bidmc12 5 125 60001 bidmc12.dat 16 66840.7596(-34074)/pm 0 0 -16825 16391 0 RESP, bidmc12.dat 16 96323.6819(-51410)/NU 0 0 5932 6430 0 PLETH, bidmc12.dat 16 39289.7049(-22177)/mV 0 0 -24479 -12175 0 II, bidmc12.dat 16 65662.7502(-27102)/mV 0 0 20278 11227 0 V, bidmc12.dat 16 56109.3779(-25534)/mV 0 0 22685 -11286 0 AVR, #: 75 : M : micu : : 2530-02-22-13-21: this is not a verbatim copy of an original file. Please see the accompanying LICENSE.txt file for further details.