A multi-camera and multimodal dataset for posture and gait analysis 1.0.0

File: <base>/processed_data_description.txt (1,281 bytes)

"processed" data folder is structured as:

 │   ├─participant01_left_0.3   
 │   │      (...)
 │   └─participant01_straight_0.7
 │       ├─participant01_straight_0.7_corridor1
 │       │          (...)
 │       └─participant01_straight_0.7_corridor3
 │           ├─(aligned_skeleton_2d_gait.csv)
 │           ├─(aligned_skeleton_2d_posture.csv)
 │           ├─(aligned_skeleton_3d.csv)
 │           ├─(normalized_skeleton_3d.csv)
 │           └─(synchronized_data_idx.csv)
 │   (...)

Files description:

-(aligned_skeleton_2d_gait.csv)     -projected skeleton joint positions in 2D image space of gait camera (pixel units).
-(aligned_skeleton_2d_posture.csv)  -projected skeleton joint positions in 2D image space of posture camera (pixel units).
-(aligned_skeleton_3d.csv)          -skeleton joint positions in 3D space relative to posture camera (meter units).
-(normalized_skeleton_3d.csv)       -skeleton joint positions in 3D space in normalized referential, centered root joint and 0º orientation (meter units).
-(synchronized_data_idx.csv)        -indexes of each of the data modalities which align in time.