#! /bin/bash #File used to generated HTML documention for functions of the toolbox. #Should be run from the directory in which it is located. #Written by Ikaro Silva 2014 for i in `grep -nr %endOfHelp ./mcode/ | sed 's/:%.*//'` do lineEnd=$(( ${i##.*:} -1 )) fname=${i%%:*} func=${fname##.*/} func=${func%%.*} help=`head -n ${lineEnd} ${fname} | sed 's/%//'` #Generate HTML for the M file cat ./mcode/html/template.html | sed "s/MYFUNC/${func}/g" > ./mcode/html/${func}.html echo "${help}" >>./mcode/html/${func}.html cat ./mcode/html/template_bottom.html >> ./mcode/html/${func}.html echo "Generated file: ./mcode/html/${func}.html" done #Copy NEWS to HTML as well cp -vf ./mcode/NEWS ./mcode/html/NEWS echo "Finished generated doc files"