function [err,y,h,k]=gall(x,d,M,beta,alpha,epsi,k0,h0) % % [err,y,h,k]=gall(x,d,M,beta,alpha,epsi,k,h) % % Gradient adaptive Laguerre Lattice Filter. Implements an adaptive % filter with the option to include an adaptable pole which can be % useful to model system with long impulse response. Step size is % optional. The filter operates in two modes: 1) Learning mode % and 2)Output (Freeze mode). % % ***Mode 1:The arguments for the Learning mode are: % % x -measurement data % d -desired response or reference signal (same size as x) % M -filter order % beta -Forgetting factor (0<=beta<=1). beta =1 remembers all the data. % alpha -Scalar value of the magnitude of the pole in the filter (0<= alpha <=1). % Alpha of 0 is equivalent to the standard classical GAL filter. %epsi -small positive constant that initializes the algorithm (epsi <<1) %k0 -optional 1xM+1 initial reflection coefficients vector %h0 -optional 1xM+2 initial FIR ladder coefficient vector % % Function returns: % % err -learning error curve for the algorithm % y -prediction curve (dhat) % h -FIR coefficients of the ladder % k -Lattice coefficients % % % ***Mode 2:The arguments for the Ouput (Freeze) mode are: % % x -measurement data % d -desired response or reference signal (same size as x) % M -empty [] % beta -[] % alpha -Scalar value of the magnitude of the pole in the filter (0<= alpha <=1). % Alpha of 0 is equivalent to the standard classical GAL filter. % k -Reflection coefficients of the trained lattice. % h -Coefficients of the second stage FIR filter. % Function returns: % % err -Error between filter's output and reference signal % y -Filter's output % h -[] % k -[] % % Reference: Fezjo & Lev-Ari (1997) IEEE Trans. SP % % Copyright (C) 2010 Ikaro Silva % % This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under % the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free % Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any % later version. % % This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY % WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A % PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more % details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along % with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 % Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. % % You may contact the author by e-mail ( % % %%******Example: Robuts Echo cancellation % %Algorithm performs standard echo cancelation at t<0 and than % %a sudden cross-talk inteference is added at t=0. % % N=2^12; % h=[1.0000 -1.8976 1.1870 -0.0642 -0.2718 0.0858]; % h2=[1.0000 -2.0134 1.4571 -0.2602 -0.2377 0.1015]; % fs=20; % epsi=10^-2; % w=10; % t1=-50; % t=linspace(t1,t1+N/fs,N); % [trash,N0]=min(abs(t)); % S=zeros(1,N); % % for i=1:20 % %%%SIGNAL GENERATION % %No cross-talk Phase % s=sawtooth(t,0.5); % n=randn(1,N); % d=s+2*n; % r=filter(1,h,n*2); % % %Add Cross-Talk Component to reference signal % xtalk=r; % q=10; % talk=filter(ones(q,1)./q,1,s(N0:end)); % xtalk(N0:end)=xtalk(N0:end) + talk*std(xtalk)./std(talk); % dtalk=d; % % %%%TECHNIQUE%%%% % %Cross Talk Resistance - using Two GAL Filters % x1=xtalk(1:N0-1); % d1=dtalk(1:N0-1); % %Initial filter- Estimates Noise TF and Freeze % [err,n_est3,w3,k_xtr]=gall(x1,d1,w,1,0,10^-3,[],[]); % [s_est3,n_est3,trash,trash]=gall(xtalk,dtalk,[],[],0,[],k_xtr,w3); % s_est3=s_est3(1:end-1,end); % % % %Estimate XTalk Interference % [n_est,xtalk_est,w3,k_xtr]=gall(s_est3(N0:end-1,end),n_est3(N0:end),w,0.9975,0.001,10^-3,[],[]); % s_est=s_est3'; % % %s_est4(N0:end)=[zeros(1,w-1) dtalk(N0:end-w+1)]' - n_est4(1:end,end); % s_est(N0:end)=dtalk(N0:end)' - n_est(1:end,end); % s_est(N0:end)=[s_est(N0+w:end) zeros(1,w)]; % S=s_est./i + (i-1).*S./i; % end % % %Plot % figure % plot(t,S,'r');hold on ;plot(t,s) % legend('Gall XTR', 'Desired Response') N=length(x); if(~isempty(M)) %Multistage lattice predictor f=zeros(1,M+1); b=zeros(1,M+1); bt=zeros(1,M+1); Q=zeros(1,M+1)+epsi; delta=zeros(1,M+1); y=zeros(N,1); D=zeros(1,M+2); err=zeros(N+1,M+2); b_old=b; bt_old=bt; if(isempty(k0)) k=zeros(1,M+1); else k=k0; end if(isempty(h0)) h=zeros(1,M+2); else h=h0; end for n=1:N f(1)=alpha*b_old(1) + sqrt(1-alpha^2)*x(n); b(1)=f(1); Q(1) = beta.*Q(1) + b(1).^2; err(n,1)=d(n); bt_old=bt; b_old=b; for m=2:M+1 %Lattice Section bt(m-1)= b_old(m-1) + alpha.*(bt_old(m-1) - b(m-1)); Q(m-1)=beta.*Q(m-1) + (f(m-1).^2 + bt(m-1).^2)./2; delta(m)=beta.*delta(m) + f(m-1).*conj(bt(m-1)); k(m) = delta(m)./Q(m-1); f(m)= f(m-1) - k(m)*bt(m-1); b(m)= bt(m-1) - conj(k(m))*f(m-1); end Q(end)=beta.*Q(end) + (f(end).^2 + bt(end).^2)./2; for m=1:M+1 %Ladder Section D(m+1)= beta.*D(m+1) + err(n,m).*conj(b(m)); h(m+1)= D(m+1)./Q(m); err(n,m+1)=err(n,m) - h(m+1).*conj(b(m)); end y(n)= h(2:end)*conj(b)'; end else %Multistage lattice predictor k=k0; h=h0; M=length(k)-1; f=zeros(1,M+1); b=zeros(1,M+1); bt=zeros(1,M+1); y=zeros(N,1); err=zeros(N+1,M+2); b_old=b; bt_old=bt; for n=1:N f(1)=alpha*b_old(1) + sqrt(1-alpha^2)*x(n); b(1)=f(1); err(n,1)=d(n); bt_old=bt; b_old=b; for m=2:M+1 %Lattice Section bt(m-1)= b_old(m-1) + alpha.*(bt_old(m-1) - b(m-1)); f(m)= f(m-1) - k(m)*bt(m-1); b(m)= bt(m-1) - conj(k(m))*f(m-1); end for m=1:M+1 %Ladder Section err(n,m+1)=err(n,m) - h(m+1).*conj(b(m)); end y(n)= h(2:end)*conj(b)'; end h=[]; k=[]; end %err=err(:,end);