ECG-Kit 1.0

File: <base>/help/sphinx/source/ECG_heartbeat_classifier.rst (8,423 bytes)

ECG heartbeat classification

This document describes how to classify heartbeats according to its


This task implements a heartbeat classifier that follows the `EC-57 AAMI
recommendation <>`__
classifying heartbeats into four classes:

-  **N** normal
-  **S** supraventricular
-  **V** ventricular
-  **F** fusion of normal and ventricular

Certain background and introduction to this topic is included in
my `PhD thesis <>`__.

Input Arguments

``progress_handle`` — Used to track the progress within your function. ``[] (default)``

	progress\_handle, is a handle to a :doc:`progress\_bar <progress_bar>`
	object, that can be used to track the progress within your function.

``tmp_path`` — The path to store temporary data. ``tempdir() (default)``

	Full path to a directory with write privileges.

```payload`` — A structure to provide audited heartbeat detections to the classifier algorithm. ``[] (default)`` 

	This variable is useful to pass automatic or corrected QRS detections to the classification task.
	This can be performed as shown in the following example:
.. code::

    cached_filenames = ECGw.GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});
    ECGw.ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});

``mode`` — Set the classification mode of operation. ``'auto' (default)`` 

	A control string with any of the following names

	- 'auto', this mode makes the algorithm operate in automatic mode.

	- 'slightly-assisted', this mode requires that an expert labels several 
	  representative examples, when the algorithm does not reach a confidence 
	  level to do it automatically.

	- 'assisted', this mode is completely assisted. An expert must label all
	  the representative heartbeats from each cluster.


The first example shows the simplest setup of the
*ECGtask\_heartbeat\_classifier* object, while at the end of this section
a complete example with a real signal is shown.

.. code::

    % with the task name
    ECG_w.ECGtaskHandle = 'ECG_heartbeat_classifier';
    % or create an specific handle to have more control
    ECGt = ECGtask_heartbeat_classifier();

and then you are ready to setup the task

.. code::

    % select a mode, automatic mode does not require assistance
    ECGt.mode = 'auto';
    % this is to use QRS detection previously calculated
    cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});
    ECGt.payload = load(cached_filenames{1})

Finally set the task to the wrapper object, and execute the task.

.. code::

    ECG_w.ECGtaskHandle= ECGt; % set the ECG task

This example shows in first place, the previous configuration used in
recording 208 from MIT Arrhythmia database.

.. code::

    >> ECG_w = ECGwrapper( ...
            'recording_name', 'some_path\208', ...
            'recording_format', 'MIT', ...
            'ECGtaskHandle', 'ECG_heartbeat_classifier', ...
            )ECG_w = 
    # ECGwrapper object config #
    +ECG recording: some_path\208 (auto)
    +PID: 1/1
    +Repetitions: 1
    +Partition mode: ECG_overlapped
    +Function name: ECG_heartbeat_classifier
    +Processed: false

    >> ECG_w.Run();

You can follow the evolution in the progress bar, and after a while, it
ends and display the classification results

.. code-block:: none

    + Recording: ... \example recordings\208.dat (MIT) 
    + Mode: auto (12 clusters, 1 iterations, 75% cluster-presence) 
      True            | Estimated Labels 
      Labels          | Normal Suprav Ventri Unknow| Totals 
      Normal          | 1567      6     13      0  | 1586 
      Supraventricular|    2      0      0      0  |    2 
      Ventricular     |  255      8   1102      0  | 1365 
      Unknown         |    2      0      0      0  |    2 
      Totals          | 1826     14   1115      0  | 2955 
    Balanced Results for 
    | Normal    || Supravent || Ventricul ||           TOTALS            | 
    |  Se   +P  ||  Se   +P  ||  Se   +P  ||   Acc   |   Se    |   +P    | 
    |  99%  45% ||   0%   0% ||  81%  99% ||   60%   |   60%   |   48%   | 
    Unbalanced Results for 
    | Normal    || Supravent || Ventricul ||           TOTALS            | 
    |  Se   +P  ||  Se   +P  ||  Se   +P  ||   Acc   |   Se    |   +P    | 
    |  99%  86% ||   0%   0% ||  81%  99% ||   90%   |   60%   |   62%   |

This is possible because this recording include the expert annotations,
or ''ground truth'', for each heartbeat. The manual annotations in MIT
format are typically included in ''.atr'' files (in this case
''208.atr''). Now you can try ''slightly-assisted'' mode, where the
algorithm may ask you for help in case of cluster heterogeneity. If this
happens, a window like this will appear:


In this window the algorithm is asking you to label the centroid of the
cluster, that is showed in the left panel. In the top of each panel some
information is showed, as the amount of heartbeats in the current
cluster. In the middle panel, you have some examples of heartbeats close
to the centroid in a likelihood sense. The same is repeated in the right
panel, but with examples far from the centroid. This manner you can have
an idea of the dispersion of heartbeats within a cluster. Large
differences across the panels indicates large cluster dispersion. If you
decide to label the cluster, you can use one of the 4 buttons on your
right. The unknown class is reserved for the cases where you can not
make a confident decision. At the same time, in the command window, a
suggestion appears:

.. code-block:: none

    + Recording: .\example recordings\208.dat (MIT) 
    + Mode: assisted (3 clusters, 1 iterations, 75% cluster-presence) 
    Suggestion: Normal

This means that the centroid heartbeat in the ''.atr'' file is labeled
as ''Normal''. You will see this suggestion for each cluster analyzed,
if there are annotations previously available. You are informed about
the percentage of heartbeats already labeled with a progress bar, in the
bottom of the control panel window.

In case you believe that a cluster includes several classes of
heartbeats, you can decide to ''skip'' the classification, and try to
re-cluster those heartbeats in the next iteration. You are free to
perform as many iterations as you decide, by skipping clusters. The
refresh button resamples heartbeats close and far from the centroid, and
then redraw the middle and right panels. This feature is useful for
large clusters.

You can check the result of this task for every heartbeat in the
recording using the :doc:`visualization functions <plot_ecg_strip>`.

Also check this
:ref:`example <Automatic_Heartbeat_classification>` for
further information.

.. _Classifier_det_result_format:

Results format
The result file will have two variables, the annotation type or classification label ``anntyp``,
containing a ``char`` label per heartbeat. And a vector of samples called ``time`` (in correspondence with 
``anntyp``), with the occurrence of all heartbeats used in this task.

More About

Here are some external references about heartbeat classification:

-  `EC-57 AAMI
   recommendation <>`__

-  `EP limited <>`__ software

See Also

 :doc:`ECGtask <ECGtask>` \| :doc:`QRS detection <QRS_detection>` \| :doc:`examples <examples>`

.. |image4| image:: 2D__Mariano_misc_a2hbc_doc_expert_user_interface.png