PhysioNet Cardiovascular Signal Toolbox 1.0.0

function [F1,Se,PPV,Nb] = run_sqi(refqrs,testqrs,thres,margin,windowlen,fs)
% sqi = run_sqi(refqrs,testqrs,thres,margin,windowlen,fs)
% compare two sets of annotation with one as the reference (refqrs) and one
% as the test (testqrs)
% inputs
%     refqrs:       reference qrs annotation (in sec)
%     testqrs:      test qrs annotations (in sec)
%     thres:        threshold (in sec,default 0.05s)
%     margin:       margin time not include in comparison (in sec,default 2s)
%     windowlen:    length of the comparison window (in sec,default 60s)
%     fs:           sampling frequency
% output
%     sqi: match proportion according to some criteria you can change
%     depending on what you are looking for (can be Se, PPV or F1 measure).
%     See at the end of the function.
% When using this work, then please cite [1] and [2]:
%     [1] Behar Joachim, Oster Julien, Qiao Li, Clifford Gari D. Signal Quality
%     During Arrhythmia and its Application to False Alarm Reduction. 
%     IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 60(6). 1660-6. 2013.
%     [2] Li, Qiao, Roger G. Mark, and Gari D. Clifford. "Robust heart rate estimation 
%     from multiple asynchronous noisy sources using signal quality indices and 
%     a Kalman filter." Physiological measurement 29.1 (2008): 15.
% PCinCC2014, version 1.0, June 2014
% Released under the GNU General Public License
% Copyright (C) 2014  Joachim Behar
% Oxford university, Intelligent Patient Monitoring Group - Oxford 2014
% Updates: 
% 07-02-2014
% JB- testes with Octave -> running OK 
% 02-10-2014
% Bug fix: Dealing with annotations close to the border of the search
% window. Lines 70 - 100
% David Springer
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
% Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
% option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% Public License for more details.

% == managing inputs
if nargin<2; error('bsqi: wrong number of input arguments \n'); end;
if nargin<3; thres=0.05; end;
if nargin<4; margin=2; end;
if nargin<5; windowlen=60; end;
if nargin<6; fs=1000; end;

if size(refqrs,1)>size(refqrs,2); refqrs=refqrs';end
if size(testqrs,1)>size(testqrs,2); testqrs=testqrs';end

start = margin*fs;
stop = (windowlen-margin)*fs;
refqrs = refqrs*fs; % convert into samples from time
testqrs = testqrs*fs; % convert into samples from time

    refqrs  = refqrs(refqrs>start & refqrs<stop)'; % reference annotations
    testqrs = testqrs(testqrs>start & testqrs<stop)'; % test annotations
    if ~isempty(refqrs)
        NB_REF  = length(refqrs);
        NB_TEST = length(testqrs);

        % == removing borders problems
        indbord = find(refqrs<thres*fs | refqrs>(windowlen-thres)*fs); % reference QRS at the border
        if ~isempty(indbord)
            [IndMatchBord,DistQRSbord] = dsearchn(testqrs,refqrs(indbord));
            Indeces_below_threshold = DistQRSbord<thres*fs; %Added line to find indices of annotation of interest (refqrs) below threshold (02-10-14)
            IndMatchBord = IndMatchBord(Indeces_below_threshold);
            NB_QRS_BORD = length(indbord); % QRS at the border of the window (0,1,2)
            NB_MATCHING = length(IndMatchBord); % nb of corresponding mathing QRS (0,1,2)
            if isempty(IndMatchBord); 
                refqrs(indbord) = []; 
            elseif NB_MATCHING<NB_QRS_BORD
                refqrs(indbord(~Indeces_below_threshold)) = []; %Removing other indices not below threshold (02-10-14)

        indbord = find(testqrs<thres*fs | testqrs>(windowlen-thres)*fs); % reference QRS at the border
        if ~isempty(indbord)
            [IndMatchBord,DistQRSbord] = dsearchn(refqrs,testqrs(indbord));
            Indeces_below_threshold = DistQRSbord<thres*fs; %Added line to find indices of annotation of interest (testqrs) below threshold (02-10-14)
            IndMatchBord = IndMatchBord(Indeces_below_threshold);
            NB_QRS_BORD = length(indbord); % QRS at the border of the window (0,1,2)
            NB_MATCHING = length(IndMatchBord); % nb of corresponding mathing QRS (0,1,2)
            if isempty(IndMatchBord); 
                testqrs(indbord) = []; 
            elseif NB_MATCHING<NB_QRS_BORD
                testqrs(indbord(~Indeces_below_threshold)) = []; %Removing other indices not below threshold (02-10-14)

        % == core function
        [IndMatch,Dist] = dsearchn(refqrs,testqrs);         % closest ref for each point in test qrs
        IndMatchInWindow = IndMatch(Dist<thres*fs);         % keep only the ones within a certain window
        NB_MATCH_UNIQUE = length(unique(IndMatchInWindow)); % how many unique matching
        TP = NB_MATCH_UNIQUE;                               % number of identified ref QRS
        FN = NB_REF-TP;                                     % number of missed ref QRS
        FP = NB_TEST-TP;                                    % how many extra detection?
        Se  = TP/(TP+FN);
        PPV = TP/(FP+TP);
        F1 = 2*Se*PPV/(Se+PPV);                             % accuracy measure

        Nb.TP = TP;
        Nb.FN = FN;
        Nb.FP = FP;
catch ME
