docutils.nodesdocument)}}( attributes}(backrefs]ids]classes]source=D:\Mariano\misc\ecg-kit\help\sphinx\source\plot_ecg_strip.rstnames]dupnames]uids}(see-alsohsection)}}(h}(h]see alsoah]h ]hah ]h]utagnamehsourcehhh rawsourcelineKchildren](htitle)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#h*h$hhhh%See Alsoh'Kh(]hTextSee Also}}(h%h5parenth-ubah>hubh block_quote)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#h?h$hhhh%h&h'Nh(]h paragraph)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%J:doc:`Plot ECG mosaic ` \| :doc:`ECGwrapper `h'Kh(](sphinx.addnodes pending_xref)}}(h}(h]refwarnh ]h ]reftypedocrefdocplot_ecg_striph] refexplicith] refdomainh& reftargetplot_ecg_mosaicuh#hYh$hh%(:doc:`Plot ECG mosaic `h'Kh(]hliteral)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](xrefhdeh]uh#hoh%hmh(]h8Plot ECG mosaic}}(h%h&h>hrubah>h\ubah>hNubh8 | }}(h% \| h>hNubhZ)}}(h}(h]h`h ]h ]reftypedochehfh] refexplicith] refdomainh&hk ECGwrapperuh#hYh$hh%:doc:`ECGwrapper `h'Kh(]hp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hyheh]uh#hoh%hh(]h8 ECGwrapper}}(h%h&h>hubah>hubah>hNubeh>hBubah>hubeh>h)}}(h}(h]!plotting signals and task resultsah]h ]!plotting-signals-and-task-resultsah ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%h&h'Kh(](h+)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#h*h$hhhh%!Plotting signals and task resultsh'Kh(]h8!Plotting signals and task results}}(h%hh>hubah>hubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hhhh%pLow level function to produce charts and interactively browse signals and annotations produced by other ECGtasksh'Kh(]h8pLow level function to produce charts and interactively browse signals and annotations produced by other ECGtasks}}(h%hh>hubah>hubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hhhh%Some of the relevant features:h'Kh(]h8Some of the relevant features:}}(h%hh>hubah>hubh@)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#h?h$Nhhh%h&h'Nh(]h bullet_list)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]bullet-h]uh#hh%h&h(](h list_item)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%vUser can interact using mouse shortcuts with several aspects of the visualization, such as zoom, pan and measurements.h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%vUser can interact using mouse shortcuts with several aspects of the visualization, such as zoom, pan and measurements.h'K h(]h8vUser can interact using mouse shortcuts with several aspects of the visualization, such as zoom, pan and measurements.}}(h%jh>jubah>hubah>hubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%xInformation of the multilead wave boundaries can be added to the ECG, for example the delineation obtained with wavedet.h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%xInformation of the multilead wave boundaries can be added to the ECG, for example the delineation obtained with wavedet.h'K h(]h8xInformation of the multilead wave boundaries can be added to the ECG, for example the delineation obtained with wavedet.}}(h%j+h>j#ubah>jubah>hubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%DIt can "pretty" present the ECG charts for printing to pdf documentsh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%DIt can "pretty" present the ECG charts for printing to pdf documentsh'Kh(]h8DIt can "pretty" present the ECG charts for printing to pdf documents}}(h%jFh>j>ubah>j3ubah>hubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%iIt can be easily added to your project for debug or result presentation through its versatile interface. h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%hIt can be easily added to your project for debug or result presentation through its versatile interface.h'Kh(]h8hIt can be easily added to your project for debug or result presentation through its versatile interface.}}(h%jah>jYubah>jNubah>hubeh>hubah>hubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hhhh%The mouse interaction was adapted from the `Dragzoom `__ function, by Evgeny Pr.h'Kh(](h8+The mouse interaction was adapted from the }}(h%+The mouse interaction was adapted from the h>jiubh reference)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]refuriU]h]nameDragzoomuh#jyh%d`Dragzoom `__h(]h8Dragzoom}}(h%h&h>j|ubah>jiubh8 function, by Evgeny Pr.}}(h% function, by Evgeny Pr.h>jiubeh>hubh)}}(h}(h] prototypeah]h ] prototypeah ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%h&h'Kh(](h+)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#h*h$hhhh% Prototypeh'Kh(]h8 Prototype}}(h%jh>jubah>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hhhh%(The function prototype is the following.h'Kh(]h8(The function prototype is the following.}}(h%jh>jubah>jubh literal_block)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]codeah]h] xml:spacepreserveuh#jh$hhhh%2function ECG_hdl = plot_ecg_strip( ECG, varargin )h'Kh(]h82function ECG_hdl = plot_ecg_strip( ECG, varargin )}}(h%jh>jubah>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hhhh%OThis function accepts as arguments the arg_name/arg_val method described below.h'K h(]h8OThis function accepts as arguments the arg_name/arg_val method described below.