ECG-Kit 1.0

File: <base>/help/sphinx/source/getting_started.rst (1,722 bytes)

Getting Started

.. toctree::

   Release notes <release-notes>
   Be in touch <contact>


The easiest way to install the latest stable version is downloading the project in `zip or tgz <>`__. If you want the latest development version, clone the master branch with your favorite GIT client. `Here <>`__ you can find one for each supported platform, and a nice GUI for Windows called `Tortoise <>`__. Then go to an empty folder, right click there and select *Git Clone*


or execute in the shell:

.. code:: 

	git clone --recursive

To install the kit, after unpacking or cloning the kit to
'your\_installation\_folder', then type in Matlab

.. code:: 

    cd 'your_installation_folder'

Here you have a `Youtube <>`__ video
of a typical installation. You can try then the ``examples.m`` script in order to check the correct
installation in some included recordings:

.. code:: 


or if you want to try in your own recordings:

.. code:: 

     examples('1/1', 'C:\Your_own_recordings\')

The use of this script is explained more in detail in the
:doc:`Examples <examples>` section.


Uninstallation is as easy as typing:

.. code:: 


`Here <>`__ 
you can check a typical uninstallation video as well

.. |image1| image:: tortoisegit-gitclone.png