function Ser=FecgICAf(Xe,fs,cName,graph,dbFlag,saveFig) % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Fecg: Fetal ecg enhancement by ICA % Fixed point algorithm of Hyvarinen with deflationary ortogonalization is applied. % In a first attempt the hyperbolic cosine as contrast function is used because it % produces more robust estimates. In case of failure of convergence the algorithm % was run a second time using the kurtosis. % % function Ser=FecgICAf(Xe,fs,cName,graph,dbFlag,saveFig) % Xe : mixed source signals (one signal per column) % fs : sampling frequency % cName : record name % graph : flag enabling figure drawing % dbFlag : flag enabling figure drawing for debugging % saveFig : flag enabling figure saving % Ser : output separated sources (one signal per column) % % Author: Maurizio Varanini, Clinical Physiology Institute, CNR, Pisa, Italy % For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to: % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(nargin<3), cName=''; end if(nargin<4), graph=0; end if(nargin<5), dbFlag=0; end if(nargin<6), saveFig=0; end % graphD= graph &dbFlag ; fprintf('\n --------------------------------------------------------- \n'); [progpath, progname] = fileparts(which(mfilename)); fprintf('Program: %s, record name: %s\n', progname, cName); %------------------------------------------------------------- % recording duration [ndt, ns]=size(Xe); vtime= [1:ndt]/fs; %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for is=1:ns Xe(:,is)= (Xe(:,is)-mean(Xe(:,is)))/std(Xe(:,is)); end if(graph) figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); for is=1:ns subplot(ns,1,is), plot(vtime,Xe(:,is)); wgmi1= min(Xe(:,is)) -2; wgma1= max(Xe(:,is)) +2; ylim([wgmi1, wgma1]); set(gca,'YTick',[-5 0 5]) % if(is~=ns), set(gca,'XTickLabel',''); end if(is==1), title([cName,': mixed residual signals']); end end end % ---- rand('state',0); % to get a reproducible behaviour % [ica,Ae,cerr]=coshFpDeIca(X,epsilon,maNumIter); [Se,Ae,cerr]=coshFpDeIca(Xe'); % X: mixed signals (must be centered) if(cerr), rand('state',0); [Se,Ae,cerr]=kurtFpDeIca(Xe'); end % ---- Se=Se'; if(graph || saveFig) figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); for is=1:ns, subplot(ns,1,is), plot(vtime, Se(:,is)); wgmi1= min(Se(:,is)) -2; wgma1= max(Se(:,is)) +2; ylim([wgmi1, wgma1]); set(gca,'YTick',[-5 0 5]) % if(is~=ns), set(gca,'XTickLabel',''); end if(is==1), title([cName,': residual separated sources']); end end shg if(saveFig), figFmt='png'; figPath=fullfile('../Figure/',progname); if(~exist(figPath,'dir')), mkdir(figPath); end figName=fullfile(figPath,[cName,'_ICAf']); print(gcf, ['-d',figFmt],figName); end end Ser=Se; end %== function ================================================================ %