}}(h%jh>jubah>jubeh>hubh)}}(h}(h] argumentsah]h ] argumentsah ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%h&h'K#h(](h+)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#h*h$hhhh% Argumentsh'K#h(]h8 Arguments}}(h%jh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]hhh]uh#hh$hhhh%h&h'K%h(](h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%ECG: [numeric | char | ECGwrapper] REQUIRED. Signal matrix of dimension ``[nsamp nsig]`` where: - nsamp: time length in samples - nsig: number of ECG leads or number of signals. A recording full-path filename or an ECGwrapper object are also accepted. h'Nh(](hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%_ECG: [numeric | char | ECGwrapper] REQUIRED. Signal matrix of dimension ``[nsamp nsig]`` where:h'K%h(](h8HECG: [numeric | char | ECGwrapper] REQUIRED. Signal matrix of dimension }}(h%HECG: [numeric | char | ECGwrapper] REQUIRED. Signal matrix of dimension h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``[nsamp nsig]``h(]h8 [nsamp nsig]}}(h%h&h>j)ubah>jubh8 where:}}(h% where:h>jubeh>j ubh)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]hhh]uh#hh%h&h(](h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%nsamp: time length in samples h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%nsamp: time length in samplesh'K(h(]h8nsamp: time length in samples}}(h%j\h>jTubah>jIubah>j?ubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%0nsig: number of ECG leads or number of signals. h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%/nsig: number of ECG leads or number of signals.h'K*h(]h8/nsig: number of ECG leads or number of signals.}}(h%jwh>joubah>jdubah>j?ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%IA recording full-path filename or an ECGwrapper object are also accepted.h'K,h(]h8IA recording full-path filename or an ECGwrapper object are also accepted.}}(h%jh>jubah>j ubeh>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%ECG_header: [struct] OPTIONAL. Description of the ECG typically available in the header. See :ref:`ECG header ` description. h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%ECG_header: [struct] OPTIONAL. Description of the ECG typically available in the header. See :ref:`ECG header ` description.h'K.h(](h8]ECG_header: [struct] OPTIONAL. Description of the ECG typically available in the header. See }}(h%]ECG_header: [struct] OPTIONAL. Description of the ECG typically available in the header. See h>jubhZ)}}(h}(h]h`h ]h ]reftyperefhehfh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhkecg_header_descriptionuh#hYh$hh%*:ref:`ECG header `h'K.h(]hinline)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hyjstd-refeh]uh#jh%jh(]h8 ECG header}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubah>jubh8 description.}}(h% description.h>jubeh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%GStart_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. ``0 (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%FStart_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. ``0 (default)``h'K1h(](h87Start_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. }}(h%7Start_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``0 (default)``h(]h8 0 (default)}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubeh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%GEnd_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. ``end (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%FEnd_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. ``end (default)``h'K3h(](h85End_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. }}(h%5End_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. h>j ubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``end (default)``h(]h8 end (default)}}(h%h&h>jubah>j ubeh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%SQRS_locations: [numeric] OPTIONAL. QRS complex detection samples. ``[] (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%RQRS_locations: [numeric] OPTIONAL. QRS complex detection samples. ``[] (default)``h'K5h(](h8BQRS_locations: [numeric] OPTIONAL. QRS complex detection samples. }}(h%BQRS_locations: [numeric] OPTIONAL. QRS complex detection samples. h>j7ubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``[] (default)``h(]h8 [] (default)}}(h%h&h>jHubah>j7ubeh>j,ubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%QRS_start_index: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start at the i-th QRS_start_index heartbeat in QRS_locations, or ``QRS_locations(QRS_start_index)``. ``1 (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%QRS_start_index: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start at the i-th QRS_start_index heartbeat in QRS_locations, or ``QRS_locations(QRS_start_index)``. ``1 (default)``h'K7h(](h8fQRS_start_index: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start