function [FQRSout,QTout,outExtra] = physionet2013extract(tm,ecg,paramStruct) % template algorithm for Physionet/CinC competition 2013. This function can % be used for events 1 and 2. Participants are free to modify any % components of the code. However the function prototype must stay the same % [FQRSout,QTout] = physionet2013(tm,ecg) where the inputs and outputs are specified % below. % % inputs % tm : Nx1 vector of time in milliseconds % ecg: 4x60000 (4 channels and 1min of signal at 1000Hz) matrix of % abdominal ecg channels. % paramStruct: structure with the key parameters for the different % algorithms. if empty then the defaults parameters are % used. % % output % FQRSout: FQRS markers in seconds. Each marker indicates the position of one % of the FQRS detected by the algorithm. % QTout: 1x1 estimated fetal QTout duration % CHout: the channel nb that was selected % % % % Safe Foetus Monitoring Toolbox, version 1.0, Sept 2013 % Released under the GNU General Public License % % Copyright (C) 2013 Joachim Behar % Oxford university, Intelligent Patient Monitoring Group - Oxford 2013 % % % Last updated : 02-08-2013 % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. % == check the inputs if nargin<2; error('physionet2013extract: wrong number of input arguments \n'); end; if size(ecg,2)>size(ecg,1); ecg = ecg'; end; % == entering core of the function try % == allocate space NB_ABD_CHANNELS = size(ecg,2); MQRS = cell(1,NB_ABD_CHANNELS); %LogFileID = fopen('log.txt','a+'); % == preprocessing ecgf = preprocessing([flipdim(ecg(1:paramStruct.fs*1-1,:),1)' ecg'],paramStruct); ecgf = ecgf(paramStruct.fs*1:end,:); % for border filtering reasons.. if ~paramStruct.extract_qt % =========================================================== % ================= FECG extraction block =================== % =========================================================== % == MQRS detection [rMQRS,~] = select_channel(ecgf,'MECG',[],paramStruct); tic; for cc=1:NB_ABD_CHANNELS %fprintf(LogFileID,'ch %d: ',cc); % == adjust MQRS location MQRS{cc} = adjust_mqrs_location(ecgf(:,cc),rMQRS,paramStruct.fs,0); %MQRS{cc} = rMQRS; % == now remove MECG if find(strcmp(paramStruct.method,{'TS','TS-SUZANNA','TS-CERUTTI','TS-LP','TS-PCA'})) % TS techniques fecg.m1(cc,:) = mecg_cancellation(MQRS{cc},ecgf(:,cc)',paramStruct.method,paramStruct.TSnbCycles,paramStruct.NbPC); elseif strcmp(paramStruct.method,'TS-EKF') % EKF [fecg.m1(cc,:),errorInit,~] = run_kalman(ecgf(:,cc),MQRS{cc},paramStruct); %fprintf(LogFileID,' EKF errorInit=%d',round(100*errorInit)/100); elseif strcmp(paramStruct.method,'FUSE') % FUSE fecg.m2(cc,:) = mecg_cancellation(MQRS{cc},ecgf(:,cc)','TS',paramStruct.TSnbCycles); % can also be TS/PCA % fecg.m3(cc,:) = mecg_cancellation(MQRS{cc},ecgf(:,cc)','TS',paramStruct.TSnbCycles); % [fecg.m4(cc,:),~,~] = run_kalman(ecgf(:,cc),MQRS{cc},paramStruct); % plot(ecgf(:,cc)); hold on, plot(fecg.m2(cc,:),'r') end %fprintf(LogFileID,' \n'); end if strcmp(paramStruct.method,'PCA') % PCA [~,fecg.m1] = princomp(ecgf); fecg.m1=fecg.m1'; elseif strcmp(paramStruct.method,'ICA') % ICA [~,fecg.m1] = jade(ecgf); %fecg.m1 = fastica(ecgf'); elseif strcmp(paramStruct.method,'DEFLATION') % ICA as preprocessing [~,fecg.m1] = jade(ecgf); elseif strcmp(paramStruct.method,'FUSE') %[~,fecg.m4] = princomp(ecgf); fecg.m4=fecg.m4'; [~,fecg.m1] = jade(ecgf); end %fprintf(LogFileID,paramStruct.method); % == BSS step if find(strcmp(paramStruct.method,{'TS','TS-SUZANNA','TS-CERUTTI','TS-LP','TS-PCA','TS-EKF'})) ... & strcmp(paramStruct.methodComplexity,'COMPLEX') % TS/PCA/EKF: add a BSS step on the residuals ecgout = bss_step(fecg.m1,ecgf,rMQRS,paramStruct); fecg.m1 = [ecgout;fecg.m1]; elseif strcmp(paramStruct.method,'DEFLATION') ecgout = bss_step([],fecg.m1,rMQRS,paramStruct); fecg.m1 = ecgout; elseif strcmp(paramStruct.method,'FUSE') ecgout1 = bss_step([],fecg.m1,rMQRS,paramStruct); paramStruct.method = 'TS'; ecgout2 = bss_step(fecg.m2,fecg.m1,rMQRS,paramStruct); fecg.m1 = [ecgout1;ecgout2;fecg.m1;fecg.m2]; % [ICA-TS/ICA-TS-ICA] [TS-ICA] [ICA] [TS] end timeExtrac = toc; fprintf('Execution time FECG extraction: %f \n',timeExtrac); % == channel selection & FQRS detection & post processing [FQRStemp,CHout] = select_channel(fecg.m1,'FECG',rMQRS,paramStruct); FQRS = FQRStemp; fprintf('Selected channel number is: %d \n',CHout); %fprintf(LogFileID,'SelectFECGCha: %d ',CHout); % =========================================================== % ================= Challenge twicks ======================== % =========================================================== % NOTE: Consider removing parts of that for an actual application! outExtra.rFQRS = FQRS; outExtra.rMQRS = rMQRS; if paramStruct.cinc_match [STD,~] = assess_regularity(FQRS,1,paramStruct.fs,1); fprintf('STD: %f \n',STD); if length(FQRS)<85 || length(FQRS)>200 % identify rubbish! In the case the time % series is rubbish then just create one at 134bpm disp('abnormal length(FQRS)<85 || length(FQRS)>200'); FQRSout = 0.1:0.42:60; FQRSout = round(FQRSout*1000); QTout = 0; elseif STD>paramStruct.STDcut disp('abnormal STD'); % if time series that we get is too irregular then better to look % for predominant HR mode and guess the time series! [FQRSmode,m1,m2] = guess_fqrs(FQRS,rMQRS,paramStruct.fs); %m = mode(60./diff(FQRS./paramStruct.fs)); if m1>125 && m1<170 && m2>125 && m2<175 disp('- using MODE'); FQRSout = FQRSmode; else disp('- just guessing'); FQRSout = 0.1:0.42:60; % cc.e. 143bpm end FQRSout = round(FQRSout*1000); QTout = 250; else FQRSout = FQRS; QTout = 250; % then add the magic smoothing step while possibly remove first % and last peaks FQRSout = smooth_rr_lots(FQRSout(FQRSout>paramStruct.fs*0.200 & ... FQRSout320 || QTout<125; QTout=250; end; CHout = 1; % how to select a good channnel for plot?? FQRSout=[]; outExtra=[]; toc % =========================================================== end % ==================== plots for analysis =================== if paramStruct.debug==1 && paramStruct.extract_qt==0 figure(1); title(strcat('Channel selected is: ',CHout)); one_ecgres = fecg.m1(CHout,:); hrv = 60./(diff(FQRS)/paramStruct.fs); hrvss = 60./(diff(FQRSout)/paramStruct.fs); ax(1) = subplot(311); plot(tm,ecg(:,1),tm(MQRS{1}),ecg(MQRS{1},1),'+r','LineWidth',2); plot(tm,ecgf(:,1),tm(MQRS{1}),ecgf(MQRS{1},1),'+r','LineWidth',2); legend('One ABD ecg','MQRS'); ax(2) = subplot(312); hold on, plot(tm,one_ecgres,'k','LineWidth',2); hold on, plot(tm(FQRS),one_ecgres(FQRS),'+r'); legend('fecg (residual)','FQRS detected'); ax(3) = subplot(313); plot(FQRS(1:end-1)/paramStruct.fs,hrv,'-ro'); hold on, plot(FQRSout(1:end-1)/paramStruct.fs,hrvss,'--ko'); legend('FHRc','FHRcc'); xlabel('Time (sec)'); ylabel('Amplitude (NU)'); linkaxes(ax,'x'); set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'fontSize',14,'fontWeight','bold'); elseif paramStruct.debug==1 && paramStruct.extract_qt==1 % extract the template ecg closest from T point identified (rather than plotting a random one..) k = dsearchn(Ttrans-Qtrans,QTout); ch = k+1-floor(k/NB_ABD_CHANNELS)*NB_ABD_CHANNELS; relevantMode = fecg_template_construction(paramStruct.rFQRS,fecg.m1(ch,:)); figure(2); fprintf('QT: Number of cycles: %f \n',relevantMode.NbCycles); one_ecgres = fecg.m1(CHout,:); title('QT analysis'); subplot(211); hold on, plot(tm,one_ecgres,'k','LineWidth',2); hold on, plot(tm(paramStruct.rFQRS),one_ecgres(paramStruct.rFQRS),'+r'); legend('fecg (residual)','FQRS detected'); subplot(212); plot(relevantMode.cycleMean,'LineWidth',2); QTpos = round([Q T]*250/MED_RR); if QTpos(1)>0 && QTpos(2)<250 hold on, plot(QTpos,relevantMode.cycleMean(QTpos),'+r','LineWidth',3); else hold on, plot(QTpos,0,'+r','LineWidth',3); end xlabel('Phase Wrap'); ylabel('Amplitude [NU]'); end % =========================================================== %fclose(LogFileID); catch ME for enb=1:length(ME.stack); disp(ME.stack(enb)); end; FQRSout = 0.1:0.42:60; QTout = 250; end end