D:/Mariano/misc/ECGkit/help/robohelp/ECGkit/matlab:doc('ECGtask_ECG_delineation')>`__h1]h`ECG delineation}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh`J tasks already include a way to interface your own algorithms through the }}(h.J tasks already include a way to interface your own algorithms through the h3j ubj )}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,j h.**user:function\_name**h1]h`user:function_name}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh`3 method. Check the above sections for more details.}}(h.3 method. Check the above sections for more details.h3j ubeh3j ubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.1if( ~bUseDesktop )     UnInstallECGkit(); endh0Mwh1]h`1if( ~bUseDesktop )     UnInstallECGkit(); end}}(h.1if( ~bUseDesktop )     UnInstallECGkit(); endh3j ubah3j ubhsubstitution_definition)}}(h}(h]jlah]h ]h ]h]uh,j h-hhhh.%.. |image4| image:: QRS_corrector.PNGh0Mxh1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]urijejf}jhjesh]h]altjluh,j[h.jmh1]h3j ubah3j ubj )}}(h}(h]jah]h ]h ]h]uh,j h-hhhh.).. |image5| image:: PPG-ABP_corrector.PNGh0Myh1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]urijjf}jhjsh]h]altjuh,j[h.jh1]h3j1 ubah3j ubj )}}(h}(h]j ah]h ]h ]h]uh,j h-hhhh.0.. |image6| image:: ECG_delineator_corrector.pngh0Mzh1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]urij jf}jhj sh]h]altj uh,j[h.j h1]h3jI ubah3j ubj )}}(h}(h]j ah]h ]h ]h]uh,j h-hhhh.>.. |image7| image:: ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M_full_Pagina_01.pngh0M{h1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]urij jf}jhj sh]h]altj uh,j[h.j h1]h3ja ubah3j ubj )}}(h}(h]j2 ah]h ]h ]h]uh,j h-hhhh.>.. |image8| image:: ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M_full_Pagina_05.pngh0M|h1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]urij- jf}jhj- sh]h]altj2 uh,j[h.j3 h1]h3jy ubah3j ubj )}}(h}(h]j] ah]h ]h ]h]uh,j h-hhhh.>.. |image9| image:: ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M_full_Pagina_10.pngh0M}h1]j\)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]urijX jf}jhjX sh]h]altj] uh,j[h.j^ h1]h3j ubah3j ubeh3jubeh3hubububsh}(h](function prototypeh8eh]h ](hBid1eh ]h]uh,hj}hBh:sh-hhhh.hPh0K=h1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.Function prototypeh0K=h1]h`Function prototype}}(h.j h3j ubah3h5ubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.3function examples(pid_str, examples_path, user_str)h0KCh1]h`3function examples(pid_str, examples_path, user_str)}}(h.j h3j ubah3h5ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh..*examples* accepts three *optional* arguments:h0KDh1](j)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh. *examples*h1]h`examples}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh` accepts three }}(h. accepts three h3j ubj)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jh. *optional*h1]h`optional}}(h.hPh3j ubah3j ubh` arguments:}}(h. arguments:h3j ubeh3h5ubhg)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]hphqh]uh,hfh-hhhh.hPh0KFh1](hu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.X **pid\_str** (optional) string identifier for this work instance in a cluster computing or multitask environment. The identifier follows the form 'N/M', being N a number which identifies this execution instance and M the total amount of instances. ``'1/1' (default)``h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.X **pid\_str** (optional) string identifier for this work instance in a cluster computing or multitask environment. The identifier follows the form 'N/M', being N a number which identifies this execution instance and M the total amount of instances. ``'1/1' (default)``h0KFh1](j )}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,j h. **pid\_str**h1]h`pid_str}}(h.hPh3j*ubah3jubh` (optional) string identifier for this work instance in a cluster computing or multitask environment. The identifier follows the form 'N/M', being N a number which identifies this execution instance and M the total amount of instances. }}(h. (optional) string identifier for this work instance in a cluster computing or multitask environment. The identifier follows the form 'N/M', being N a number which identifies this execution instance and M the total amount of instances. h3jubjx)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jwh.``'1/1' (default)``h1]h`'1/1' (default)}}(h.hPh3j@ubah3jubeh3jubah3j ubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.**examples\_path** (optional) string of the path with ECG recordings. ``['.' filesep 'example_recordings' filesep ] (default)``;h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.**examples\_path** (optional) string of the path with ECG recordings. ``['.' filesep 'example_recordings' filesep ] (default)``;h0KJh1](j )}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,j h.