at the i-th QRS_start_index heartbeat in QRS_locations, or }}(h%fQRS_start_index: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start at the i-th QRS_start_index heartbeat in QRS_locations, or h>jcubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%"``QRS_locations(QRS_start_index)``h(]h8QRS_locations(QRS_start_index)}}(h%h&h>jtubah>jcubh8. }}(h%. h>jcubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``1 (default)``h(]h8 1 (default)}}(h%h&h>jubah>jcubeh>jXubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%QRS_complexes: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Display the amount of QRS_start_complexes heartbeats from the QRS_start_index. ``QRS_start_index + 10 (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%QRS_complexes: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Display the amount of QRS_start_complexes heartbeats from the QRS_start_index. ``QRS_start_index + 10 (default)``h'K:h(](h8rQRS_complexes: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Display the amount of QRS_start_complexes heartbeats from the QRS_start_index. }}(h%rQRS_complexes: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Display the amount of QRS_start_complexes heartbeats from the QRS_start_index. h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%"``QRS_start_index + 10 (default)``h(]h8QRS_start_index + 10 (default)}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubeh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%oLead_offset: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A DC value ``[nsig 1]`` to be added to each lead. ``zeros(nsig,1) (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%nLead_offset: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A DC value ``[nsig 1]`` to be added to each lead. ``zeros(nsig,1) (default)``h'K=h(](h8,Lead_offset: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A DC value }}(h%,Lead_offset: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A DC value h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh% ``[nsig 1]``h(]h8[nsig 1]}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8 to be added to each lead. }}(h% to be added to each lead. h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``zeros(nsig,1) (default)``h(]h8zeros(nsig,1) (default)}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubeh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%nLead_gain: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A value ``[nsig 1]`` to be multiplied by each lead. ``ones(nsig,1) (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%mLead_gain: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A value ``[nsig 1]`` to be multiplied by each lead. ``ones(nsig,1) (default)``h'K?h(](h8'Lead_gain: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A value }}(h%'Lead_gain: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A value h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh% ``[nsig 1]``h(]h8[nsig 1]}}(h%h&h>j$ubah>jubh8 to be multiplied by each lead. }}(h% to be multiplied by each lead. h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``ones(nsig,1) (default)``h(]h8ones(nsig,1) (default)}}(h%h&h>j:ubah>jubeh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%X@ECG_delineation_single_lead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct of size ``[nsig 1]`` described :ref:`here `. Each field of size ``[1 nhb]``, being ``nhb`` the amount of heartbeats. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an ``ECG_delineation`` task. ``[] (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%X?ECG_delineation_single_lead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct of size ``[nsig 1]`` described :ref:`here `. Each field of size ``[1 nhb]``, being ``nhb`` the amount of heartbeats. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an ``ECG_delineation`` task. ``[] (default)``h'KAh(](h8UECG_delineation_single_lead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct of size }}(h%UECG_delineation_single_lead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct of size h>jUubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh% ``[nsig 1]``h(]h8[nsig 1]}}(h%h&h>jfubah>jUubh8 described }}(h% described h>jUubhZ)}}(h}(h]h`h ]h ]reftyperefhehfh] refexplicith] refdomainstdhkdelineation_structuh#hYh$hh% :ref:`here `h'KAh(]j)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ](hyjstd-refeh]uh#jh%jh(]h8here}}(h%h&h>jubah>j|ubah>jUubh8. Each field of size }}(h%. Each field of size h>jUubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh% ``[1 nhb]``h(]h8[1 nhb]}}(h%h&h>jubah>jUubh8, being }}(h%, being h>jUubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``nhb``h(]h8nhb}}(h%h&h>jubah>jUubh8Z the amount of heartbeats. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an }}(h%Z the amount of heartbeats. