Waveform Database Software Package (WFDB) for Python 4.1.0

File: <base>/wfdb/io/util.py (2,696 bytes)
A module for general utility functions
import math
import os

from typing import Sequence, Tuple

def lines_to_file(file_name: str, write_dir: str, lines: Sequence[str]):
    Write each line in a list of strings to a text file.

    file_name: str
        The base name of the file
    write_dir : str
        The output directory in which the file is to be written.
    lines : list
        The lines to be written to the text file.


    with open(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        for l in lines:

def is_monotonic(items: Sequence) -> bool:
    Determine whether elements in a list are monotonic. ie. unique
    elements are clustered together.

    ie. [5,5,3,4] is, [5,3,5] is not.

    items : Sequence
        The input elements to be checked.

        Whether the elements are monotonic (True) or not (False).

    prev_elements = set({items[0]})
    prev_item = items[0]

    for item in items:
        if item != prev_item:
            if item in prev_elements:
                return False
            prev_item = item

    return True

def downround(x, base):
    Round <x> down to nearest <base>.

    x : str, int, float
        The number that will be rounded down.
    base : int, float
        The base to be rounded down to.

        The rounded down result of <x> down to nearest <base>.

    return base * math.floor(float(x) / base)

def upround(x, base):
    Round <x> up to nearest <base>.

    x : str, int, float
        The number that will be rounded up.
    base : int, float
        The base to be rounded up to.

        The rounded up result of <x> up to nearest <base>.

    return base * math.ceil(float(x) / base)

def overlapping_ranges(
    ranges_1: Tuple[int, int], ranges_2: Tuple[int, int]
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    Given two collections of integer ranges, return a list of ranges
    in which both input inputs overlap.

    From: https://stackoverflow.com/q/40367461

    Slightly modified so that if the end of one range exactly equals
    the start of the other range, no overlap would be returned.
    return [
        (max(first[0], second[0]), min(first[1], second[1]))
        for first in ranges_1
        for second in ranges_2
        if max(first[0], second[0]) < min(first[1], second[1])