**examples\_path**h1]h` examples_path}}(h.hPh3jfubah3j[ubh`4 (optional) string of the path with ECG recordings. }}(h.4 (optional) string of the path with ECG recordings. h3j[ubjx)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,jwh.9``['.' filesep 'example_recordings' filesep ] (default)``h1]h`5['.' filesep 'example_recordings' filesep ] (default)}}(h.hPh3j|ubah3j[ubh`;}}(h.;h3j[ubeh3jPubah3j ubhu)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hth-hhhh.D**user\_str** (optional) string to identify this run or experiment. h0Nh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hh.C**user\_str** (optional) string to identify this run or experiment.h0KLh1](j )}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,j h. **user\_str**h1]h`user_str}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubh`6 (optional) string to identify this run or experiment.}}(h.6 (optional) string to identify this run or experiment.h3jubeh3jubah3j ubeh3h5ubh"eh3jububsh}(h](argument parsingheh]h ](h+heh ]h]uh,hj}h+h"sh-hhhh.hPh0KQh1](hS)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hRh-hhhh.Argument parsingh0KQh1]h`Argument parsing}}(h.jh3jubah3hubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh-hhhh.Simple and straight forward.h0KSh1]h`Simple and straight forward.}}(h.jh3jubah3hubj^)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]jfah]h]jijjuh,j]h-hhhh.X0    if( nargin < 1 || ~ischar(pid_str) )         % single PID run         pid_str = '1/1';     end     if( nargin < 2 || ~exist(examples_path, 'dir') )         % inspect ECG files in rootpath\example_recordings\ folder         root_path = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));         % default folder to look at         examples_path = [root_path filesep 'example_recordings' filesep ];         if(~exist(examples_path, 'dir'))             disp_string_framed(2, 'Please provide a valid path with ECG recordings');             return         end     else         if( examples_path(end) ~= filesep )             examples_path = [examples_path filesep];         end     end     if( nargin < 3  )         user_str = '';     end % Explore the *examples_path* for ECG recordings.     filenames = dir(examples_path);     recnames = {filenames(:).name}; % In this case I hardcoded only one recording     recnames = {'ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M'}; % But you can use this to iterate for all of them. %     [~,recnames] = cellfun(@(a)(fileparts(a)), recnames, 'UniformOutput', false); %     recnames = unique(recnames); %     recnames = setdiff(recnames, {'' '.' '..' 'results' 'condor' }); %     recnames = recnames(1)     lrecnames = length(recnames);     % In case of running in a user-assisted fashion.     bUseDesktop = usejava('desktop');     if( bUseDesktop )         tmp_path = tempdir;         output_path = [ examples_path 'results' filesep ];     else         % For cluster or distributed environment processing.         InstallECGkit();         % this is a local path, usually faster to reach than output_path         tmp_path = '/scratch/';         % distributed or cluster-wide accesible path         output_path = [ examples_path 'results' filesep ];     end % just for debugging, keep it commented. %     bUseDesktop = falseh0Kh1]h`X0    if( nargin < 1 || ~ischar(pid_str) )         % single PID run         pid_str = '1/1';     end     if( nargin < 2 || ~exist(examples_path, 'dir') )         % inspect ECG files in rootpath\example_recordings\ folder         root_path = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));         % default folder to look at         examples_path = [root_path filesep 'example_recordings' filesep ];         if(~exist(examples_path, 'dir'))             disp_string_framed(2, 'Please provide a valid path with ECG recordings');             return         end     else         if( examples_path(end) ~= filesep )             examples_path = [examples_path filesep];         end     end     if( nargin < 3  )         user_str = '';     end % Explore the *examples_path* for ECG recordings.     filenames = dir(examples_path);     recnames = {filenames(:).name}; % In this case I hardcoded only one recording     recnames = {'ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M'}; % But you can use this to iterate for all of them. %     [~,recnames] = cellfun(@(a)(fileparts(a)), recnames, 'UniformOutput', false); %     recnames = unique(recnames); %     recnames = setdiff(recnames, {'' '.' '..' 'results' 'condor' }); %     recnames = recnames(1)     lrecnames = length(recnames);     % In case of running in a user-assisted fashion.     bUseDesktop = usejava('desktop');     if( bUseDesktop )         tmp_path = tempdir;         output_path = [ examples_path 'results' filesep ];     else         % For cluster or distributed environment processing.         InstallECGkit();         % this is a local path, usually faster to reach than output_path         tmp_path = '/scratch/';         % distributed or cluster-wide accesible path         output_path = [ examples_path 'results' filesep ];     end % just for debugging, keep it commented. %     bUseDesktop = false}}(h.X0    if( nargin < 1 || ~ischar(pid_str) )         % single PID run         pid_str = '1/1';     end     if( nargin < 2 || ~exist(examples_path, 'dir') )         % inspect ECG files in rootpath\example_recordings\ folder         root_path = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));         % default folder to look at         examples_path = [root_path filesep 'example_recordings' filesep ];         if(~exist(examples_path, 'dir'))             disp_string_framed(2, 'Please provide a valid path with ECG recordings');             return         end     else         if( examples_path(end) ~= filesep )             examples_path = [examples_path filesep];         end     end     if( nargin < 3  )         user_str = '';     end % Explore the *examples_path* for ECG recordings.     