ECG-Kit 1.0

File: <base>/help/sphinx/source/plot_ecg_strip.rst (8,505 bytes)

Plotting signals and task results

Low level function to produce charts and interactively browse signals
and annotations produced by other ECGtasks
Some of the relevant features:

 - User can interact using mouse shortcuts with several aspects of the
   visualization, such as zoom, pan and measurements.
 - Information of the multilead wave boundaries can be added to the ECG,
   for example the delineation obtained with wavedet.
 - It can "pretty" present the ECG charts for printing to pdf
 - It can be easily added to your project for debug or result
   presentation through its versatile interface.

The mouse interaction was adapted from the `Dragzoom <>`__
function, by Evgeny Pr.


The function prototype is the following.

.. code::

             function ECG_hdl = plot_ecg_strip( ECG, varargin )

This function accepts as arguments the arg_name/arg_val method described below.
- ECG: [numeric | char | ECGwrapper] REQUIRED. 
  Signal matrix of dimension ``[nsamp nsig]`` where:

  - nsamp: time length in samples
  - nsig: number of ECG leads or number of signals.

  A recording full-path filename or an ECGwrapper object are also accepted.

- ECG_header: [struct] OPTIONAL. Description of the ECG typically available in the
  header. See :ref:`ECG header <ECG_header_description>` description.

- Start_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. ``0 (default)``

- End_time: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start time in seconds. ``end (default)``

- QRS_locations: [numeric] OPTIONAL. QRS complex detection samples. ``[] (default)``

- QRS_start_index: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Start at the i-th QRS_start_index heartbeat
  in QRS_locations, or ``QRS_locations(QRS_start_index)``. ``1 (default)``

- QRS_complexes: [numeric] OPTIONAL. Display the amount of QRS_start_complexes 
  heartbeats from the QRS_start_index. ``QRS_start_index + 10 (default)``

- Lead_offset: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A DC value ``[nsig 1]`` to be added to each lead. ``zeros(nsig,1) (default)``

- Lead_gain: [numeric] OPTIONAL. A value ``[nsig 1]`` to be multiplied by each lead. ``ones(nsig,1) (default)``

- ECG_delineation_single_lead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct of size ``[nsig 1]`` described
  :ref:`here <delineation_struct>`. Each field of size ``[1 nhb]``, being ``nhb`` the amount of heartbeats. 
  If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an ``ECG_delineation`` task. ``[] (default)``

- ECG_delineation_multilead: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Annotation struct with the same fields of and characteristics of 
  ``ECG_delineation_single_lead``. If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an ``ECG_delineation`` task. 
  ``[] (default)``

- Heartbeat_classification: [struct/ECGwrapper] OPTIONAL. Heartbeat labels provided as a struct with the following fields

  - time, an array of ``[nhb 1]`` with the sample locations of each heartbeat.

  - anntyp, a char array of ``[nhb 1]`` with the label of each heartbeat, according to `Physionet <>`__
    or the `EC-57 AAMI recommendation <>`__. Commonly N, S, V, F, Q.

  If an ECGwrapper was provided, it tries to get results from an ``ECG_heartbeat_classifier`` task. ``[] (default)``
- Title: [string] OPTIONAL. Description title. ``[recname - time interval] (default)``
- DetailLevel: [string] OPTIONAL. The details included in the ECG plot depends on the zoom level and the data provided.
  Possible values: 
  - 'all', overprint all info available.
  - 'single-lead', overprint ECG delineation results.
  - 'multilead', overprint ECG multilead delineation results.
  - ``'none' (default)``, display only signals.

- OnlyECG: Display only ECG signals. Filter non-ECG signals based on their descriptions in ``ECG_header.desc`` field.
- FilterECG: Perform standard noise removal on ECG signals. Low pass @ 35Hz and baseline wander removal by cubic splines or median filtering.
- PrettyPrint: [bool] OPTIONAL. Prepare the plot for printing as a PDF. ``false (default)``

- ReportFilename: a string with the full filename to export screen captures. ``[signal_path\signal_name.pdf] (default)``
- Figure_handle: [axes handle] OPTIONAL. Choose the figure to display the plot. ``gca (default)``


Mouse interaction

- Keyboard hotkeys

  **h**                         : Show this help
  **+**                         : Zoom plus
  **-**                         : Zoom minus
  **d**                         : Toggle the detail level of the annotations
  **a**                         : Toggle the annotations graph mode.
  **0**                         : Set default axes (reset to original view)
  **c**                         : On/Off pointer in crosshair mode
  **g**                         : If pressed and holding, change lead gain with scroll
  **o**                         : If pressed and holding, change lead offset with scroll
  **x**                         : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for X axis
  **y**                         : If pressed and holding, zoom and drag works only for Y axis
  **m**                         : If pressed and holding, Magnifier mode on
  **p**                         : On/Off paper mode
  **r**                         : Export format (PDF/PNG)
  **s**                         : Export current view
- Normal mode

  **single-click and holding LB** : Activation Drag mode
  **single-click and holding RB** : Activation rubber band for region zooming
  **single-click MB**             : Activation measuring rubber band mode
  **scroll wheel MB**             : Activation Zoom mode
  **double-click LB, RB, MB**     : Reset to Original View

- Magnifier mode (**m** key)

  **single-click LB**             : Not Used
  **single-click RB**             : Not Used
  **single-click MB**             : Reset Magnifier to Original View
  **scroll MB**                   : Change Magnifier Zoom
  **double-click LB**             : Increase Magnifier Size
  **double-click RB**             : Decrease Magnifier Size


The easiest way of invoking this function is via an ECGwrapper object:

.. code-block:: none

	>> plot_ecg_strip(ECGw)

	# plot_ecg_strip help #

	Mouse actions:

	  Normal mode:
		  single-click and holding LB : Activation Drag mode
		  single-click and holding RB : Activation Rubber Band for region zooming
		  single-click MB             : Activation 'Extend' Zoom mode
		  scroll wheel MB             : Activation Zoom mode
		  double-click LB, RB, MB     : Reset to Original View
	  Magnifier mode:
		  single-click LB             : Not Used
		  single-click RB             : Not Used
		  single-click MB             : Reset Magnifier to Original View
		  scroll MB                   : Change Magnifier Zoom
		  double-click LB             : Increase Magnifier Size
		  double-click RB             : Decrease Magnifier Size

	Hotkeys in 2D mode:

		  'h'                         : Show help
		  '+'                         : Zoom plus
		  '-'                         : Zoom minus
		  'd'                         : Toggle the detail level of the annotations
		  'a'                         : Toggle the annotations graph mode
		  '0'                         : Set default axes (reset to original view)
		  'c'                         : On/Off pointer in crosshair mode
		  'g'                         : Change lead gain with scroll
		  'o'                         : Change lead offset with scroll
		  'x'                         : Zoom and drag works only for X axis
		  'y'                         : Zoom and drag works only for Y axis
		  'm'                         : If pressed and holding, Magnifier mode on
		  'p'                         : On/Off paper mode
		  'r'                         : Format of the exported file (PDF/PNG)
		  's'                         : Export current view

As you can see, the basic help is displayed, and this figure is shown as a result:

.. image:: plot_ecg_strip.png

See Also

 :doc:`Plot ECG mosaic <plot_ecg_mosaic>` \| :doc:`ECGwrapper <ECGwrapper>`