% % Median beat calculation code V.1.1 % Erick Andres Perez Alday, PhD, % Larisa Tereshchenko, MD, PhD, < tereshch@ohsu.edu > % Last update: August 1st, 2018 clear clc close all warning('OFF'); %delete(gcp('nocreate')) % Input: % 1. sampling frequency in HZ % 2. Two CSV files containing the following: % a) % - XYZ_O(:,3): 10 seconds X, Y, and Z leads % b) % - Rx: index of R peak on X lead % - Ry: index of R peak on Y lead % - Rz: index of R peak on Z lead % Output: % 2. Mat file containing the calculated median beat % 4. 2D jpeg of median VectorMagniute plot %% =========================== File and user input ============================= % sampling frequency % sampling frequency prompt='What is the sampling frequency in Hz'; dlg_title='Sample Frequency'; fs_d = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,1); fs=str2num(fs_d{1}); % load XYZ files [file_name,path_name] = uigetfile('*','Select file with XYZ leads'); %% file import file_ID = strsplit(file_name,'.'); file_path = fullfile(path_name,file_name); XYZ_leads = readtable(file_path); XYZ_leads = table2struct(XYZ_leads); % load R peak annotation files [file_name,path_name] = uigetfile('*','Select file with Rpeaks'); %% file import file_ID = strsplit(file_name,'.'); file_path = fullfile(path_name,file_name); Rpeaks_XYZ = readtable(file_path); Rpeaks_XYZ = table2struct(Rpeaks_XYZ); %matfile = matfile(file_path) %% Create Results folder Results_folder = [path_name, '/', 'Results', '/']; if (exist(Results_folder,'file') ~= 7) mkdir (Results_folder); end %% ===================== Initialize variables ======================== XYZ_O=[]; Rpeaks=[]; Beats_x_T=[]; Beats_y_T=[]; Beats_z_T=[]; XYZ_M_T=[]; VecMag_T=[]; %% ===================== load variables from .mat file ======================== XYZ_O(:,1)=[XYZ_leads.Lead_X]; XYZ_O(:,2)=[XYZ_leads.Lead_Y]; XYZ_O(:,3)=[XYZ_leads.Lead_Z]; Rpeaks(:,1) = [Rpeaks_XYZ.Rpeak_X]; Rpeaks(:,2) = [Rpeaks_XYZ.Rpeak_Y]; Rpeaks(:,3) = [Rpeaks_XYZ.Rpeak_Z]; R_no=length(Rpeaks(:,1)); %% Total number of samples Total_samples=length(XYZ_O(:,1)); %% Length of each beat is set to 1200 ms. Beat_length=fs*1.2; % =========================== Variable Calculation ============-================ %% Exclude the first if we do not have a complete first beat if (Rpeaks(1,1)<(Beat_length/2)) || (Rpeaks(1,2)<(Beat_length/2)) || (Rpeaks(1,3)<(Beat_length/2)) c_int=2; else c_int=1; end %% Exclude the last if we do not have a complete last beat if abs(Rpeaks(end-1,1)-Total_samples)<(Beat_length/2) || abs(Rpeaks(end-1,2)-Total_samples)<(Beat_length/2) || abs(Rpeaks(end-1,3)-Total_samples)<(Beat_length/2) c_fin=2; else c_fin=1; end %% Separate the each beat in the X, Y, and Z leads. Each beat is centered on the R peak detected on the X lead. bct=1; for ii=c_int:R_no-c_fin Beats_x_T(:,bct)=XYZ_O(Rpeaks(ii,1)-((Beat_length/2)-1):Rpeaks(ii,1)+(Beat_length/2),1); Beats_y_T(:,bct)=XYZ_O(Rpeaks(ii,1)-((Beat_length/2)-1):Rpeaks(ii,1)+(Beat_length/2),2); Beats_z_T(:,bct)=XYZ_O(Rpeaks(ii,1)-((Beat_length/2)-1):Rpeaks(ii,1)+(Beat_length/2),3); bct=bct+1; end %% Create the median beat of each X, Y, and Z leads XYZ_M_T(:,1)=median(Beats_x_T'); XYZ_M_T(:,2)=median(Beats_y_T'); XYZ_M_T(:,3)=median(Beats_z_T'); %% Calculate the Vector Magnitude (Euclidean norm) for ii=1:length(XYZ_M_T(:,1)) VecMag_T(ii)=norm(XYZ_M_T(ii,:)); end timeM=((1:length(VecMag_T))/fs)*1000; %% ============================================================================= % ================================== Plotting ================================== ECG3 = figure('visible','off'); set (ECG3, 'Units', 'normalized', 'outerposition', [0,0,1,1]); subplot(211) plot(timeM,VecMag_T) title('Time Alignment') subplot(212) plot(timeM,XYZ_M_T) title('Median X, Y, and Z leads') saveas(ECG3,strcat(Results_folder,file_ID{1},'_Median_beat.jpg'),'jpg'); %% ============================================================================= %% ================== Write Calculated Variables to .mat file ================== Mat_folder = [Results_folder 'Mat Files' '/']; if (exist(Mat_folder) == 0) mkdir (Mat_folder); end % Save to a new MAT file Label_beat='N'; save(strcat(Mat_folder,file_ID{1},'.mat'),'XYZ_O','Rpeaks','VecMag_T','XYZ_M_T','Beats_x_T','Beats_y_T','Beats_z_T','Label_beat');