Open Access Dataset and Toolbox of High-Density Surface Electromyogram Recordings 1.0.0

File: <base>/random_dataset/subject11_session1/random_force_sample3.hea (387 bytes)
random_force_sample3 5 100 2500
random_force_sample3.dat 16 108259.8209(5710)/V 0 0 7813 31113 0 thumb
random_force_sample3.dat 16 171519.0536(19919)/V 0 0 20810 23749 0 index
random_force_sample3.dat 16 316864.9067(-2677)/V 0 0 -2345 22459 0 middle
random_force_sample3.dat 16 280707.6159(11246)/V 0 0 8767 32394 0 ring
random_force_sample3.dat 16 359760.65(663)/V 0 0 -708 10 0 little