ECG-Kit 1.0

File: <base>/help/sphinx/source/ECGwrapper.rst (13,999 bytes)


.. toctree::

   Matlab file format <Matlab_format>
   Adding your own formats <custom_formats>

This class allows the access to ECG recordings of several :ref:`formats <ECG_formats>` and length.


You can create an object without arguments, configuring its properties later. Or you can create it via pairs of PropertyName-PropertyValue pairs.

.. code::

  ECGw = ECGwrapper() 
  ECGw = ECGwrapper( 'PropertyName', PropertyValue )


This is the main class of the toolbox since it allows access to
cardiovascular signal recordings of several formats
(`MIT <>`__,
`ISHNE <>`__,
`AHA <>`__, HES,
:doc:`MAT <Matlab_format>`) and lengths, from seconds to days. The
objective of this class is to provide :doc:`ECGtask <ECGtask>`  class,
a common interface to access data and perform specific tasks. Briefly,
this class sequentially reads data and passes to the Process method of
the :doc:`ECGtask <ECGtask>` plugged in the
`ECGtaskHandle <#inputarg_ECGtask>`__ property. Some common tasks, such
as `QRS detection <examples.html#QRS_automatic_detection>`__ and `ECG
delineation <examples.html#ECG_automatic_delineation>`__, can be easily
invoked. Also other predefined tasks or your own code can be adapted as
is shown in the :doc:`examples <examples>`.

A more detailed description of this class, together with an explanation
of how you can easily hook your algorithms to this class is
:doc:`here <extensions>`.

Finally the results produced by the :doc:`ECGtask <ECGtask>` are stored
in order to ease reproducibility and backup of your experiments, or to
be used of subsequent tasks as shown in the
`examples <examples.html>`__.


Input Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of ``'Name', Value`` arguments.
``'Name'`` is the argument/property name and ``Value`` is the corresponding value.
``'Name'`` must appear inside single quotes ``' '``. You can specify
several name and value pair arguments in any order as


.. code::

 % specifies to create an ECGwrapper to detect 
 % heartbeats in recording '/ecg_recordings/rec1.dat'
 ECGwrapper('recording_name','/ecg_recordings/rec1.dat', 'ECGtaskHandle', 'QRS_detection') 

The available arguments for the class constructor are listed below:
``'recording_name'`` — The ECG recording full name. ``'' (default)``

  The full path filename of the ECG recording.

``'recording_format'`` — ECG recording format. ``auto-detect format  (default)``

.. _ECG_formats:

	The format of the ECG recording. By default or if not specified, the wrapper will attempt to auto-detect the format among the following table:

	| String  | Description                                                        |
	| MIT     | `MIT format`_                                                      |
	| ISHNE   | `ISHNE format`_                                                    |
	| AHA	  | `American Heart Association ECG Database`_  or `AHA in Physionet`_ |
	| HES	  | Biosigna format                                                    |
	| MAT	  | :doc:`Matlab file format <Matlab_format>`                          |
	| Mortara | Mortara SuperECG format                                            |

``'this_pid'`` — Process identification for multiprocess batch jobs. ``'1/1'  (default)``

	In case working in a multiprocess environment, this value will identify
	the current process. Can be a numeric value, or a string of the form
	'N/M'. This pid is N and the total amount of pid's to divide the whole
	work is M.

``'tmp_path'`` — The path to store temporary data. ``tempdir()  (default)``

	Full path to a directory with write privileges.

``'output_path'`` — The output path to store results. ``fileparts(recording_name)  (default)``

	Full path to a directory with write privileges. By default will be the
	same path of the recordings.

``'ECGtaskHandle'`` — The task to perform. ``'' (default)``

	The task to perform, can be the name of the task, or an ECGtask object.
	Available ECGtasks can be listed with ```list_all_ECGtask()`` command.

