plt - Software for 2D Plots 2.5

File: <base>/plt/src/lwcat (8,920 bytes)
#! /bin/sh
# file: lwcat		P. Albrecht and G. Moody
#			Last revised:	25 March 2009
# Add prolog and epilog to lwplt output to make a complete PostScript document
# Usage:
#   lwcat [OPTION ...] [FILE ...]
# Use the FILE argument to specify the name(s) of the input file(s), which
# should have been created by lwplt (i.e., plt -T lw). If no FILE is specified,
# lwcat reads its standard input.  OPTIONs and FILEs may be given in any order,
# but all options are interpreted before any files are processed.
# By default, lwcat spools its output directly to the default printer via lpr.
# Command-line options may be given to modify this behavior:
#  -no	spool the output, but don't eject the page (use this option if you
#	wish to overlay the output with additional material produced by another
#	program, such as troff)
#  -ps  write PostScript to the standard output (do not spool)
#  -psv collect PostScript in a temporary file and view with gv (ghostscript)
#  -gv  same as -psv
#  -eps	write EPSF (encapsulated PostScript format) to the standard output
#	(do not spool)
#  -pdf write PDF (portable document format) to the standard output (do not
#       spool)
#  -png write PNG (portable network graphics) format to the standard output
#	(do not spool)
# Note that the output produced using -eps is only a close approximation to
# EPSF;  it is acceptable to LaTeX's epsfig package, at least.
# By default, the output appears within a 6.75x6 inch window, the lower
# left corner of which is positioned 1 inch from the left edge and 3.5 inches
# from the bottom edge of the page.  Additional command-line options may be
# used to modify the size and location of the output:
#  -landscape   use landscape mode (rotate plot 90 degrees counterclockwise)
#  -sq	   plot in a 6x6 inch window, 1.25 inches from the left edge and 3.5
#	    inches from the bottom edge
#  -t      plot in a 6.25x6.25 inch window, positioned as for -sq
#  -t2     plot in a 6.25x4 inch window, positioned as for -sq
#  -CinC   plot in a 4.75x3.15 inch window, positioned as for -sq
#  -sq2	   plot in a 4.5x5.5 inch window, 2.5 inches from left and bottom edges
#  -v      plot in a 7x9.5 inch window, 0.75 inches from left and bottom edges
#  -v2     plot in a 7x8.5 inch window, positioned as for -v
#  -va4    plot in a 190x275 mm window, centered on an A4 sheet
#  -full   plot in a 7.5x10 inch window, centered on an 8.5x11 inch sheet
#  -slide  plot in a 7.5x5 inch window, 0.5 inches from the left edge and 3
#	    inches from the bottom edge (3:2 aspect ratio, as for 35mm slides)
#  -screen plot in a 7.5x5.625 inch window, 0.5 inches from the left edge and
#           2.375 inches from the bottom edge (4:3 screen aspect ratio)
#  -golden plot in a 7.5x4.635 inch window, 0.5 inches from the left edge and
#	    3.365 inches from the bottom edge, approx. the "golden ratio",
#	    (1+sqrt(5))/2 = 1.61803...
#  -strip  plot in a 8x0.8 inch window
#  -custom plot in a custom window (see below)
# Other window options can be easily added by adding additional WDEF, LDEF,
# and H settings as shown below.  WDEF is a string containing 5 numbers
# separated by spaces.  The first number is a font scaling factor.  The next
# two numbers are the X and Y coordinates (in inches) of the lower left corner
# of the window, and the last two numbers are the X and Y coordinates of the
# upper right corner.  LDEF is defined in the same way as WDEF, but is used
# only when making landscape plots;  the X and Y coordinates are those on the
# rotated, translated page.  H is used together with LDEF;  it is the
# translation (the distance in inches) between the origins of the unrotated
# and rotated page coordinate systems (usually the length of the short edge of
# the sheet).
# The -custom option reads up to 5 arguments that follow it; in order, these
# arguments are:
#    width (default: 5)
#    height (default: same as width)
#    left margin (default: 0)
#    bottom margin (default: same as left margin)
#    font scaling factor (default: 1)
# If any of these are omitted, the defaults are used instead.  If one of the
# 5 arguments immediately following -custom begins with '-', lwcat assumes that
# -custom's argument list has ended, and it treats the remaining arguments as
# ordinary options.  The units of width, height, and margins are inches.  For
# example:
#    lwcat -custom 5 7 0.5
# sets up to make a plot 5 inches wide, 7 inches high, with 0.5 inch left and
# bottom margins.

# By default, lwcat prints a single copy.  Multiple copies can be produced
# using the options -c2, -c3, -c4, -c5, or -c6;  this will almost always be
# much faster than rerunning lwcat, since the document is downloaded and
# rasterized only once when using these options.  To print more than 6 copies,
# repeat or combine these options as needed, e.g., to print ten copies, use
#  lwcat -c4 -c6 ...
# (or lwcat -c5 -c5, etc.) These options are ignored if EPSF output has been
# selected.

