Open Access Dataset and Toolbox of High-Density Surface Electromyogram Recordings 2.0.0

File: <base>/1dof_dataset/subject02_session1/1dof_force_finger2_sample3.hea (429 bytes)
1dof_force_finger2_sample3 5 100 2500
1dof_force_finger2_sample3.dat 16 944566.1574(19848)/V 0 0 17550 -892 0 thumb
1dof_force_finger2_sample3.dat 16 142769.3782(9455)/V 0 0 9248 -2313 0 index
1dof_force_finger2_sample3.dat 16 1355688.8705(-16616)/V 0 0 -16268 -11979 0 middle
1dof_force_finger2_sample3.dat 16 1434004.3764(1619)/V 0 0 5421 -22007 0 ring
1dof_force_finger2_sample3.dat 16 1208000(2919)/V 0 0 8136 13636 0 little