ECG-Kit 1.0

File: <base>/help/sphinx/source/Matlab_format.rst (1,262 bytes)

Matlab file format

The ecg-kit allows users to use Matlab native format to store and access recordings. For using it,
ensure that your mat file follows these naming convention:
 1. Your signal variable must be named ``'sig', 'signal' or 'ECG'``. Remember that the signals or leads 
    must be placed column-wise, that is ``signal = [ lead1 lead2 lead3 ... lead_nsig]``.
 2. The header or signal information must be stored in a struct named ``'header', 'heasig' or 'hea'``.
 3. (Optional) In case of including annotations or QRS detections, be sure to be a struct named ``'ann', 
    'annotations' or 'qrs'`` and which includes the fields described for the MIT format in `Physionet <>`__.

    * time: the time within the recording (recorded in the annotation file as the sample number of the sample to which the annotation "points")
    * anntyp [sic]: a numeric annotation code (see ecgcodes.h for definitions)
    * subtyp [sic], chan, num: three small integers (between -128 to 127) that specify context-dependent attributes (see the documentation for each database for details)
    * aux: a free text string

See the ``ecg-kit\common\matformat_definitions.m`` for more details.