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an h>jUubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``ECG_delineation``h(]h8ECG_delineation}}(h%h&h>jubah>jUubh8 task. }}(h% task. h>jUubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``[] (default)``h(]h8 [] (default)}}(h%h&h>jubah>jUubeh>jJubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%XECG_delineation_multilead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct with the same fields of and characteristics of ``ECG_delineation_single_lead``. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an ``ECG_delineation`` task. ``[] (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%XECG_delineation_multilead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct with the same fields of and characteristics of ``ECG_delineation_single_lead``. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an ``ECG_delineation`` task. ``[] (default)``h'KEh(](h8zECG_delineation_multilead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct with the same fields of and characteristics of }}(h%zECG_delineation_multilead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct with the same fields of and characteristics of h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``ECG_delineation_single_lead``h(]h8ECG_delineation_single_lead}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8A. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an }}(h%A. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``ECG_delineation``h(]h8ECG_delineation}}(h%h&h>j'ubah>jubh8 task. }}(h% task. h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``[] (default)``h(]h8 [] (default)}}(h%h&h>j=ubah>jubeh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%XuHeartbeat_classification: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Heartbeat labels provided as a struct with the following fields - time, an array of ``[nhb 1]`` with the sample locations of each heartbeat. - anntyp, a char array of ``[nhb 1]`` with the label of each heartbeat, according to `Physionet `__ or the `EC-57 AAMI recommendation `__. Commonly N, S, V, F, Q. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an ``ECG_heartbeat_classifier`` task. ``[] (default)`` h'Nh(](hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%wHeartbeat_classification: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Heartbeat labels provided as a struct with the following fieldsh'KIh(]h8wHeartbeat_classification: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Heartbeat labels provided as a struct with the following fields}}(h%j`h>jXubah>jMubh)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]hhh]uh#hh%h&h(](h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%Ktime, an array of ``[nhb 1]`` with the sample locations of each heartbeat. h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%Jtime, an array of ``[nhb 1]`` with the sample locations of each heartbeat.h'KKh(](h8time, an array of }}(h%time, an array of h>j}ubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh% ``[nhb 1]``h(]h8[nhb 1]}}(h%h&h>jubah>j}ubh8- with the sample locations of each heartbeat.}}(h%- with the sample locations of each heartbeat.h>j}ubeh>jrubah>jhubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%X6anntyp, a char array of ``[nhb 1]`` with the label of each heartbeat, according to `Physionet `__ or the `EC-57 AAMI recommendation `__. Commonly N, S, V, F, Q. h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%X5anntyp, a char array of ``[nhb 1]`` with the label of each heartbeat, according to `Physionet `__ or the `EC-57 AAMI recommendation `__. Commonly N, S, V, F, Q.h'KMh(](h8anntyp, a char array of }}(h%anntyp, a char array of h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh% ``[nhb 1]``h(]h8[nhb 1]}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh80 with the label of each heartbeat, according to }}(h%0 with the label of each heartbeat, according to h>jubjz)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j5]h]name Physionetuh#jyh%E`Physionet `__h(]h8 Physionet}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8 or the }}(h% or the h>jubjz)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]j\]h]nameEC-57 AAMI recommendationuh#jyh%|`EC-57 AAMI recommendation `__h(]h8EC-57 AAMI recommendation}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8. Commonly N, S, V, F, Q.}}(h%. Commonly N, S, V, F, Q.h>jubeh>jubah>jhubeh>jMubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%rIf an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an ``ECG_heartbeat_classifier`` task. ``[] (default)``h'KPh(](h8?If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an }}(h%?If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``ECG_heartbeat_classifier``h(]h8ECG_heartbeat_classifier}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8 task. }}(h% task. h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``[] (default)``h(]h8 [] (default)}}(h%h&h>j/ubah>jubeh>jMubeh>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%UTitle: [string] OPTIONAL. Description title. ``[recname - time interval] (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%TTitle: [string] OPTIONAL. Description