function Xr=FecgQRSmCanc(X,qrsM,fs,cName,graph,dbFlag,saveFig,qrsAfs) % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Fecg: "Mother" ECG canceling using PQRST approximation obtained by % Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). % A trapezoidal window is used to select and weight the signal around each detected mother QRS. % % Author: Maurizio Varanini, Clinical Physiology Institute, CNR, Pisa, Italy % For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to: % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms % of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either % version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed "as is" and "as available" in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY % or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(nargin<4), cName=''; end if(nargin<5), graph=1; end if(nargin<6), dbFlag=1; end if(nargin<7), saveFig=0; end if(nargin<8), qrsAfs=[]; end grafEigD=0; fprintf('\n --------------------------------------------------------- \n'); [progpath, progname] = fileparts(which(mfilename)); fprintf('Program: %s, record name: %s\n', progname, cName); if(~isempty(qrsAfs)); learning=1; % learning set, annotations are available else learning=0; % test set end %------------------------------------------------------------- % recording duration [ndt, ns]=size(X); if(dbFlag && learning), PlotSgnMrkNc(X, qrsAfs*fs, fs, [cName, ' - fetal QRS ann.']); end vtime= [1:ndt]/fs; % ----- % qrsM(1,:) QRSref (reference point, max signed derivative ) % qrsM(2,:) QRSonset (derivative overcomes half threshold) % qrsM(3,:) supThDer (derivative overcomes threshold) % qrsM(4,:) maxAbsDer (max absolute derivative) % qrsM(5,:) infThDer (derivative becomes lower than threshold) % qrsM(5,:) QRSoffset (derivative decreses below half threshold) qrsR=qrsM(1,:); % the reference point is the point of max signed derivative if(dbFlag), PlotSgnMrkNc(X, qrsR, fs, [cName, ' - mother QRS det.']); end nQRS=length(qrsR); fprintf('Number of QRSs= %d\n', nQRS); RRc= diff(qrsR); RRs= RRc/fs; RRmean=meansc(RRs,4,4); %RRmean= mean(RRs); RRstd= std(RRs); fprintf('RR mean= %d, stdev=%d\n', RRmean, RRstd); % the reference point is the point of max signed derivative npp=fix(0.2*fs); % number of samples before the qrs reference npd=fix(min(0.5, 0.8*(RRmean-0.1))*fs); % number of samples after the qrs reference npt=1+npp+npd; % extend the signals in order to manage the first and the last QRS Xx=X; npqp=fix(0.12*fs); if(qrsR(1)-npqp < 1), qi=2; npxp=0; Xx(1:npqp,:)=repmat(Xx(npqp+1,:),npqp,1); else qi=1; npxp=max(0,npp+1-qrsR(1)); % number of samples added to left of each signal Xx=[repmat(X(1,:),npxp,1);X]; end npqd=fix(0.14*fs); qf=nQRS; if(qrsR(end)+npqd > size(X,1)), qf=qf-1; Xx(end-npqd+1:end,:)=repmat(Xx(end-npqd-1,:),npqd,1); end if(qrsR(qf)+0.85*fs*median(RRs(end-4:end)) < size(X,1)) npep=fix(max(0.1*fs, 0.15*fs*mean(RRs(end-4:end)))); Xx(end-npep+1:end,:)=repmat(Xx(end-npep-1,:),npep,1); end npxd=max(0,qrsR(qf)+npd-ndt); % number of samples added to right of each signal Xx=[Xx;repmat(X(end,:),npxd,1)]; ndtx=size(Xx,1); nqe= qf-qi+1; vtimex= [1-npxp:ndt+npxd]/fs; % built vectors of indexes (start and end) of QRS window iqw=qrsR(qi:qf); iw=npxp+iqw-npp; % start of QRS window fw=npxp+iqw+npd; % end of QRS window A=zeros(npt,nqe); wwg=weightFun2(npp,npd,fs); Xc=zeros(ndtx,ns); for is=1:ns for iq=1:nqe iwq=iw(iq); fwq=fw(iq); A(:,iq)=Xx(iwq:fwq,is).*wwg; end % Singular value decomposition % S = diagonal matrix containing the singular values % U and V = unitary matrices so that X = U*S*V'. % tic; [U,S,V] = svd(A,0); % fprintf('SVD (%d,%d) computation time = %3.2f\n', size(A), toc); % fprintf('%f, ', diag(S)); fprintf('\n'); if(grafEigD), figure; plot(diag(S),'r-*'); title([num2str(is),'- Singular values']); drawnow; end mt=nqe; nds=3; % select the number of singular values <=== sv=diag(S); pownds(is)=sum(sv(1:nds).