# `make' inserts the correct directory name in PLTPRO during installation.

# Send the output to 'gvcat' if running in a Cygwin terminal emulator, or to
# 'lpr' otherwise (command-line options may override this, see below).
if [ x$TERM = xcygwin ]


LDEF="0.90 0.75 0.75 10.25  7.75"

# Interpret command-line arguments
while [ "$1" != "" ]
case "$OPT" in
# Process spooling and format options
	-no)	C="";;
	-eps)	if [ "x$SPOOLER" != "xgvcat" ]; then
	-pdf)	SPOOLER="EPSTOPDF --filter"; EPSF=yes;;
	-png)	SPOOLER=BINDIR/pltpng; EPSF=yes;;
	-ps)	SPOOLER=cat;;
	-psv)   SPOOLER=BINDIR/gvcat;;
	-gv)    SPOOLER=BINDIR/gvcat;;
# Process window options
	-sq)	WDEF="0.80 1.25 3.50  7.25  9.50"
		LDEF="0.80 3.50 1.25  9.50  7.25"; H=8 ;;
	-sq2)	WDEF="0.55 2.50 2.50  7.00  8.00"
		LDEF="0.55 2.50 2.50  8.00  7.00"; H=7.75 ;;
	-t)	WDEF="0.80 1.25 3.50  7.50  9.50"
		LDEF="0.80 3.50 1.25  9.50  7.50"; H=8.25 ;;
	-t2)	WDEF="0.80 1.25 3.50  7.50  7.50"
		LDEF="0.80 3.50 1.25  7.50  7.50"; H=8.25 ;;
	-v)	WDEF="0.90 0.75 0.75  7.75 10.25"
		LDEF="0.90 0.75 0.75 10.25  7.75"; H=8.5 ;;
	-v2)	WDEF="0.90 0.75 0.75  7.75  9.25"
	        LDEF="0.90 0.75 0.75  9.25  7.75"; H=8.5 ;;
	-va4)   WDEF="0.90 0.40 0.40  7.87 11.30"
	        LDEF="0.90 0.40 0.40 11.30  7.87"; H=8.22 ;;
	-CinC)	WDEF="0.60 1.25 3.50  6.00  6.65"
		LDEF="0.60 3.50 1.25  6.65  6.00"; H=6.75 ;; 
	-full)	WDEF="0.90 0.50 0.50  8.00 10.50"
		LDEF="0.90 0.50 0.50 10.50  8.00"; H=8.5 ;;
	-slide)	WDEF="0.90 0.50 3.00  8.00  8.00"
		LDEF="0.90 3.00 0.50  8.00  8.00"; H=8.5 ;;
	-screen)WDEF="0.90 0.50 2.375 8.00  8.00"
		LDEF="0.90 2.375 0.50 8.00  8.00"; H=8.5 ;;
	-golden)WDEF="0.90 0.50 3.365 8.00  8.00"
		LDEF="0.90 3.365 0.50 8.00  8.00"; H=8.5 ;;
        -strip) WDEF="0.50 0.50 0.50  8.50  1.30"
	        LDEF="0.50 0.50 0.50  1.30  8.50"; H=8.5 ;;
        -custom) X0=0; WIDTH=5; FSCL=1
		if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then
		    case $1 in
			-*) ;;
			*) WIDTH=$1; shift ;;
		if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then
		    case $1 in
			-*) ;;
			*) HEIGHT=$1; shift ;;
		if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then
		    case $1 in
			-*) ;;
			*) X0=$1; shift ;;
		if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then
		    case $1 in
			-*) ;;
			*) Y0=$1; shift ;;
		if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then
		    case $1 in
			-*) ;;
			*) FSCL=$1; shift ;;
	        X1=`echo $WIDTH + $X0 | bc`
		Y1=`echo $HEIGHT + $Y0 | bc`
		WDEF="$FSCL $X0 $Y0 $X1 $Y1"
		LDEF="$FSCL $Y0 $X0 $Y1 $X1"
		H=`echo $WIDTH + $X0` ;;
# Add other window options here (see comments on WDEF above)
	-landscape)     LANDSCAPE=yes ;;
# Process multi-copy options
	-c2)	C="copypage $C ";;
	-c3)	C="copypage copypage $C " ;;
	-c4)	C="copypage copypage copypage $C" ;;
	-c5)	C="copypage copypage copypage copypage $C" ;;
	-c6)	C="copypage copypage copypage copypage copypage $C" ;;
# Complain about undefined options
	-*)	echo "Argument error: $OPT" >/dev/tty; exit ;;
# Collect input file names

export WDEF

# Generate output
if [ "$EPSF" != "" ]
	# disable any multi-copy options selected
	# Generate EPS header, including bounding box
	BINDIR/makeplthead $WDEF
        C="$C showpage"
	# Write default header and bounding box
	echo "%!"
	echo "%%BoundingBox: 54 54 556 737"

# write the prolog

if [ "$LANDSCAPE" != "" ]
       echo "/LS      { 90 rotate 0 $H 72 mul neg translate} def"

if [ "$WDEF" != "" ]
	echo "/WSUBST { pop pop pop pop pop $WDEF} def"

if [ "$FILES" = "" ]
then	FILES="-"
for i in $FILES
	echo INIT
	cat $i

echo $C CLOSE
if [ "$EPSF" != "" ]
	# Append EPS trailer
	echo "%%EOF"
        echo "%%EndDocument"