% This script will process the converted .mat using fileread.m % to your hard drive. The converted files are located in 'Output BM' and % organzied in 3 folders 'Session 1_converted','Session 2_converted' and % 'Session 3_converted'. Each folder contains 43 .mat files, with two cell % matrices DATA_FOREARM and DATA_WRIST % % DATA_FOREARM 7x17 cell matrix (trials x gestures) % Each cell: 10240x16 (sampfreq*5sec x wristchannels) % % % DATA_WRIST 7x17 cell matrix (trials x gestures) % Each cell: 10240x12 (sampfreq*5sec x wristchannels) % % Standard windowing of EMG signal is performed followed by frequency % division technique feature extraction % In order to run this script make sure 'Output BM' and srgmentEMG and % featIDFT.m are in the same directory % % output %%%%%%%%% % Main Folder: 'Feature Extracted BM' % File: 'Forearm_Session1.mat' 'Forearm_Session2.mat' 'Forearm_Session3.mat' % VarOut: FeatSet (NSUB x NGESTURES cell matrix) % Each cell: NSAMPLE x NFEATURES % % % Forearm Electrode Configuration %%%%%%%%% % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 % 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 % % Wrist Electrode Configuration %%%%%%%%% % 1 2 3 4 5 6 % 7 8 9 10 11 12 % % Written by Ashirbad Pradhan % email: ashirbad.pradhan@uwaterloo.ca clear addpath(genpath([pwd filesep 'Output BM'])) %obtain the total number of subject. Note the total subjects should be same % in all the three folders fs = 2048; %sampling frequency NSUB = length(dir([pwd filesep 'Output BM' filesep 'Session1_converted']))-2; %no of participants NSESSION = length(dir([pwd filesep 'Output BM']))-2; NGESTURE = 16; %total number of gestures NTRIALS = 7; %total number of trials a1=[]; % temporary variable to merge trials of a specific contraction a2=[]; % temporary variable to CompleteSet=[]; % store final gestures and subjects for each session %% Define output folder if ~exist('Feature Extracted BM', 'dir') mkdir('Feature Extracted BM') else disp('Overwriting') rmdir('Feature Extracted BM','s') mkdir('Feature Extracted BM') end %% flatten the trials to obtain Gestures x Subjects for isession=1:NSESSION for isub =1:NSUB fileName = ['session' num2str(isession) '_participant',num2str(isub),'.mat']; temp_load_forearm=load(fileName,'DATA_FOREARM'); datafile=temp_load_forearm.DATA_FOREARM; for igesture = 1:NGESTURE+1 % +1 to include rest gesture for itrial=1:NTRIALS a1=[a1; datafile{itrial,igesture}]; end a2=[a2,{a1}]; a1=[]; end CompleteSet=[CompleteSet;a2]; a2=[]; disp(['Loaded: ' num2str(isession) ' ' num2str(isub)]) end end rmpath(genpath([pwd filesep 'Output BM'])) % to save memory %% segmentation and processing count=0; for isession = 1: NSESSION FeatSet={}; for isub =1:NSUB for igesture = 1:NGESTURE OneSet = CompleteSet{(isession-1)*NSUB+isub,igesture}'; %shape=16xTotalSamples post_process=[]; for ichannel_2=1:8 % monopolar 8 channel with average referencing temp2 = OneSet(1:8,:); post_process(ichannel_2,:)=OneSet(ichannel_2,:)-mean(temp2,1); end % % for ichannel_2=1:8 % bipolar 8 channel processing % % post_process(ichannel_2,:)=OneSet(ichannel_2,:)-OneSet(ichannel_2+8,:); % % end % segment the EMG Data segData = segmentEMG(post_process', 0.2, 0.15, NTRIALS*5, fs, 1); % post_process' has to be NSampx8 %extract the frequency features feat= featiDFTl(2048,6,segData); FeatSet(isub,igesture)={feat}; end count=count+1; disp(['processed: ',num2str(count),' of ', num2str(NSUB*NSESSION),' files']) end disp(['saving: Session ',num2str(isession),' biometric data']) save(['Feature Extracted BM' filesep 'Forearm_Session' num2str(isession) '.mat'],'FeatSet') end