ECG-Kit 1.0

File: <base>/help/sphinx/source/release-notes.rst (867 bytes)

Release notes

The toolbox is in beta testing now, please report any problem you may
found as an issue `here <>`__.
The toolbox has been mostly tested in Windows and Linux platforms, if 
you are a Mac user, we appreciate your feedback for any issue.

It was tested in Matlab versions from R2012a to R2014b. Our recommendation
is to avoid using versions 2014x, since the graphical engine was changed
and several performance issues were discovered. At the time of writing this
document, R2015a was released but not tested yet, so we suggest 2013x for 
best performance.

Octave 4 was recently released and tested, however the object oriented 
programming feature is too "green" to make the toolbox fully compatible yet.
We hope that the toolbox will be working soon in the next versions of Octave
release 4.x.