``'partition_mode'`` — The way that this object will partition lengthy signals. ``'ECG_overlapped' (default)``

	The way to do batch partition in lengthy signals:

	-  'ECG\_contiguous' no overlapp between segments.

	-  'ECG\_overlapped' overlapp of 'overlapping\_time' among segments.
	   This can be useful if your task have a transient period to avoid.

	-  'QRS' do the partition based on the annotations provided in
	   ECG\_annotations.time property. This option is useful if your task
	   works in the boundaries of a fiducial point (commonly a heartbeat),
	   and not in the whole signal. This partition mode ignores those parts
	   of the recording without annotations.

``'overlapping_time'`` — Time in seconds of overlapp among consequtive segments. ``30  (default)``
	Time in seconds of overlapp among consequtive segments. This segment is
	useful for ensuring the end of all transients within a task.

``'cacheResults'`` — Save intermediate results to recover in case of failure. ``true (default)``

	Save intermediate results to recover in case of errors. Useful for long
	jobs or recordings.

```'syncSlavesWithMaster'`` — Time in seconds of overlapp among consequtive segments. ``false (default)``

	In multiprocess environments sometimes it is useful to terminate all
	pid's together in order to start subsequent tasks synchronously. This
	value forces all parts of a multipart process to wait until all other
	parts finish.

``'repetitions'`` — Times to repeat the ECGtask. ``1 (default)``

	In case the ECGtask is not deterministic, the repetition property allows
	to repeat the task several times.

Other public properties to configure the object, or to access recording's data are:

``Error`` — Did the ECGtask produce any Error ? ``false (default)``

	You can check this value after executing a task.

``Processed`` — Was the task already processed ? ``false (default)``

	You can check if you have already issued a Run method for the current configuration.

``NoWork2Do`` — Has this PID work to do ? 

	In a multi-PID environment, certain tasks are too short to provide work to all configured PIDs.
	You can check to this flag to deal with it in your code.

.. _ECG_header_description:
``ECG_header`` — The gathered information about the ECG recording. 

	**ECG\_header**, is a struct with the following information:

	- *freq*, is the sampling frequency of ECG\_matrix signal.

	- *desc*, description strings about each of the leads/signals.

	- *nsamp* is the number of samples of ECG\_matrix.

	- *nsig* is the amount of leads or signals of ECG\_matrix.

	- *gain* is a vector of [nsig × 1] with the gain of each lead ( ADCsamples / μV ).

	- *adczero* is a vector of [nsig × 1] with the offset of each lead in ADC samples.
	and others described in the `Physionet header <>`__.

``ECG_annotations`` — Annotations provided with the recording.

	Commonly QRS detections, signal quality annotations or other type of measurements
	included with the recordings. Some documentation about annotations in `Physionet <>`__.
``class_labeling`` — Class conversion for heartbeat annotations.

	In case the annotations includes heartbeat types, this property indicates the class-labeling convention used.
	The `EC-57 AAMI recommendation <>`__ is de default value.
	The possible values are ``'AAMI'`` or ``AAMI2``. The ``AAMI2`` is equal to ``AAMI`` except that only consider
	three heartbeat classes, *normal* (N), *ventricular* (V) and *supraventricular* (S).
``user_string`` — A string to individualize each experiment. ``'' (default)``
``Result_files`` — The result filenames produced by an ECGtask.

	Once the task is completed, this property records the filenames of the results.

Some useful methods are described below.


``Run`` — Execute the ECG task

	This method executes the configured ECG task.

``read_signal`` — Read signal samples

	This method allows to easily reads samples from a recording