title. ``[recname - time interval] (default)``h'KRh(](h8-Title: [string] OPTIONAL. Description title. }}(h%-Title: [string] OPTIONAL. Description title. h>jJubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%'``[recname - time interval] (default)``h(]h8#[recname - time interval] (default)}}(h%h&h>j[ubah>jJubeh>j?ubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$Nhhh%XPDetailLevel: [string] OPTIONAL. The details included in the ECG plot depends on the zoom level and the data provided. Possible values: - 'all', overprint all info available. - 'single-lead', overprint ECG delineation results. - 'multilead', overprint ECG multilead delineation results. - ``'none' (default)``, display only signals. h'Nh(](hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%DetailLevel: [string] OPTIONAL. The details included in the ECG plot depends on the zoom level and the data provided. Possible values:h'KTh(]h8DetailLevel: [string] OPTIONAL. The details included in the ECG plot depends on the zoom level and the data provided. Possible values:}}(h%j~h>jvubah>jkubh)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]hhh]uh#hh%h&h(](h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%%'all', overprint all info available. h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%$'all', overprint all info available.h'KWh(]h8$'all', overprint all info available.}}(h%jh>jubah>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%2'single-lead', overprint ECG delineation results. h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%1'single-lead', overprint ECG delineation results.h'KYh(]h81'single-lead', overprint ECG delineation results.}}(h%jh>jubah>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%:'multilead', overprint ECG multilead delineation results. h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%9'multilead', overprint ECG multilead delineation results.h'K[h(]h89'multilead', overprint ECG multilead delineation results.}}(h%jh>jubah>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh%,``'none' (default)``, display only signals. h(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%+``'none' (default)``, display only signals.h'K]h(](hp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``'none' (default)``h(]h8'none' (default)}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8, display only signals.}}(h%, display only signals.h>jubeh>jubah>jubeh>jkubeh>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%tOnlyECG: Display only ECG signals. Filter non-ECG signals based on their descriptions in ``ECG_header.desc`` field. h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%sOnlyECG: Display only ECG signals. Filter non-ECG signals based on their descriptions in ``ECG_header.desc`` field.h'K_h(](h8YOnlyECG: Display only ECG signals. Filter non-ECG signals based on their descriptions in }}(h%YOnlyECG: Display only ECG signals. Filter non-ECG signals based on their descriptions in h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``ECG_header.desc``h(]h8ECG_header.desc}}(h%h&h>j)ubah>jubh8 field.}}(h% field.h>jubeh>j ubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%FilterECG: Perform standard noise removal on ECG signals. Low pass @ 35Hz and baseline wander removal by cubic splines or median filtering. h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%FilterECG: Perform standard noise removal on ECG signals. Low pass @ 35Hz and baseline wander removal by cubic splines or median filtering.h'Kah(]h8FilterECG: Perform standard noise removal on ECG signals. Low pass @ 35Hz and baseline wander removal by cubic splines or median filtering.}}(h%jRh>jJubah>j?ubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%ZPrettyPrint: [bool] OPTIONAL. Prepare the plot for printing as a PDF. ``false (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%YPrettyPrint: [bool] OPTIONAL. Prepare the plot for printing as a PDF. ``false (default)``h'Kch(](h8FPrettyPrint: [bool] OPTIONAL. Prepare the plot for printing as a PDF. }}(h%FPrettyPrint: [bool] OPTIONAL. Prepare the plot for printing as a PDF. h>jeubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``false (default)``h(]h8false (default)}}(h%h&h>jvubah>jeubeh>jZubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%wReportFilename: a string with the full filename to export screen captures. ``[signal_path\signal_name.pdf] (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%vReportFilename: a string with the full filename to export screen captures. ``[signal_path\signal_name.pdf] (default)``h'Keh(](h8KReportFilename: a string with the full filename to export screen captures. }}(h%KReportFilename: a string with the full filename to export screen captures. h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%+``[signal_path\signal_name.pdf] (default)``h(]h8'[signal_path\signal_name.pdf] (default)}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubeh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%bFigure_handle: [axes handle] OPTIONAL. Choose the figure to display the plot. ``gca (default)`` h'Nh(]hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%_Figure_handle: [axes handle] OPTIONAL. Choose the figure to display the plot. ``gca (default)``h'Kgh(](h8NFigure_handle: [axes handle] OPTIONAL. Choose the figure to display the plot. }}(h%NFigure_handle: [axes handle] OPTIONAL. Choose the figure to display the plot. h>jubhp)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hoh%``gca (default)``h(]h8 gca (default)}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubeh>jubah>jubeh>jubeh>hubh)}}(h}(h]mouse interactionah]h ]mouse-interactionah ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%h&h'Klh(](h+)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#h*h$hhhh%Mouse interactionh'Klh(]h8Mouse interaction}}(h%jh>jubah>jubh)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]h]hhh]uh#hh$hhhh%h&h'Knh(](h)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%X Keyboard hotkeys **h** : Show this help **+** : Zoom plus **-** : Zoom minus **d** : Toggle the detail level of the annotations **a** : Toggle the annotations graph mode. **0** : Set default axes (reset to original view) **c** : On/Off pointer in crosshair mode **g** : If pressed and holding, change lead gain with scroll **o** : If pressed and holding, change lead offset with scroll **x** : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for X axis **y** : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for Y axis **m** : If pressed and holding, Magnifier mode on **p** : On/Off paper mode **r** : Export format (PDF/PNG) **s** : Export current view h'Nh(](hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%Keyboard hotkeysh'Knh(]h8Keyboard hotkeys}}(h%jh>jubah>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%.**h** : Show this helph'Kph(](hstrong)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**h**h(]h8h}}(h%h&h>j,ubah>jubh8) : Show this help}}(h%) : Show this helph>jubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%)**+** : Zoom plush'Krh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**+**h(]h8+}}(h%h&h>jMubah>jBubh8$ : Zoom plus}}(h%$ : Zoom plush>jBubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%***-** : Zoom minush'Kth(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**-**h(]h8-}}(h%h&h>jnubah>jcubh8% : Zoom minus}}(h%% : Zoom minush>jcubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%J**d** : Toggle the detail level of the annotationsh'Kvh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**d**h(]h8d}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8E : Toggle the detail level of the annotations}}(h%E : Toggle the detail level of the annotationsh>jubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%B**a** : Toggle the annotations graph mode.h'Kxh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**a**h(]h8a}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8= : Toggle the annotations graph mode.}}(h%= : Toggle the annotations graph mode.h>jubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%I**0** : Set default axes (reset to original view)h'Kzh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**0**h(]h80}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8D : Set default axes (reset to original view)}}(h%D : Set default axes (reset to original view)h>jubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%@**c** : On/Off pointer in crosshair modeh'K|h(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**c**h(]h8c}}(h%h&h>jubah>jubh8; : On/Off pointer in crosshair mode}}(h%; : On/Off pointer in crosshair modeh>jubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%T**g** : If pressed and holding, change lead gain with scrollh'K~h(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**g**h(]h8g}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8O : If pressed and holding, change lead gain with scroll}}(h%O : If pressed and holding, change lead gain with scrollh>j ubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%V**o** : If pressed and holding, change lead offset with scrollh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**o**h(]h8o}}(h%h&h>j4 ubah>j) ubh8Q : If pressed and holding, change lead offset with scroll}}(h%Q : If pressed and holding, change lead offset with scrollh>j) ubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%[**x** : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for X axish'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**x**h(]h8x}}(h%h&h>jU ubah>jJ ubh8V : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for X axis}}(h%V : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for X axish>jJ ubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%[**y** : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for Y axish'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**y**h(]h8y}}(h%h&h>jv ubah>jk ubh8V : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for Y axis}}(h%V : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for Y axish>jk ubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%I**m** : If pressed and holding, Magnifier mode onh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**m**h(]h8m}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8D : If pressed and holding, Magnifier mode on}}(h%D : If pressed and holding, Magnifier mode onh>j ubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%1**p** : On/Off paper modeh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**p**h(]h8p}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8, : On/Off paper mode}}(h%, : On/Off paper modeh>j ubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%7**r** : Export format (PDF/PNG)h'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**r**h(]h8r}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh82 : Export format (PDF/PNG)}}(h%2 : Export format (PDF/PNG)h>j ubeh>jubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%3**s** : Export current viewh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**s**h(]h8s}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8. : Export current view}}(h%. : Export current viewh>j ubeh>jubeh>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%XMNormal mode **single-click and holding LB** : Activation Drag mode **single-click and holding RB** : Activation rubber band for region zooming **single-click MB** : Activation measuring rubber band mode **scroll wheel MB** : Activation Zoom mode **double-click LB, RB, MB** : Reset to Original View h'Nh(](hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh% Normal modeh'Kh(]h8 Normal mode}}(h%j# h>j ubah>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%6**single-click and holding LB** : Activation Drag modeh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**single-click and holding LB**h(]h8single-click and holding LB}}(h%h&h>j6 ubah>j+ ubh8 : Activation Drag mode}}(h% : Activation Drag modeh>j+ ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%K**single-click and holding RB** : Activation rubber band for region zoomingh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**single-click and holding RB**h(]h8single-click and holding RB}}(h%h&h>jW ubah>jL ubh8, : Activation rubber band for region zooming}}(h%, : Activation rubber band for region zoomingh>jL ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%G**single-click MB** : Activation measuring rubber band modeh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**single-click MB**h(]h8single-click MB}}(h%h&h>jx ubah>jm ubh84 : Activation measuring rubber band mode}}(h%4 : Activation measuring rubber band modeh>jm ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%6**scroll wheel MB** : Activation Zoom modeh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**scroll wheel MB**h(]h8scroll wheel MB}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8# : Activation Zoom mode}}(h%# : Activation Zoom modeh>j ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%8**double-click LB, RB, MB** : Reset to Original Viewh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**double-click LB, RB, MB**h(]h8double-click LB, RB, MB}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8 : Reset to Original View}}(h% : Reset to Original Viewh>j ubeh>j ubeh>jubh)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%XhMagnifier mode (**m** key) **single-click LB** : Not Used **single-click RB** : Not Used **single-click MB** : Reset Magnifier to Original View **scroll MB** : Change Magnifier Zoom **double-click LB** : Increase Magnifier Size **double-click RB** : Decrease Magnifier Size h'Nh(](hL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%Magnifier mode (**m** key)h'Kh(](h8Magnifier mode (}}(h%Magnifier mode (h>j ubj*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**m**h(]h8m}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8 key)}}(h% key)h>j ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%***single-click LB** : Not Usedh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**single-click LB**h(]h8single-click LB}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8 : Not Used}}(h% : Not Usedh>j ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%***single-click RB** : Not Usedh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**single-click RB**h(]h8single-click RB}}(h%h&h>j. ubah>j# ubh8 : Not Used}}(h% : Not Usedh>j# ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%B**single-click MB** : Reset Magnifier to Original Viewh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**single-click MB**h(]h8single-click MB}}(h%h&h>jO ubah>jD ubh8/ : Reset Magnifier to Original View}}(h%/ : Reset Magnifier to Original Viewh>jD ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%7**scroll MB** : Change Magnifier Zoomh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h% **scroll MB**h(]h8 scroll MB}}(h%h&h>jp ubah>je ubh8* : Change Magnifier Zoom}}(h%* : Change Magnifier Zoomh>je ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%9**double-click LB** : Increase Magnifier