function [info, data, fs, check] = get_file(location, folder) % Input % location - Location where the variable should be loaded from % ('folder' or 'workspace') % % Output % info - Cell that contains: % - filepath % - variable (if present) % % data - Selected file/variable % fs - If defined in the file, the sampling frequency is extracted % check - This is 1 when everything is executed correctly, 0 otherwise %% Check input if nargin == 0 location = 'folder'; elseif nargin > 2 errordlg('Too many input arguments!') else % Set it to lower letters location = lower(location); % Check correctness if ~sum(strcmp(location,["folder","workspace"])) errordlg('Input arguments are not supported!') end end %% Pre-allocate info = cell(1,2); data = []; fs = []; check = 1; %% Perform actions based on the input try switch location case 'folder' %% Get the position and name of the file % Define file and pathname try [FileName,PathName] = uigetfile({'*.MAT';'*.ECG';'*.TXT';'*.EDF';'*.CSV';'*.XML'},'Select the ECG signal',folder); catch Filename = NaN; %#ok end % If the window was not closed, check the file format if ~isnumeric(FileName) && ~isnumeric(PathName) % Get the file name file = fullfile(PathName,FileName); % Store the file path info{1} = file; % Get the format [~,~,format] = fileparts(FileName); switch lower(format) case '.mat' % Import data data = load(file); % Get the variables variables = fieldnames(data); if length(variables) ~= 1 % Select the correct variable [selection,~] = listdlg('PromptString','Select the ECG file:',... 'ListString',variables,... 'SelectionMode','single'); else selection = 1; end % Store the selected data variable data = data.(variables{selection}); % Store the name of the variable info{2} = variables{selection}; case '.ecg' % Import data [data, fs] = read_ecg(file); case '.txt' % Import data temp = importdata(file); if isstruct(temp) data =; elseif iscell(temp) % Get the nr of collumns nrCol = numel(strsplit(temp{1})); data = importtextfile(file, nrCol); end case '.csv' % Import data data = open(file); if isempty(data) check = 0; end case '.edf' % Import data [data_temp, header] = read_edf(file); % Sort the labels [labels,idx] = sort(header.labels); % Show all labels [selection,~] = listdlg('PromptString','Select the ECG file(s):',... 'ListString',labels); % Get the data for ii = 1:length(selection) try data(:,ii) = data_temp{1,idx(selection(ii))}; %#ok catch data(ii,:) = data_temp{1,idx(selection(ii))}; %#ok end end % Select the sampling frequency try fs = header.samplerate(idx(selection(1))); catch end % Delete temporary data clear data_temp case '.h5' % TODO % [data,fs]=read_H5(file); % case '.hea' % file = listing(i); % name =; % % recordName = FileName(1:end-4); % % [ann,~,~,~,~,~] = rdann(recordName,'qrs'); % [ecg, fs, ~] = rdsamp(recordName); case '.xml' % TODO % data_temp = parseXML(file); end else check = 0; end case 'workspace' % Select the filepatch info{1} = 'Workspace'; % Select the variables from the workspace variables = evalin('base','who'); if ~isempty(variables) % Make a selection if multiple variables are present if length(variables) > 1 [selection,~] = listdlg('PromptString','Select the ECG file:',... 'ListString',variables,... 'SelectionMode','single'); else selection = 1; end % Load the variable data = evalin('base',variables{selection}); % Store the variable name info{2} = variables{selection}; else check = 0; % Prompt a warning dialog box warndlg('Workspace is empty.') end end % switch catch EM % Throw warning dlg warndlg(EM) check = 0; end