function [data, header] = read_edf(filename) % Author: Shapkin Andrey, % 15-OCT-2012 % Input: % filename - File name % % Output: % data - Contains a signals in structure of cells % header - Contains header fid = fopen(filename,'r','ieee-le'); %%% HEADER LOAD % PART1: (GENERAL) hdr = char(fread(fid,256,'uchar')'); header.ver=str2num(hdr(1:8)); % 8 ascii : version of this data format (0) header.patientID = char(hdr(9:88)); % 80 ascii : local patient identification header.recordID = char(hdr(89:168)); % 80 ascii : local recording identification header.startdate=char(hdr(169:176)); % 8 ascii : startdate of recording ( header.starttime = char(hdr(177:184)); % 8 ascii : starttime of recording ( header.length = str2num (hdr(185:192)); % 8 ascii : number of bytes in header record reserved = hdr(193:236); % [EDF+C ] % 44 ascii : reserved header.records = str2num (hdr(237:244)); % 8 ascii : number of data records (-1 if unknown) header.duration = str2num (hdr(245:252)); % 8 ascii : duration of a data record, in seconds header.channels = str2num (hdr(253:256));% 4 ascii : number of signals (ns) in data record %%%% PART2 (DEPENDS ON QUANTITY OF CHANNELS) header.labels=cellstr(char(fread(fid,[16,header.channels],'char')')); % ns * 16 ascii : ns * label (e.g. EEG FpzCz or Body temp) header.transducer =cellstr(char(fread(fid,[80,header.channels],'char')')); % ns * 80 ascii : ns * transducer type (e.g. AgAgCl electrode) header.units = cellstr(char(fread(fid,[8,header.channels],'char')')); % ns * 8 ascii : ns * physical dimension (e.g. uV or degreeC) header.physmin = str2num(char(fread(fid,[8,header.channels],'char')')); % ns * 8 ascii : ns * physical minimum (e.g. -500 or 34) header.physmax = str2num(char(fread(fid,[8,header.channels],'char')')); % ns * 8 ascii : ns * physical maximum (e.g. 500 or 40) header.digmin = str2num(char(fread(fid,[8,header.channels],'char')')); % ns * 8 ascii : ns * digital minimum (e.g. -2048) header.digmax = str2num(char(fread(fid,[8,header.channels],'char')')); % ns * 8 ascii : ns * digital maximum (e.g. 2047) header.prefilt =cellstr(char(fread(fid,[80,header.channels],'char')')); % ns * 80 ascii : ns * prefiltering (e.g. HP:0.1Hz LP:75Hz) header.samplerate = str2num(char(fread(fid,[8,header.channels],'char')')); % ns * 8 ascii : ns * nr of samples in each data record reserved = char(fread(fid,[32,header.channels],'char')'); % ns * 32 ascii : ns * reserved f1=find(cellfun('isempty', regexp(header.labels, 'EDF Annotations', 'once'))==0); % Channels number with the EDF Annotations f2=find(cellfun('isempty', regexp(header.labels, 'Status', 'once'))==0); % Channels number with the EDF Annotations f=[f1(:); f2(:)]; %%%%%% PART 3: Loading of signals %Structure of the data in format EDF: %[block1 block2 .. , block N], where N=header.records % Block structure: % [(d seconds of 1 channel) (d seconds of 2 channel) ... (d seconds of h channel)], Where h - quantity of channels, d - duration of the block % Ch = header.channels % d = header.duration Ch_data = fread(fid,'int16'); % Loading of signals fclose(fid); % close a file %%%%% PART 4: Transformation of the data if header.records<0, % If the quantity of blocks is not known R=sum(header.duration*header.samplerate); % Length of one block header.records=fix(length(Ch_data)./R); % Quantity of written down blocks end % Separating a read signal into blocks Ch_data=reshape(Ch_data, [], header.records); % establishing calibration parametres sf = (header.physmax - header.physmin)./(header.digmax - header.digmin); dc = header.physmax - sf.* header.digmax; data=cell(1, header.channels); Rs=cumsum([1; header.duration*header.samplerate]); % Rs(k):Rs(k+1)-1 % separating of signals of everyone the channel from blocks % and recording of signals in structure of cells for k=1:header.channels data{k}=reshape(Ch_data(Rs(k):Rs(k+1)-1, :), [], 1); if sum(k==f)==0 % non nnotation % Calibration of the data data{k}=data{k}.*sf(k)+dc(k); end end % PART 5: ANNOTATION READ header.annotation.event={}; header.annotation.starttime=[]; header.annotation.duration=[];{}; if sum(f)>0 try for p1=1:length(f) Annt=char(typecast(int16(data{f(p1)}), 'uint8'))'; % separate of annotation on blocks Annt=buffer(Annt, header.samplerate(f(p1)).*2, 0)'; ANsize=size(Annt); for p2=1:ANsize(1) % search TALs starttime Annt1=Annt(p2, :); Tstart=regexp(Annt1, '+'); Tstart=[Tstart(2:end) ANsize(2)]; for p3=1:length(Tstart)-1 A=Annt1(Tstart(p3):Tstart(p3+1)-1); % TALs block{{:} A}; % duration and starttime TALs Tds=find(A==20 | A==21); if length(Tds)>2 td=str2num(A(Tds(1)+1:Tds(2)-1)); if isempty(td), td=0; end header.annotation.duration=[header.annotation.duration(:); td]; header.annotation.starttime=[header.annotation.starttime(:); str2num(A(2:Tds(1)-1))]; header.annotation.event={header.annotation.event{:} A(Tds(2)+1:Tds(end)-1)}; else header.annotation.duration=[header.annotation.duration(:); 0]; header.annotation.starttime=[header.annotation.starttime(:); str2num(A(2:Tds(1)-1))]; header.annotation.event={header.annotation.event{:} A(Tds(1)+1:Tds(end)-1)}; end end end end % delete annotation a=find(cell2mat(cellfun(@length, header.annotation.event, 'UniformOutput', false))==0); header.annotation.event(a)=[]; header.annotation.starttime(a)=[]; header.annotation.duration(a)=[]; end end header.samplerate(f)=[]; header.channels=header.channels-length(f); header.labels(f)=[]; header.transducer(f)=[]; header.units(f)=[]; header.physmin(f)=[]; header.physmax(f)=[]; header.digmin(f)=[]; header.digmax(f)=[]; header.prefilt(f)=[]; data(f)=[];