Open Access Dataset and Toolbox of High-Density Surface Electromyogram Recordings 1.0.0

File: <base>/random_dataset/subject11_session1/random_force_sample5.hea (402 bytes)
random_force_sample5 5 100 2500
random_force_sample5.dat 16 324088.8186(-21827)/V 0 0 -21366 -12160 0 thumb
random_force_sample5.dat 16 170639.2397(10450)/V 0 0 10999 5357 0 index
random_force_sample5.dat 16 156196.9683(16882)/V 0 0 17102 -14255 0 middle
random_force_sample5.dat 16 262240.8964(19799)/V 0 0 20436 -27063 0 ring
random_force_sample5.dat 16 487277.8645(20117)/V 0 0 20751 15525 0 little