import csv import os from tqdm import tqdm from importlib.resources import open_text import json from transformer_deid.label import Label from import DeidDataset from transformer_deid.tokenization import split_sequences, assign_tags, encode_tags def load_label(filename): """ Loads annotations from a CSV file. CSV file should have entity_type/start/stop columns. """ # can change this, make it a variable? options: "base", "hipaa", "binary" label_map = get_label_map('base') with open(filename, 'r') as fp: csvreader = csv.reader(fp, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') header = next(csvreader) # identify which columns we want idx = [ header.index('entity_type'), header.index('start'), header.index('stop'), header.index('entity') ] # iterate through the CSV and load in the labels if label_map is not None: labels = [ Label(entity_type=label_map[row[idx[0]].upper()], start=int(row[idx[1]]), length=int(row[idx[2]]) - int(row[idx[1]]), entity=row[idx[3]]) for row in csvreader ] else: labels = [ Label(entity_type=row[idx[0].upper()], start=int(row[idx[1]]), length=int(row[idx[2]]) - int(row[idx[1]]), entity=row[idx[3]]) for row in csvreader ] return labels def load_data(path) -> dict: """Creates a dict the dataset.""" examples = {'guid': [], 'text': [], 'ann': []} # for deid datasets, "path" is a folder containing txt/ann subfolders # "txt" subfolder has text files with the text of the examples # "ann" subfolder has annotation files with the labels txt_path = path / 'txt' ann_path = path / 'ann' for f in os.listdir(txt_path): if not f.endswith('.txt'): continue # guid is the file name guid = f[:-4] with open(txt_path / f, 'r') as fp: text = ''.join(fp.readlines()) # load the annotations from disk # these datasets have consistent folder structures: # root_path/txt/RECORD_NAME.txt - has text # root_path/ann/ - has annotations if os.path.isdir(ann_path): labels = load_label(ann_path / f'{f[:-4]}.gs') examples['ann'].append(labels) examples['guid'].append(guid) examples['text'].append(text) return examples def create_deid_dataset(data_dict, tokenizer, label2id=None) -> DeidDataset: """Creates a dataset from set of texts and labels. Args: data_dict: dict of text data with 'text', 'ann', and 'guid' keys; e.g., from load_data() tokenizer: HuggingFace tokenizer, e.g., loaded from AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained() label2id: dict to convert label (e.g., 'O,' 'DATE') to id (e.g., 0, 1) Returns: DeidDataset; see class definition in """ # specify dataset arguments split_long_sequences = True # split text/labels into multiple examples # (1) tokenize text # (2) identify split points # (3) output text as it was originally texts = data_dict['text'] labels = data_dict['ann'] ids = data_dict['guid'] if split_long_sequences: split_dict = split_sequences(tokenizer, texts, labels, ids=ids) texts = split_dict['texts'] labels = split_dict['labels'] guids = split_dict['guids'] encodings = tokenizer(texts, is_split_into_words=False, return_offsets_mapping=True, padding=True, truncation=True) if labels != []: # use the offset mappings in train_encodings to assign labels to tokens tags = assign_tags(encodings, labels) # encodings are dicts with three elements: # 'input_ids', 'attention_mask', 'offset_mapping' # these are used as kwargs to model training later tags = encode_tags(tags, encodings, label2id) else: tags = None # prepare a dataset compatible with Trainer module encodings.pop("offset_mapping") dataset = DeidDataset(encodings, tags, guids) return dataset def get_label_map(transform): """ Gets dictionary of labels to convert from specific labels (may differ across datasets) to more general labels. """ with open_text('transformer_deid', 'label.json') as fp: label_map = json.load(fp) # label_membership has different label transforms as keys if transform not in label_map: raise KeyError('Unable to find label transform %s in label.json' % transform) label_map = label_map[transform] # label_map has items "harmonized_label": ["label 1", "label 2", ...] # invert this for the final label mapping return { label: harmonized_label for harmonized_label, original_labels in label_map.items() for label in original_labels } def get_labels(labels_each_doc): """Gets the list of labels for this data set.""" unique_labels = list( set(label.entity_type for labels in labels_each_doc for label in labels)) unique_labels.sort() # add in the object tag - ensure it is the first element for label2id and id2label dict if 'O' in unique_labels: unique_labels.pop('O') unique_labels = ['O'] + unique_labels return unique_labels def save_labels(labels, ids, out_path): if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.mkdir(out_path) header = ['start', 'stop', 'entity', 'entity_type'] for doc, id in tqdm(zip(labels, ids), total=len(ids)): label_list = [[ label.start, label.start + label.length, label.entity, label.entity_type ] for label in doc] with open(f'{out_path}/{id}.gs', 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(header) writer.writerows(label_list)