function ecgout = bss_step(ecg,icaecgf,rMQRS,paramStruct,debug) % Blind Source Separation (BSS) step. In the case of the DEFLATION method % BSS is applied to the ABD signals and MECG cancellation takes place in % the source domain. In the other cases then BSS is applied on the ecg % matrix containing the residuals of the MECG cancellation perfomed in the % time domain. % % inputs % ecg: ecg matrix onto which to perform BSS % icaecgf: ica applied on filtered ecg stack % rMQRS: reference MQRS location in samples % paramStruct: important algo parameters % % output % ecgout: output ecg that came through the BSS step % case DEFLATION: [ICA-TS], [ICA-TS,ICA-TS-ICA] % case TS: [TS-ICA] % % % FECG extraction toolbox, version 1.0, Sept 2013 % Released under the GNU General Public License % % Copyright (C) 2013 Joachim Behar % Oxford university, Intelligent Patient Monitoring Group - Oxford 2013 % % % Last updated : 02-08-2013 % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the % Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. % == managing inputs if nargin<4; error('bss_step: wrong number of input arguments \n'); end; if size(ecg,2)size(icaecgf,1); icaecgf = icaecgf'; end; if nargin<5; debug=0; end; % == general NB_ABD_CHANNELS = size(icaecgf,2); MQRS = cell(NB_ABD_CHANNELS,1); % == core function try if isempty(find(strcmp(paramStruct.method,{'DEFLATION','FUSE'}),1)) % == ICA on residual in time domain [~,icaecgr] = jade(ecg); ecgout = icaecgr; end if find(strcmp(paramStruct.method,{'DEFLATION','FUSE'})) % == ICA on residual in source space recgs = zeros(size(icaecgf')); % residual ecg in source domain for i=1:NB_ABD_CHANNELS MQRS{i} = adjust_mqrs_location(icaecgf(:,i),rMQRS,paramStruct.fs,0); recgs(i,:) = mecg_cancellation(MQRS{i},icaecgf(:,i)','TS',20); %[recgs(i,:),~,~] = run_kalman(icaecgf(:,i),MQRS{i},paramStruct); end [~,icaecgr] = jade(recgs); if strcmp(paramStruct.methodComplexity,'COMPLEX') ecgout = [recgs;icaecgr]; else ecgout = recgs; end end if size(ecg,1)>size(ecg,2) ecgout = ecgout'; end catch ME for enb=1:length(ME.stack); disp(ME.stack(enb)); end; ecgout = ecg; end % == plots if debug ax(1) = subplot(211); plot(ecg); title('ecgin'); ax(2) = subplot(212); plot(ecgout); title('ecgout'); linkaxes(ax,'x'); end end % SOME NOTES ON THIS FUNCTION: % == STEP 1: direct BSS on filtered ecg (and not residuals) % Adding another step where BSS is performed on the filtered ABD signal was usefull % for the EKF because sometimes the EKF kills the FECG and applying BSS after removing % the MECG does not work really well. % == STEP 2: ICA on residual in time domain % NOTE: jade performed better than PCA and FastICA (default options) when applied to the residual % signal but PCA performed better than ICA when applied to the initial % prefiltered mixture. Difference in performance was >1% for F1 % measure but this is due to one specific record that is not separated % by ICA but is by ICA. Removing this specific record results in an % increase in F1 when using ICA rather than PCA on the ecgf % matrix. Having more data in the training set would have been usefull % to confirm this observation. % == STEP 3: ICA on residual in source space % ICA to move to the space domain, performing MECG cancellation in that % domain then take ICA of mother-free source signals. % So it is sort of ICA of ICA... % == NOTE: in theory ICA would need centering that is subtracting the mean of the % signal for each channel before applying ICA. Performing this operation % lowered the F1 measure slightly! % [~,icaecgr] = jade(bsxfun(@minus,recgs,mean(recgs,2)));