^2)/sum(sv(1:nqe).^2); if(dbFlag), fprintf('is=%d, pownds=%f\n', is, pownds(is)); end % tic Sr=S; for k=1:mt-nds-1, Sr(mt-k,mt-k)=0; end Ar=U*Sr*V'; % fprintf('Ar (%d,%d) rebuilding time = %3.2f\n', size(Ar), toc); for iq=1:nqe iwq=iw(iq); fwq=fw(iq); % Xc(iwq:fwq,is)=Ar(:,iq); Xc(iwq:fwq,is)=Ar(:,iq)./wwg; % .*windLR; end % smoothing connections between successive windows for iq=1:nqe-1 fwq=fw(iq); iwqs=iw(iq+1); if(iwqs>fwq) dv=Xc(iwqs,is)-Xc(fwq,is); pv=dv/(iwqs-fwq); Xc(fwq+1:iwqs-1,is)=Xc(fwq,is)+pv*(1:iwqs-fwq-1)'; end end end if(dbFlag) for is=1:ns, figure set(gcf,'Color','white'); subplot(2,1,1), plot(vtimex,[Xx(:,is),Xc(:,is)]); wgmi1= min(Xx(:,is)) -2; wgma1= max(Xx(:,is)) +2; ylim([wgmi1, wgma1]); set(gca,'YTick',[-5 0 5]) DrawVertMarker(iw'/fs,'r',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(qrsM(1,:)'/fs,'g',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(fw'/fs,'m',':','none'); title([cName,' - ',num2str(is),': ecg & ecgM']); subplot(2,1,2), plot(vtimex,[Xx(:,is)-Xc(:,is)]); ylim([wgmi1, wgma1]); set(gca,'YTick',[-5 0 5]) DrawVertMarker(iw'/fs,'r',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(qrsM(1,:)'/fs,'g',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(fw'/fs,'m',':','none'); title([cName,' - ',num2str(is),': ecg - ecgM']); shg end end Xc= Xc(npxp+1:end-npxd,:); Xx= Xx(npxp+1:end-npxd,:); Xe=Xx-Xc; iw=iw-npxp; fw=fw-npxp; if(graph) for is=1:ns, figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); subplot(2,1,1), plot(vtime,[X(:,is),Xc(:,is)]); wgmi1= min(X(:,is)) -2; wgma1= max(X(:,is)) +2; ylim([wgmi1, wgma1]); set(gca,'YTick',[-5 0 5]) DrawVertMarker(iw'/fs,'r',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(qrsM(1,:)'/fs,'g',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(fw'/fs,'m',':','none'); title([cName,' - ',num2str(is),': ecg & ecgM']); subplot(2,1,2), plot(vtime,Xe(:,is)); ylim([wgmi1, wgma1]); set(gca,'YTick',[-5 0 5]) DrawVertMarker(iw'/fs,'r',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(qrsM(1,:)'/fs,'g',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(fw'/fs,'m',':','none'); title([cName,' - ',num2str(is),': ecg - ecgM']); shg end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(graph || saveFig) figure, set(gcf,'Color','white'); for is=1:ns, subplot(ns,1,is), plot(vtime,Xe(:,is)); wgmi1= min(Xe(:,is)) -2; wgma1= max(Xe(:,is)) +2; ylim([wgmi1, wgma1]); DrawVertMarker(iw'/fs,'r',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(qrsM(1,:)'/fs,'g',':','none'); DrawVertMarker(fw'/fs,'m',':','none'); set(gca,'YTick',[-5 0 5]) % if(is~=ns), set(gca,'XTickLabel',''); end if(is==1), title([cName,': mixed foetal ECG']); end end shg if(saveFig), figFmt='png'; figPath=fullfile('../Figure/',progname); if(~exist(figPath,'dir')), mkdir(figPath); end figName=fullfile(figPath,[cName,'_mCanc']); print(gcf, ['-d',figFmt],figName); % saveas(gcf, figName,'fig'); end end %------------------------------------------------------------- Xr=Xe; return end % = function =============================================================== % ------------------------------------------------------------------ function wwg=weightFun2(npp,npd,fs) nppc1=fix(0.06*fs); npdc1=fix(0.06*fs); nppc2=fix(0.08*fs); npdc2=min(fix(0.2*fs),npd-npdc1); ii1=1; ie1=npp-nppc1-nppc2; ii2=ie1+1; ie2=ie1+nppc2; ii3=ie2+1; ie3=ie2+nppc1+npdc1+1; ii4=ie3+1; ie4=ie3+npdc2; ii5=ie4+1; ie5=npp+npd+1; wwg(ii1:ie1)=0.20; wwg(ii2:ie2)=0.20+0.8*(1:nppc2)/nppc2; wwg(ii3:ie3)=1; wwg(ii4:ie4)=1-0.8*(1:npdc2)/npdc2; wwg(ii5:ie5)=0.20; wwg=wwg'; % figure, plot(wwg); return end % = function =============================================================== %