Sizeh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**double-click LB**h(]h8double-click LB}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8& : Increase Magnifier Size}}(h%& : Increase Magnifier Sizeh>j ubeh>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hh%9**double-click RB** : Decrease Magnifier Sizeh'Kh(](j*)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#j)h%**double-click RB**h(]h8double-click RB}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubh8& : Decrease Magnifier Size}}(h%& : Decrease Magnifier Sizeh>j ubeh>j ubeh>jubeh>jubeh>hubh)}}(h}(h]examplesah]h ]examplesah ]h]uh#hh$hhhh%h&h'Kh(](h+)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#h*h$hhhh%Examplesh'Kh(]h8Examples}}(h%j h>j ubah>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hhhh%FThe easiest way of invoking this function is via an ECGwrapper object:h'Kh(]h8FThe easiest way of invoking this function is via an ECGwrapper object:}}(h%j h>j ubah>j ubj)}}(h}(h]languagenoneh ]h ]linenoshighlight_args}h]h]jjuh#jh$hhhh%Xk>> plot_ecg_strip(ECGw) ####################### # plot_ecg_strip help # ####################### Mouse actions: Normal mode: single-click and holding LB : Activation Drag mode single-click and holding RB : Activation Rubber Band for region zooming single-click MB : Activation 'Extend' Zoom mode scroll wheel MB : Activation Zoom mode double-click LB, RB, MB : Reset to Original View Magnifier mode: single-click LB : Not Used single-click RB : Not Used single-click MB : Reset Magnifier to Original View scroll MB : Change Magnifier Zoom double-click LB : Increase Magnifier Size double-click RB : Decrease Magnifier Size Hotkeys in 2D mode: 'h' : Show help '+' : Zoom plus '-' : Zoom minus 'd' : Toggle the detail level of the annotations 'a' : Toggle the annotations graph mode '0' : Set default axes (reset to original view) 'c' : On/Off pointer in crosshair mode 'g' : Change lead gain with scroll 'o' : Change lead offset with scroll 'x' : Zoom and drag works only for X axis 'y' : Zoom and drag works only for Y axis 'm' : If pressed and holding, Magnifier mode on 'p' : On/Off paper mode 'r' : Format of the exported file (PDF/PNG) 's' : Export current viewh'Kh(]h8Xk>> plot_ecg_strip(ECGw) ####################### # plot_ecg_strip help # ####################### Mouse actions: Normal mode: single-click and holding LB : Activation Drag mode single-click and holding RB : Activation Rubber Band for region zooming single-click MB : Activation 'Extend' Zoom mode scroll wheel MB : Activation Zoom mode double-click LB, RB, MB : Reset to Original View Magnifier mode: single-click LB : Not Used single-click RB : Not Used single-click MB : Reset Magnifier to Original View scroll MB : Change Magnifier Zoom double-click LB : Increase Magnifier Size double-click RB : Decrease Magnifier Size Hotkeys in 2D mode: 'h' : Show help '+' : Zoom plus '-' : Zoom minus 'd' : Toggle the detail level of the annotations 'a' : Toggle the annotations graph mode '0' : Set default axes (reset to original view) 'c' : On/Off pointer in crosshair mode 'g' : Change lead gain with scroll 'o' : Change lead offset with scroll 'x' : Zoom and drag works only for X axis 'y' : Zoom and drag works only for Y axis 'm' : If pressed and holding, Magnifier mode on 'p' : On/Off paper mode 'r' : Format of the exported file (PDF/PNG) 's' : Export current view}}(h%h&h>j ubah>j ubhL)}}(h}(h]h]h ]h ]h]uh#hKh$hhhh%RAs you can see, the basic help is displayed, and this figure is shown as a result:h'Kh(]h8RAs you can see, the basic help is displayed, and this figure is shown as a result:}}(h%j h>j ubah>j ubhimage)}}(h}(h]h ]h ]uriplot_ecg_strip.png candidates}*j" sh]h]uh#j h$hhhh%.. image:: plot_ecg_strip.png h'Kh(]h>j ubeh>hubheh>hububj j jjjjjjhhuautofootnote_refs]current_sourceNrefnames}id_startKtransform_messages]settingsdocutils.frontendValues)}}( pep_base_url source_linkNfootnote_backlinksKrfc_referencesNsyntax_highlightlongstrict_visitorNfile_insertion_enabled _config_files]input_encoding utf-8-sig language_codeendump_internalsN_sourcehwarning_streamNoutput_encoding_error_handlerj> strip_classesN datestampN raw_enabledK generatorNrecord_dependenciesN sectnum_xformKgettext_compactcloak_email_addresses smart_quotes rfc_base_url docinfo_xformKerror_encoding_error_handlerbackslashreplacepep_file_url_templatepep-%04derror_encodingcp850configN halt_levelK dump_settingsNdump_transformsN _destinationNauto_id_prefixid toc_backlinksentrysectsubtitle_xform id_prefixh&output_encodingutf-8 tab_widthKtrim_footnote_reference_spaceexit_status_levelKstrip_elements_with_classesN source_urlNh*N tracebackdump_pseudo_xmlN report_levelKdoctitle_xformenvNub footnote_refs}substitution_names} nametypes}(hNj NjNjNhNjNusymbol_footnote_refs] current_lineNindirect_targets]hhsubstitution_defs}nameids}(hhj j jjjjhhjjusymbol_footnotes]h#hparse_messages]refids}reporterNh%h&symbol_footnote_startK transformerN footnotes] citation_refs} citations] autofootnotes]autofootnote_startK decorationNh(]haub.