SUBJECT ID: TRM158.RHC3 Device electrodes: 3M 2670 Indications: inpatient; heart failure s/p OHT; NYHA class n/a; EF 62% Clinical Score: Compensated Physiological Score: Decompensated Sex: M Age: 42 Height (cm): 170.2 Weight (kg): 81 BP (mmHg): 155/83 Wearable #: 10 Wearable Placement: Below left clavicle & approx. 5.5 cm from mid-sternum to center of wearable Time difference: Wearable/PC 10:40:00 AM = MacLab 10:36:27 AM TEST 1: RHC s/p OHT PHASE: BASELINE (MacLab time) RA: 11:00:27 AM RV: 10:58:35 AM PA: 10:53:39 AM PCW: 10:51:04 AM SV (mL/beat): 72 Notes: LOS=49; h/o HFrEF 2/2 familial NICM s/p OHT, HTN