% function [CSI, CumN] = CSIndex(spk1, spk2, MaxT, Nb) function Logic = CSIndex(spk1, spk2, MaxT, Nb) %CSIndex calculates the MU synchronization with reference MU. % a correlation corrologram is constructed and the cumsum of it is then % calculated to comput a correlation index %INPUT: % Spk1 is the time of firing event of ref MU % Spk2 is time of firing event of a MU % maxT is the max window for the sync calculation, e.g. 20 ms % Nb is the number of bins % By Xiaogang at PennState, June 16, 2009. Logic = 0; Syn = []; for i = 1:length(spk1) RefT = spk1(i); NS2 = spk2 - RefT;% timing of spike 2 relative to a spike in ref MU In1 = find(NS2 > -1 * MaxT & NS2 < 1 * MaxT); % check if it falls in the window if isempty(In1)~=1 Syn = [Syn, NS2(In1(1))];% if does, catch that firing event relative timing end end [N, xbin] = hist(Syn, Nb); % calculate histgram of relative timing maxN = max(N); PeakCenter = xbin(N==maxN); In2 = find(SynPeakCenter(1)-0.001); CommonPercent = length(In2)/length(spk1); if CommonPercent>0.5 Logic = 1; end %MN = % CumN = cumsum(N - mean(N));