Open Access Dataset and Toolbox of High-Density Surface Electromyogram Recordings 1.0.0

File: <base>/random_dataset/subject11_session1/random_force_sample2.hea (398 bytes)
random_force_sample2 5 100 2500
random_force_sample2.dat 16 164311.5034(12458)/V 0 0 12670 -10982 0 thumb
random_force_sample2.dat 16 161772.4019(4255)/V 0 0 5054 30799 0 index
random_force_sample2.dat 16 157556.3783(13936)/V 0 0 14065 -2308 0 middle
random_force_sample2.dat 16 184203.2774(10710)/V 0 0 10539 7447 0 ring
random_force_sample2.dat 16 617080.9793(-10512)/V 0 0 -16334 28090 0 little