# file: Makefile.tpl G. Moody 23 May 2000 # Last revised: 8 March 2017 # This section of the Makefile should not need to be changed. DBFILES = 100a.atr 100s.atr 100s.dat *.hea *list wfdbcal all: @echo Nothing to be made in `pwd`. install: $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/pipe $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/tape cp $(DBFILES) $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR) cp pipe/* $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/pipe cp tape/* $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/tape -cd $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR); $(SETPERMISSIONS) $(DBFILES) -cd $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR); ln -sf wfdbcal dbcal -cd $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/pipe; $(SETPERMISSIONS) * -cd $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/tape; $(SETPERMISSIONS) * # 'make collect': retrieve the installed files collect: ../conf/collect.sh $(DBDIR) $(DBFILES) wfdbcal dbcal cd pipe; ../../conf/collect.sh $(DBDIR)/pipe * cd tape; ../../conf/collect.sh $(DBDIR)/tape * uninstall: cd pipe; ../../uninstall.sh $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/pipe * cd tape; ../../uninstall.sh $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/tape * ../uninstall.sh $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR) $(DBFILES) dbcal $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR): mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR) $(SETDPERMISSIONS) $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/pipe: $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/pipe $(SETDPERMISSIONS) $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/pipe $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/tape: $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/tape $(SETDPERMISSIONS) $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/tape listing: $(PRINT) README Makefile makefile.dos clean: rm -f *~