Pulse Amplitudes from electrodermal activity collected from healthy volunteer subjects at rest and under controlled sedation This database of electrodermal activity was collected from 11 healthy volunteer subjects who were awake and at rest in seated position and 11 different healthy volunteer subjects who were under computer-controlled propofol sedation. Summary: 22 distinct subjects For the at rest dataset, per subject:  Extracted EDA pulse times Extracted EDA pulse amplitudes For the propofol sedation dataset, per subject: Extracted EDA pulse times Extracted EDA pulse amplitudes Human Subject Data:  The data were collected with approval from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects (COUHES) and the Massachusetts General Hospital Human Research Committee. All subjects provided written informed consent. Format:  The datasets are separated by folder, 'At-Rest' or 'Propofol-Sedation'. The pulse times and pulse amplitude files are named pulse_times_##.csv and pulse_amps_##.csv respectively. Each data file is a .csv file that contains a single column of values. Notes for Usage: For the at rest dataset, the data are purely observational; no specific stimuli were applied. We did not control what the subjects were reading or watching during the data collection. For the propofol sedation dataset, the propofol concentration was changed over time and is described in: Purdon PL et al., Electroencephalogram Signatures of Loss and Recovery of Consciousness from Propofol. PNAS. 110, E1142-1151 (2013).