function figResize(px, py, pwidth, pheigth) % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Figure resizing and positioning % px = orizzontal position in fraction of screen width % py = vertical position in fraction of screen heigth % pwidth = width in fraction of screen width % pheigth = heigth in fraction of screen heigth % example: figResize(0, 1, 1, .3); % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Maurizio Varanini, Clinical Physiology Institute, CNR, Pisa, Italy % For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to: % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oldpos=get(gcf,'Position'); fgxpos=oldpos(1); fgypos=oldpos(2); fgwidth=oldpos(3); fgheigth=oldpos(4); set(gcf,'Color','white'); hTitle=14+ 10; hXlabel=12+ 4; hYlabel=10; hTlabel=hTitle+hXlabel; bdwidth=5; topbdwidth=70; set(0,'Units','pixels') scnsize = get(0,'ScreenSize'); if(nargin>3 && ~isempty(pheigth)), fgheigth = scnsize(4)*pheigth; end if(nargin>2 && ~isempty(pwidth)), fgwidth = scnsize(3)*pwidth - 2*bdwidth; end if(nargin>1 && ~isempty(py)), fgypos = scnsize(4)*py - fgheigth - (topbdwidth+bdwidth); end if(nargin>0 && ~isempty(px)), fgxpos = scnsize(3)*px + bdwidth; end pos = [fgxpos, fgypos, fgwidth, fgheigth ]; % change position and size of the figure. pause(0.1); % it need on my PC set(gcf,'Position', pos); % % get and change the position and length of the main ordinate axis. % pos = get(gca,'Position'); % hrTitle= hTitle/fgheigth; % hrXlabel= hXlabel/fgheigth; hrXlabel=0; % hrYlabel= hYlabel/fgwidth; hrYlabel=0; % % change the position and length of the main ordinate axis. % set(gca,'Position',[pos(1)+hrYlabel, pos(2)+hrXlabel pos(3), pos(4)-hrTitle]); end %== function ================================================================ %