.TH RDSAMP 1 "25 August 2010" "WFDB 10.5.5" "WFDB Applications Guide" .SH NAME rdsamp \- read WFDB signal files .SH SYNOPSIS \fBrdsamp -r\fR \fIrecord\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBrdsamp\fR reads signal files for the specified \fIrecord\fR and writes the samples as decimal numbers on the standard output. If no \fIoptions\fR are provided, \fBrdsamp\fR starts at the beginning of the record and prints all samples. By default, each line of output contains the sample number and samples from each signal, beginning with channel 0, separated by tabs. .PP \fIOptions\fR include: .TP \fB-c\fR Produce output in CSV (comma-separated value) format (default: write output in tab-separated columns). .TP \fB-f\fR \fItime\fR Begin at the specified \fItime\fR. By default, \fBrdsamp\fR starts at the beginning of the record. .TP \fB-h\fR Print a usage summary. .TP \fB-H\fR Read the signal files in high-resolution mode (default: standard mode). These modes are identical for ordinary records. For multifrequency records, the standard decimation of oversampled signals to the frame rate is suppressed in high-resolution mode (rather, all other signals are resampled at the highest sampling frequency). .TP \fB-l\fR \fIinterval\fR Limit the amount of output to the specified time \fIinterval\fR (in standard time format; default: no limit). If both \fB-l\fR and \fB-t\fR are used, \fBrdsamp\fR stops at the earlier of the two limits. .TP \fB-p\fR Print times in seconds and milliseconds, and values in physical units. By default, \fBrdsamp\fR prints times in sample intervals and values in A/D units. .TP \fB-P\fR Same as \fB-p\fR, but yields higher precision in the sample values (8 decimal places rather than 3). .IP A single character can be attached to either \fB-p\fR or \fB-P\fR to choose the format for the printed times in the first column of output. The choices are: .TP \fB-pd\fR (or \fB-Pd\fR) Print time of day and date if known, as [hh:mm:ss DD/MM/YYYY]. The base time and date must appear in the header file for the record; otherwise, this format is equivalent to "e" format (below). .TP \fB-pe\fR (or \fB-Pe\fR) Print the elapsed time from the beginning of the record, as hh:mm:ss. .TP \fB-ph\fR (or \fB-Ph\fR) Print the elapsed time in hours. .TP \fB-pm\fR (or \fB-Pm\fR) Print the elapsed time in minutes. .TP \fB-ps\fR (or \fB-Ps\fR) Print the elapsed time in seconds. This is the default format when using \fB-p\fR or \fB-P\fR. .TP \fB-pS\fR (or \fB-PS\fR) Print the elapsed time in sample intervals. .TP \fB-s\fR \fIsignal-list\fR Print only the signals named in the \fIsignal-list\fR (one or more input signal numbers or names, separated by spaces; default: print all signals). This option may be used to re-order or duplicate signals. .TP \fB-S\fR \fIsignal\fR Search for the first valid sample of the specified \fIsignal\fR (a signal name or number) at or following the time specified with \fB-f\fR (or the beginning of the record if the \fB-f\fR option is not present), and begin printing at that time. .TP \fB-t\fR \fItime\fR Stop at the specified \fItime\fR. By default, \fBrdsamp\fR stops at the end of the record. .TP \fB-v\fR Print column headings (signal names on the first line, units on the second). The names of some signals are too wide to fit in the columns; such names are shortened by omitting the initial characters (since names of related signals often differ only at the end, this helps to make the columns identifiable). Names of units are shortened when necessary by omitting the final characters, since the initial characters are usually most important for distinguishing different units. .TP \fB-X\fR Produce output in WFDB-XML format (same as the CSV format produced using the \fB-c\fR option, but wrapped within an XML header and trailer). This format is recognized and parsed automatically by \fBwrsamp\fR. .SH ENVIRONMENT .PP It may be necessary to set and export the shell variable \fBWFDB\fR (see \fBsetwfdb\fR(1)). .SH AVAILABILITY This program is provided in the \fIapp\fR directory of the WFDB Software Package. Run \fBmake\fR in that directory to compile and install it if it have not been installed already. .PP The PhysioNet ATM (http://physionet.org/cgi-bin/ATM) provides web access to \fBrdsamp\fR (select \fBShow samples as text\fR from the Toolbox). .SH SEE ALSO \fBrdann\fR(1), \fBsetwfdb\fR(1), \fBwrsamp\fR(1) .SH AUTHOR George B. Moody (george@mit.edu) .SH SOURCE http://www.physionet.org/physiotools/wfdb/app/rdsamp.c