import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import signal from import Annotation def resample_ann(ann_sample, fs, fs_target): """ Compute the new annotation indices. Parameters ---------- ann_sample : ndarray Array of annotation locations. fs : int The starting sampling frequency. fs_target : int The desired sampling frequency. Returns ------- ndarray Array of resampled annotation locations. """ ratio = fs_target / fs return (ratio * ann_sample).astype(np.int64) def resample_sig(x, fs, fs_target): """ Resample a signal to a different frequency. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Array containing the signal. fs : int, float The original sampling frequency. fs_target : int, float The target frequency. Returns ------- resampled_x : ndarray Array of the resampled signal values. resampled_t : ndarray Array of the resampled signal locations. """ t = np.arange(x.shape[0]).astype("float64") if fs == fs_target: return x, t new_length = int(x.shape[0] * fs_target / fs) # Resample the array if NaN values are present if np.isnan(x).any(): x = pd.Series(x.reshape((-1,))).interpolate().values resampled_x, resampled_t = signal.resample(x, num=new_length, t=t) assert ( resampled_x.shape == resampled_t.shape and resampled_x.shape[0] == new_length ) assert np.all(np.diff(resampled_t) > 0) return resampled_x, resampled_t def resample_singlechan(x, ann, fs, fs_target): """ Resample a single-channel signal with its annotations. Parameters ---------- x: ndarray The signal array. ann : WFDB Annotation The WFDB annotation object. fs : int, float The original frequency. fs_target : int, float The target frequency. Returns ------- resampled_x : ndarray Array of the resampled signal values. resampled_ann : WFDB Annotation Annotation containing resampled annotation locations. """ resampled_x, _ = resample_sig(x, fs, fs_target) new_sample = resample_ann(ann.sample, fs, fs_target) resampled_ann = Annotation( record_name=ann.record_name, extension=ann.extension, sample=new_sample, symbol=ann.symbol, subtype=ann.subtype, chan=ann.chan, num=ann.num, aux_note=ann.aux_note, fs=fs_target, ) return resampled_x, resampled_ann def resample_multichan(xs, ann, fs, fs_target, resamp_ann_chan=0): """ Resample multiple channels with their annotations. Parameters ---------- xs: ndarray The signal array. ann : WFDB Annotation The WFDB annotation object. fs : int, float The original frequency. fs_target : int, float The target frequency. resample_ann_channel : int, optional The signal channel used to compute new annotation indices. Returns ------- ndarray Array of the resampled signal values. resampled_ann : WFDB Annotation Annotation containing resampled annotation locations. """ assert resamp_ann_chan < xs.shape[1] lx = [] for chan in range(xs.shape[1]): resampled_x, _ = resample_sig(xs[:, chan], fs, fs_target) lx.append(resampled_x) new_sample = resample_ann(ann.sample, fs, fs_target) resampled_ann = Annotation( record_name=ann.record_name, extension=ann.extension, sample=new_sample, symbol=ann.symbol, subtype=ann.subtype, chan=ann.chan, num=ann.num, aux_note=ann.aux_note, fs=fs_target, ) return np.column_stack(lx), resampled_ann def normalize_bound(sig, lb=0, ub=1): """ Normalize a signal between the lower and upper bound. Parameters ---------- sig : ndarray Original signal to be normalized. lb : int, float, optional Lower bound. ub : int, float, optional Upper bound. Returns ------- ndarray Normalized signal. """ mid = ub - (ub - lb) / 2 min_v = np.min(sig) max_v = np.max(sig) mid_v = max_v - (max_v - min_v) / 2 coef = (ub - lb) / (max_v - min_v) return sig * coef - (mid_v * coef) + mid def smooth(sig, window_size): """ Apply a uniform moving average filter to a signal. Parameters ---------- sig : ndarray The signal to smooth. window_size : int The width of the moving average filter. Returns ------- ndarray The convolved input signal with the desired box waveform. """ box = np.ones(window_size) / window_size return np.convolve(sig, box, mode="same") def get_filter_gain(b, a, f_gain, fs): """ Given filter coefficients, return the gain at a particular frequency. Parameters ---------- b : list List of linear filter b coefficients. a : list List of linear filter a coefficients. f_gain : int, float, optional The frequency at which to calculate the gain. fs : int, float, optional The sampling frequency of the system. Returns ------- gain : int, float The passband gain at the desired frequency. """ # Save the passband gain w, h = signal.freqz(b, a) w_gain = f_gain * 2 * np.pi / fs ind = np.where(w >= w_gain)[0][0] gain = abs(h[ind]) return gain def normalize(X): """ Scale input vector to unit norm (vector length). Parameters ---------- X : ndarray The vector to normalize. Returns ------- ndarray The normalized vector. """ return X / np.linalg.norm(X)