	.. code::
		% function prototype         
		function ECG = read_signal(ECG_start_idx, ECG_end_idx)
	where the arguments are:

		**ECG\_start\_idx**, is the first sample to read. ``1 (default)``.
		**ECG\_end\_idx**, is the last sample to read. ``ECG\_header.nsamp (default)``

	and as a result, it returns:

		**ECG**, which is a matrix of size ``[(ECG\_end\_idx - ECG\_start\_idx + 1) ECG\_header.nsig] (default)``

	as it is exemplified below
	.. code::
		% reads ECG 100 samples
		ECG = ECG_w.read_signal(1, 99);

``ReportErrors`` — Display the error report generated during the task execution

	This method reports error generated during task execution.

``GetCahchedFileName`` — Find the result files of an specific recording/task

	This method returns the cached filename for an specific recording, and
	task, if available.

	.. code::

		% Get result filename of previous QRS detection. 
		% The corrected/audited version has precedence if available.
		cached_filenames = ECGw.GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});


Create the simplest ECG wrapper object

Create the ECGwrapper object.

.. code::

    >> ECG_w = ECGwrapper()
    ECG_w = 
    # ECGwrapper object config #
    +ECG recording: None selected
    +PID: 1/1
    +Repetitions: 1
    +Partition mode: ECG_overlapped
    +Function name: Null task
    +Processed: false

Then, in your script or in the command window you can type:

.. code::

    >> ECG_w.recording_name = 'some_path\100';
    >> ECG_w.ECGtaskHandle = 'QRS_detection'
    ECG_w = 
    # ECGwrapper object config #
    +ECG recording: some_path\100 (auto)
    +PID: 1/1
    +Repetitions: 1
    +Partition mode: ECG_overlapped
    +Function name: QRS_detection
    +Processed: false

Now, you just want to run the task by executing:

.. code::

    >> ECG_w.Run();

Create an ECGwrapper object for an specific recording and task

In this case, we create the same object of the previous example but
using the name-value .

.. code::

    >> ECG_w = ECGwrapper( ...
            'recording_name', 'some_path\100', ...
            'recording_format', 'MIT', ...
            'ECGtaskHandle', 'QRS_detection', ...
    ECG_w = 
    # ECGwrapper object config #
    +ECG recording: some_path\100 (auto)
    +PID: 1/1
    +Repetitions: 1
    +Partition mode: ECG_overlapped
    +Function name: QRS_detection
    +Processed: false
    >> ECG_w.Run();

Create an ECGwrapper and access the recording data

In this case, we create an object and access to the ``ECG_header`` property.

.. code-block:: none

	>> ECGw = ECGwrapper( 'recording_name', 'd:\mariano\misc\ecg-kit\recordings\208')

	ECGw = 

	# ECGwrapper object config #

	+ECG recording: d:\mariano\misc\ecg-kit\recordings\208 (auto)
	+PID: 1/1
	+Repetitions: 1
	+Partition mode: ECG_overlapped
	+Function name: Null task
	+Processed: false
	>> ECGw.ECG_header

	ans = 

		 recname: '208'
		    nsig: 2
		    freq: 360
		   nsamp: 650000
		   btime: '00:00:00'
		   bdate: '01/01/2000'
		     spf: [2x1 double]
		baseline: [2x1 double]
		   units: [2x2 char]
		   fname: [2x7 char]
		   group: [2x1 double]
		     fmt: [2x1 double]
		    gain: [2x1 double]
		  adcres: [2x1 double]
		 adczero: [2x1 double]
		 initval: [2x1 double]
		   cksum: [2x1 double]
		   bsize: [2x1 double]
		    desc: [2x5 char]

Then we get the first 1000 signal samples using the ``read_signal`` method.
.. code-block:: none

	>> plot(ECGw.read_signal(1,1000))

as result we obtain the following plot

.. image:: read_signal_example.png

Other resources

-  ` <>`__
-  `Telemetric and Holter ECG Warehouse
   (THEW) <>`__
-  `Pablo Laguna research group at University of
   Zaragoza <>`__
-  `Computing in Cardiology <>`__

See Also

 :doc:`ECGtask <ECGtask>` \| :doc:`Examples <examples>`

.. _`MIT format`:
.. _`ISHNE format`:
.. _`American Heart Association ECG Database`:
.. _`AHA in Physionet`: