#include #include #include #include #include void exit_with_help() { printf( "Usage: svm-scale [options] data_filename\n" "options:\n" "-l lower : x scaling lower limit (default -1)\n" "-u upper : x scaling upper limit (default +1)\n" "-y y_lower y_upper : y scaling limits (default: no y scaling)\n" "-s save_filename : save scaling parameters to save_filename\n" "-r restore_filename : restore scaling parameters from restore_filename\n" ); exit(1); } char *line = NULL; int max_line_len = 1024; double lower=-1.0,upper=1.0,y_lower,y_upper; int y_scaling = 0; double *feature_max; double *feature_min; double y_max = -DBL_MAX; double y_min = DBL_MAX; int max_index; long int num_nonzeros = 0; long int new_num_nonzeros = 0; #define max(x,y) (((x)>(y))?(x):(y)) #define min(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y)) void output_target(double value); void output(int index, double value); char* readline(FILE *input); int main(int argc,char **argv) { int i,index; FILE *fp, *fp_restore = NULL; char *save_filename = NULL; char *restore_filename = NULL; for(i=1;i lower) || (y_scaling && !(y_upper > y_lower))) { fprintf(stderr,"inconsistent lower/upper specification\n"); exit(1); } if(restore_filename && save_filename) { fprintf(stderr,"cannot use -r and -s simultaneously\n"); exit(1); } if(argc != i+1) exit_with_help(); fp=fopen(argv[i],"r"); if(fp==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"can't open file %s\n", argv[i]); exit(1); } line = (char *) malloc(max_line_len*sizeof(char)); #define SKIP_TARGET\ while(isspace(*p)) ++p;\ while(!isspace(*p)) ++p; #define SKIP_ELEMENT\ while(*p!=':') ++p;\ ++p;\ while(isspace(*p)) ++p;\ while(*p && !isspace(*p)) ++p; /* assumption: min index of attributes is 1 */ /* pass 1: find out max index of attributes */ max_index = 0; if(restore_filename) { int idx, c; fp_restore = fopen(restore_filename,"r"); if(fp_restore==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"can't open file %s\n", restore_filename); exit(1); } c = fgetc(fp_restore); if(c == 'y') { readline(fp_restore); readline(fp_restore); readline(fp_restore); } readline(fp_restore); readline(fp_restore); while(fscanf(fp_restore,"%d %*f %*f\n",&idx) == 1) max_index = max(idx,max_index); rewind(fp_restore); } while(readline(fp)!=NULL) { char *p=line; SKIP_TARGET while(sscanf(p,"%d:%*f",&index)==1) { max_index = max(max_index, index); SKIP_ELEMENT num_nonzeros++; } } rewind(fp); feature_max = (double *)malloc((max_index+1)* sizeof(double)); feature_min = (double *)malloc((max_index+1)* sizeof(double)); if(feature_max == NULL || feature_min == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"can't allocate enough memory\n"); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<=max_index;i++) { feature_max[i]=-DBL_MAX; feature_min[i]=DBL_MAX; } /* pass 2: find out min/max value */ while(readline(fp)!=NULL) { char *p=line; int next_index=1; double target; double value; sscanf(p,"%lf",&target); y_max = max(y_max,target); y_min = min(y_min,target); SKIP_TARGET while(sscanf(p,"%d:%lf",&index,&value)==2) { for(i=next_index;i num_nonzeros) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: original #nonzeros %ld\n" " new #nonzeros %ld\n" "Use -l 0 if many original feature values are zeros\n", num_nonzeros, new_num_nonzeros); free(line); free(feature_max); free(feature_min); fclose(fp); return 0; } char* readline(FILE *input) { int len; if(fgets(line,max_line_len,input) == NULL) return NULL; while(strrchr(line,'\n') == NULL) { max_line_len *= 2; line = (char *) realloc(line, max_line_len); len = (int) strlen(line); if(fgets(line+len,max_line_len-len,input) == NULL) break; } return line; } void output_target(double value) { if(y_scaling) { if(value == y_min) value = y_lower; else if(value == y_max) value = y_upper; else value = y_lower + (y_upper-y_lower) * (value - y_min)/(y_max-y_min); } printf("%g ",value); } void output(int index, double value) { /* skip single-valued attribute */ if(feature_max[index] == feature_min[index]) return; if(value == feature_min[index]) value = lower; else if(value == feature_max[index]) value = upper; else value = lower + (upper-lower) * (value-feature_min[index])/ (feature_max[index]-feature_min[index]); if(value != 0) { printf("%d:%g ",index, value); new_num_nonzeros++; } }