filenames = dir(examples_path);     recnames = {filenames(:).name}; % In this case I hardcoded only one recording     recnames = {'ex_ABP_PPG_Registro_01M'}; % But you can use this to iterate for all of them. %     [~,recnames] = cellfun(@(a)(fileparts(a)), recnames, 'UniformOutput', false); %     recnames = unique(recnames); %     recnames = setdiff(recnames, {'' '.' '..' 'results' 'condor' }); %     recnames = recnames(1)     lrecnames = length(recnames);     % In case of running in a user-assisted fashion.     bUseDesktop = usejava('desktop');     if( bUseDesktop )         tmp_path = tempdir;         output_path = [ examples_path 'results' filesep ];     else         % For cluster or distributed environment processing.         InstallECGkit();         % this is a local path, usually faster to reach than output_path         tmp_path = '/scratch/';         % distributed or cluster-wide accesible path         output_path = [ examples_path 'results' filesep ];     end % just for debugging, keep it commented. %     bUseDesktop = falseh3jubah3hubjyeh3jubj j j j j j j j hMhFhBh5jjjjjjth+hj j jjj j jjjYj]j j jjj j jjjfj]j h5jjjjtuautofootnote_refs]current_sourceNrefnames}id_startK transform_messages](hsystem_message)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineK:h]typeINFOuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`8Hyperlink target "function-prototype" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineKNh]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`6Hyperlink target "argument-parsing" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3j.ubah3j ubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineKh]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`=Hyperlink target "qrs-automatic-detection" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3jKubah3j=ubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineKh]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`JHyperlink target "qrs-visual-inspection-and-correction" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3jhubah3jZubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineM.h]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`=Hyperlink target "ppg-abp-pulse-detection" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3jubah3jwubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineMMh]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`THyperlink target "ppg-abp-waves-visual-inspection-and-correction" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineMh]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`?Hyperlink target "ecg-automatic-delineation" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineMh]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`THyperlink target "visual-inspection-of-the-detection-delineation" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineMh]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`HHyperlink target "automatic-heartbeat-classification" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineM4h]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`EHyperlink target "visual-inspection-of-the-signal" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3jubah3jubaubj)}}(h}(h]levelKh ]h ]sourcehh]lineMbh]typejuh,jh.hPh1]h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh,hh.hPh1]h`>Hyperlink target "other-user-defined-tasks" is not referenced.}}(h.hPh3j3ubah3j%ubaubesettingsdocutils.frontendValues)}}( pep_base_url https://www.python.org/dev/peps/embed_stylesheetexpose_internalsNinput_encoding_error_handlerstrictdebugNstrip_commentsN_disable_configNpep_referencesN source_linkNfootnote_backlinksKrfc_referencesNsyntax_highlightlongstrict_visitorNfile_insertion_enabled _config_files]input_encoding utf-8-sig language_codeendump_internalsN_sourcehwarning_streamNoutput_encoding_error_handlerjM strip_classesN datestampN raw_enabledK generatorNrecord_dependenciesN sectnum_xformKgettext_compactcloak_email_addresses smart_quotes rfc_base_urlhttps://tools.ietf.org/html/ docinfo_xformKerror_encoding_error_handlerbackslashreplacepep_file_url_templatepep-%04derror_encodingcp850configN halt_levelK dump_settingsNdump_transformsN _destinationNauto_id_prefixid toc_backlinksentrysectsubtitle_xform id_prefixhPoutput_encodingutf-8 tab_widthKtrim_footnote_reference_spaceexit_status_levelKstrip_elements_with_classesN source_urlNhRN tracebackdump_pseudo_xmlN report_levelKdoctitle_xformenvNub footnote_refs}substitution_names}(image4jlimage7j image9j] image6j image5jimage8j2 u nametypes}(j Nj`j Nj hJNjjcNh8jj Nj NjjNj NjNjNjNjNjwj jNj j husymbol_footnote_refs] current_lineNindirect_targets]hhsubstitution_defs}(jlj j ja j] j j jI jj1 j2 jy unameids}(j j j`jYj j j j hJhMjjjcjfh8hBjjj j j j jjjjj j jjjjjhjjjwjj j jjj j j j hh+usymbol_footnotes]h,hparse_messages]refids}(j ]j aj]jaj ]j ajY]jQah+]h"aj ]j ahB]h:aj ]j aj]jaj]jaj]jyaureporterNh.hPsymbol_footnote_startK transformerN footnotes] citation_refs} citations] autofootnotes]autofootnote_startK decorationNh1]jaub.