Gesture Recognition and Biometrics ElectroMyogram (GRABMyo) 1.1.0

File: <base>/MotionSequence.txt (630 bytes)
MotionName = [{'Lateral Prehension'},{'Thumb Adduction'},{'Thumb and Little Finger Opposition'},...
    {'Thumb and Index Finger Opposition'},{'Thumb and Index Finger Extension'},{'Thumb and Little Finger Extension'},...
    {'Index and Middle Finger Extension'},{'Little Finger Extension'},{'Index Finger Extension'},...
    {'Thumb Finger Extension'},{'Wrist Extension'},{'Wrist Flexion'},...
    {'Forearm Supination'},{'Forearm Pronation'},{'Hand Open'},...
    {'Hand Close'}, {'Rest'}];

The gestures are ordered in this sequence from 1 to 17. Copy paste the lines above to add gesture names to the data variables.