function [A, b] = e_sifir_ab(Eamp, T, Param) %E_SIFIR_AB Assemble design (A) and output (b) matrices for non-linear FIR EMG-torque model. % % [A, b] = e_sifir_ab(EMGamp, T, [Q D Tol ii]) % % Assembles design matrix "A" and output vector/matrix "b" for the % non-linear FIR EMG-torque model. Both the training and testing % functions for this model must assemble these matrices, thus the % assembly code is modularized to this one function. Inputs Eamp(ci,m), % T(m,co) and Param are as defined in e_sifir_trn() and e_sifir_tst() -- % as cell arrays. It is assumed that these inputs have already been % error checked. Having one function to assemble these matrices helps % to ensure uniformity in the ordering of information within these % matrices. The ordering of training and testing must match. % % For a single input channel, D=1, ii=0 and only one set, the design matrix % is of the form (Q=3 is used for this example): % % | Eamp(4) Eamp(3) Eamp(2) Eamp(1) | % | Eamp(5) Eamp(4) Eamp(3) Eamp(2) | % A11 = | Eamp(6) Eamp(5) Eamp(4) Eamp(3) | % | ... | % | Eamp(Nr) Eamp(Nr-1) Eamp(Nr-2) Eamp(Nr-3) | % % If two input channels are available, then the second channel is % concatenated to the right of the first. Using partitioned matrix % notation, for two channels, construct A11 and A12 then combine as: % % A_{Two Channels} = | A11 A12 | % % If a second data set/recording (or more, but two will be used in this % example) is used, they are combined as additional rows. Let the two % channels of the second data set have their individual "A" matrices be % denoted A21 and A22. Then, % % A_{Two Sets, Two Channels} = | A11 A12 | % | A21 A22 | % Note that additional recordings may be either "components" (arranged % along columns of cell arrays Eamp and T) or "repetitions" (arranged % along rows of Eamp and T). The additional recordings are added in the % order specified by unitary indexing through Eamp and T. By MATLAB % convention, therefore, components are added first, then repetitions. % % Next, some models will include terms that raise the EMGamp to a power. % Those terms are appended to the right. For a model that includes % second-degree polynomical terms, we would have: % % A = | A11 A12 A11.^2 A12.^2| % | A21 A22 A21.^2 A22.^2| % % The output "b" will be a vector when there is only one channel, but a % matrix when there are additional channels (one additional column per % additional channel). Note that the first Q output values are not used, % due to the start-up transient of the dynamic model. % If T1 is a column vector of the first output channel and T2 is a % column vector of the second output channel, then a two-channel "b" % matrix would be assembled as (still assuming ii=0): % % b = | T1(Q+1) T2(Q+1) | % | T1(Q+2) T2(Q+2) | % | T1(Q+3) T2(Q+3) | % ... % | T1(Nr) T2(Nr) | % % Finally, if ii>0, then EMG is being used to estimate torque at % future times. Thus, the first ii times (i.e., the first ii rows) % within the torque vector/matrix must be removed. In that way, % all times are advanced by ii samples. Accordingly, the last % ii rows of the design matrix "A" must also be removed. % % EMG Amplitude Estimation Toolbox - Edward (Ted) A. Clancy - WPI % Copyright (c) Edward A. Clancy, 2014. % This work is licensed under the Aladdin free public license. % For copying permissions see license.txt. % email: % 30 December 2014. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Build the design matrix A. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Q = Param(1); D = Param(2); ii = Param(4); Nci = size(Eamp{1},1); % Number of input channels. Nco = size(T{1}, 2); % Number of output channels. Ns = numel(T); % Number of data sets (a.k.a., recordings). Nr = length(T{1}); % Length of one input or output set. A = zeros( (Nr-Q-ii)*Ns, (Q+1)*Nci*D ); % Full design matrix. % Insert design matrix values for polynomial power equal to one. for el=1:Ns % Loop over data sets. Row = 1 + (el-1)*(Nr-Q-ii); % Reset row index. Col = 1; % Reset col index. for ci=1:Nci % Loop over input channels. for qq=0:Q % Loop over the lags. % Assemble one column for D=1, this input channel, this set. A(Row:Row+Nr-Q-ii-1, Col+qq) = Eamp{el}(ci, Q+1-qq:Nr-qq-ii)'; end Col = Col + Q+1; % Increment for next input channel. end end % Insert design matrix polynomial powers above 1. for dd=2:D A(:,(Q+1)*Nci*(dd-1)+1:(Q+1)*Nci*dd) = A(:,1:(Q+1)*Nci) .^ dd; end % Assemble the output matrix. b = zeros((Nr-Q-ii)*Ns,Nco); % Pre-allocate. for el=1:Ns % Assemble, removing start-up. b( 1+(el-1)*(Nr-Q-ii):el*(Nr-Q-ii), : ) = T{el}(Q+1+ii:end,:); end return